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K Gun Special

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Posts posted by K Gun Special

  1. They haven't already made this abundantly clear to you?


    There isn't a player on this team that I wouldn't listen to offers for. That doesn't mean give him away but please, call and make me an offer.




    Trade Evans if we can get enough in return.


    I would question the impact it would have on Stevie, he hasnt established himself and def benefited from the extra attention Evans received, well at least Evans received something last year.

  2. I see your point. But a bunch of late round picks hitting their stride isnt enough to compete and win in this division and certainly not with this schedule. I do expect them to look better but not win many more games.


    Fitz- QB's generally dont improve accuracy in their 8th year in the NFL, he has a big problem with setting his feet right when he delivers the ball. He's never been accurate and prob will never be. He will likely improve in his feel for the offense which should help his production. He was pretty comfortable with the Cinci offense when he filled in for Carson but it didnt help much.


    Jackson- Mileage isnt the issue, age is. He an above average back, he cant run you over or burn by you but is slippery. Not a game changer.


    OL- The interior should be better, they still have a really hard time generating push on running plays. OT is a huge weakness and might get Fitz killed.


    D- DL should be a strong point but that may be overshadowed by the shaky LB core. The x-factors will be Barnett and Merriman, without them playing great dont expect a bunch of 7th rounders and d-1aa guys to lead a stellar defense. The secondary should be fine.

  3. You are, of course, ignoring his only 2 previous years of NFL head coaching experience, in which he went 2-for-2 in taking his team to the playoffs.


    So, to state things more accurately, except for 2 of his 3 years, he's done nothing but lose.


    Just thought that I'd do a little house-cleaning there...not that I think you'd take any opportunity to bash the team or anything...


    I know, brilliant coaching taking a team with Irvin, Aikman deion woodson and Emmitt to the playoffs. they were only 8-8 in 99 too. he was 18-14 there.


    I get your point, but lets not pretend it was coaching genius. His roster was significantly better than the one he has now.

  4. I dont know where its obvious the bills are getting better? We signed two high risk high reward players on Def, we lost a SS and replaced him with no one, our O line is not better and we have a scrap heap backfield.


    Yes its possible these players progress from their performance last year, but that happens on every friggin team in the league.

  5. So much analysis of this guy who wont even be a starter this year. He had 30 tackles last year and was only on the field because of injuries. I think if he didnt knock out Favre we wouldnt be having these threads as if he's the next ray lewis.

  6. I was one of them.


    As for dumping on ESPN, read below. Everyone says "I never watch it, ...etc" but it is hands down the primary sports news source in this country.



    WEO, most people get their sports news online, not ESPN on tv.


    ESPN is not hands down the primary source. Yahoo Sports is - http://thebiglead.com/index.php/2011/05/18/sports-online-web-traffic-for-april-2011/


    ESPN was in second by 10million visitors as of Jan this year. They are closing the gap.


    But still not hands down. Not even close.

  7. Gotta say--this guy has been breaking news for months--from the CBA to FA. Many here dumped on him when he left NFL, saying he would lose all his juice when his connections turned their backs on him. This was all predictably false.


    I guess it's still, in some circles, hip to trash ESPN as a lightweight "making news, not breaking news" outfit.



    ESPN deserves all of the trashing it gets. Doesnt mean Shef isnt on game.

  8. No controversy the players love Fitzy, they're not going to support Tyler.


    Unless . . .

    Somehow Tyler Thigpen looks like John Elway, then there could be a controversy but I doubt it.


    If the Bills continue to lose.... it is certainly possible. Remember Fitz threw for a ton of TDs but also took us out of games with INTs. Thigpen wont be better but it wont stop the mob from calling for him.

  9. The floor doesn't have to be reached until the end of the season. I think they are going to keep/resign players during the season who will fill the bill. Can't say I am happy about it though. If they can't retain Flo, this board is going to explode (and they won't sell many seasons tickets with out a big TO type signing).


    You bring up a good point and one i hadnt really considered in a while. This roster isnt going to win more games than last year as is. Poz was a decent starter but I think its a bit of a stretch to think a rookie is going to outplay him this year. We also dont have replacements for Whitner and Flo. The Oline is not better.


    Say what you will about the progression of players but other teams in the Division and conference were better and have gotten better. The Bills have not and their players development isnt going to overcome the lack of talent.


    The Bills might be better, but it wont translate into 4 more wins to bring them up to .500

  10. that sneaky buddy just made a splash.....or maybe you prefer a ripple.....


    A league source tells PFT that QB Tyler Thigpen agreed to a three-year deal with Buffalo. The Vikings were also involved in heavy discussions with Thigpen, but ultimately the former seventh-round pick of the Vikings chose the Bills instead.


    Thigpen was highly productive in Kansas City under Gailey despite an unstable situation around him. (He threw 18 touchdowns and 12 interceptions in 2008 and made some incredible plays with his feet.)





    If thats considered highly productive.....

  11. "There also was a problem with some of the NFLPA’s complaints. For instance, Smith expressed concern that the owners had agreed on a new revenue-sharing plan on how to split money among teams. While Smith can express concern, it’s not the business of the NFLPA how the owners split the money they get among themselves. The NFLPA gets to only negotiate what its share of the overall pie can be." http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/news;_ylt=AsjZkVvEdJnwHZbpEDWpJApDubYF?slug=jc-cole_nflpa_cba_goodell_evans_smith072111



    Perhaps but thats one writers opinion on the issue. Even assuming his point is valid, the others concerns, which were NOT negotiated but included in the deal, prevented the players from voting on it right away.


    In any event the article you cited ends with "Of course, the players could be the type of people who buy a house without getting an inspection.""

    Which is exactly my point and thank you for citing same.


    Again, the PA is looking over the deal, which has NEW stuff in it before voting. I dont see why that causes some people to react so violently against Smith and his team.


    I imagine if it was reversed, and the PA has voted on a deal with NEW stuff in it, that wasnt bargained, those same people would be outraged and the same targets.


    Cooler heads will prevail on this deal, the bulk of it has been agreed to.


    BUT its a ten years deal, there are significant concerns regarding the end of the term language, my understanding is that there is no opt out clause for either side like the old CBA.

  12. My take: The player's union lawyers got in the way and screwed it all up again. The union lawyers don't profit as much unless there is litigation.


    The owners aren't faultless, but the players deserve a boatload of blame for putting their trust in a bunch of incompetent morons.



    Its a deal worth Billions of dollars with some of the best lawyers in the country working on both sides.



    Has anyone on here read the reasons why the players havent voted yet? ? Like the owners including supp revenue sharing, a topic not discussed at the table, amongst others.



    Would you sign a contract that big right away knowing there is language you hadnt negotiated?


    This board is amazing in its reactionary tone..... everyone so quick to blame the players, Smith, or lawyers.

  13. CDC is a government agency, and as such, is subject to the same faults and deficiencies of any other gov't entity. They have been known to cherry pick data to suit thier purposes before, so they are not exactly an impartial organization. Just saying...

    True but everything the gov't does is not evil. In this instance they based their statements on far more credible research. This isnt something new either, the scientific community isnt divided on the issue. FN is doing a major disservice to its viewers by somehow questioning this, its one reason why their viewers are generally the most misinformed.


    Tobacco causes far more deaths than any other substance, combined.

  14. Yeah, you're right. His guns really stick out nicely with the jerseys. I like the way it looks on him.


    The players and alumni jerseys do look different.


    I have to wonder if what the players were wearing will actually be the game day jerseys.

    I say this because the striping on the sleeves looks plasticy, like the kind you find on sale at Laux or Dick's.


    Its my understanding that the real deals have the stitched striping..........

  15. Hah..was wondering when someone was going to catch that :thumbsup: To be fair, Fox did not conduct the study..just reported on it!


    Now, lot's of folks would say the same about he CDC no?


    Yes, those who watch that channel would. I mean FN used one study done in sweden to support their article. The CDC used several long term studies done by multiple entities.

    We are really talking apples and oranges.


    Simply put, the overwhelming evidence is supporting what the CDC says. But FN typically takes one study and uses it to say there's no consensus.


    Well, to be fair, when you use "fox" and "news" in the same sentence, you kind of already know what you're getting. ;)


    Indeed, we can all debate what makes the gameday experience less pleasurable, but there should be no dispute about the differential in health effects, especially on society as a whole.

  16. You don't want to use the booze analogy, but your only retort is that smoking is stupid and it kills you. Alcohol alcohol is responsible for as many deaths per year as tobacco (http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,146346,00.html) , so I will say then that drinking is stupid and kills you..your an idiot if you ever have more than two beers. Talk about a disgusting habit???


    Good god that could not be more incorrect from Foxnews.


    " More deaths are caused each year by tobacco use than by all deaths from human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), illegal drug use, alcohol use, motor vehicle injuries, suicides, and murders combine""" http://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/data_statistics/fact_sheets/health_effects/tobacco_related_mortality/index.htm

  17. As opposed to your argument, which is that millions of Colts and pats* fans are going to walk away from the game when Peyton and Brady retire?


    I dont believe I ever said millions. But the numbers show a dip. The Bills haven't had any stars or success in the past few years and it has hurt attendance.


    Again, if star players didnt mean anything, and owners are going to make the same amount of money regardless, why do they pay for star players?


    As I was just borrowing from recent events and headlines, you should take your beef up with the sports media industry. I'm sure you could bring all sports writers around to your views on how things really work and what people actually think.


    The media asking that question is quite different from you using in the context of this thread in support of the notion that star players dont matter to the bottom line and can easily be replaced.

  18. Whatevs.


    It is a team game. Good teams have a defense that picks up some slack for offensive mistakes. Expecting a QB to be the magic bullet that "keeps the team in playoff contention thru December" seems like laying a lot on the guy - any guy, when last year's team was 4-11 and had a revolving door at OL and an unbelievably bad rushing defense.


    Put Brady or Manning in Buffalo, does anyone really want to assert we would have been in the playoff picture in December last year?




    I guess what I wonder about is the lack of articles "Do or Die Season for Chix and Nailey"? They've had a full year to clean house, evaluate and improve their coaching staff and scouting staff, two drafts, and two free agencies.

    What should our expectations be there? If the Bills don't significantly improve the record from 4-11, does the buck stop with Fitzy - or does the buck stop somewhere else?



    Maybe, but i would have expected either of them to clearly be able to beat out Trent in training camp. I would expect them to win a few more games at least.


    QBs cant do it all, but they certainly do the most.

  19. you support my argument


    Bills are filling the stadium yet have a team of misfits (front offioce, coaches and players) which hasn't been to the playoffs in over a decade


    no star power anyway on the roster


    yet the fans keep coming to the stadium


    yeah- Ralph has a goldmine and it does not revolve around any irreplaceable players



    No you said they keep selling out when they arent. For a low revenue team like the Bills its imperative for the future to have people in the stands buying concessions etc.

    You cannot survive long term playing at 85% capacity.


    So no It is not a goldmine.


    Look at jacksonville, a team that has problems filling the stands. They are likley to be a relocation candidate.

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