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K Gun Special

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Posts posted by K Gun Special

  1. The thing is, while Spiller didn't manage, and we didn't break big runs, FJ still managed to "move the chains" with an average of 4.2 YPA last year.


    I did think I saw improvement in run blocking this preseason when the starting OL was there. It's hard to tell though cuz guys were being moved around so much.

    We'll all know more after 2 games.


    I think that's one reason for focus on bringing in a better blocking TE with D. Martin injured.

    Yea but only 58 yards per game. While his YPC was good, we all know that the line had trouble establishing a ground game.


    I agree that we wont really know about the progress of the OL or any player until a few games in

  2. While I agree that the OL remains a weakness, I also believe it is better than it was last year. The left side is the same players as last year, but they should be better with an additional year of experience. Wood at C is an upgrade over Hangartner. Urbik had a slow start to camp, but looked good in the last couple preseason games. Pears has looked much better than Cornell Green. The lack of depth is a concern, but IMO among the starters the only spot that might be a downgrade compared to this time last year is Urbik at RG instead of Wood. Every other starting position is either an upgrade, or the same player who should have theoretically gotten better compared to last year. Even among the backups, I would feel better if they signed another quality vet and I think they should have kept Hangartner for this reason, but we had guys like Wrotto and Howard starting at various points last season who didn't make the roster this year, so I'm not convinced the depth is that much worse either. I guess we'll see in 5 days.


    I have to disagree. This is the same OL that while ok in pass protection generated virtually no push run blocking. One offseason of maturing will not be enough.

  3. I guess it depends on how you count "fresh blood"?


    Def. count Merriman, who didn't play last year. Dareus. Barnett. The starting DB are different than at the start of last season, but they were all on the roster.

    I guess you don't count them?


    So that's three, just on D.


    Do you not count the OL starters who are diff. from last year, esp. Wood at the key center position? He was on the roster - is that what's driving your counting?


    And Chandler, who was picked up in Dec. - he is starting now, don't count him?

    Jones - not the #2 or starter last year, don't count him?


    Just trying to figure out how to count "fresh blood".


    I guess to me if a guy has taken on a significant new role (changed position or become starter), it's fresh blood so I would say 5 on O and 4 on D.


    I was only considering guys who werent on the team last year, thats what I meant by way of fresh.

    I dont count guys who were backups last year and are now playing because we got rid of veterans or cut crappy guys they couldnt beat out.


    I certainly wouldnt count moving wood to center as fresh blood.


    There are really only three and all of defense.


    And i dont believe its enough to keep up with the division, our improvements dont put us on par with the other teams we see twice a year.

  4. If you admit they look better, how can that not add up to a few additional wins. They lost some very close games last year.


    well for one its preseason, and two, while they lost some close ones to some good teams they lost some bad ones to horrible teams. Fitz looked awful down the homestretch.


    Also while the roster has turned over quite a bit its resulted in only two new fresh blood starters, three if you count merriman.

  5. Maybe he is just filling because line has only 3 backups. Wouldn't want it to be permanent as the O-line needs to be more mobile and I think he is better suited for NT.


    The Bills think he projects better on the OL. Guy has trouble having a clue on defense. Being big isnt enough. Hope that was part of your 10 win season prediction.

  6. In fairness, he also had a 48 percent completion rate playing with guys off the street. I saw at least 2 drops, a couple of blown routes, and he was constantly under siege. That being said, he's still had a terrible preseason.


    In fairness, unless you've played the game and watched a ton of film, it's extremely difficult to tell if it was the WR or QB who messed up the route.

  7. Here's the video from BB.com Spiller run


    You can see it's a great job by the O-line and WRs, and it helps that Spiller is fast.


    Yes it was, and good reads by spiller. If he wants to get more PT he needs to do that far more.


    I am confused, do you mean are going to cut him in a few years because he isnt producing and is due a huge roster bonus?



  8. Freddie Jackson wasn't the 9th overall pick in the draft.


    Oh i hadnt thought of that :wallbash: :wallbash: geez.


    It still takes time for some RBs to adjust, whether you are a scrub or not. Spiller may never be good, but he has a lot more physical talent that Jackson, and he is showing more this year than last already.

  9. thats really not a fair comparrison to make, because Johnson is getting paid as one of the top players in the league.


    At one point a couple of years ago, the Bills had some of the highest paid o-linemen in the league, and they still sucked (Dockery and Walker)


    its certainly fair. Dockery and Walker were paid gobs of money while no one else would even come close to paying that much.


    The bills have repeatedly let superior talent walk for far less than Johnson money.


    The point remains that the Bills cannot be expected to compete on a regular basis with cheap talent. You think its a coincidence that our QB RB and WR are 7th rounders and an undrafted. I ask you to find another team now or even in the past five years that has had that backfield.

  10. I don't think the coaching staff wanted him to start anyway, they were going to give Trent one more chance...why I dont know.


    Stevie was a 7th round draft pick wasn't he?


    Say what you want but every year he has been in the league he has gotten better and I say the trend continues this year.


    Yes Johnson was, and WR is completely different than QB. Since something like 1984 there has been only one Super Bowl that didnt feature a first round quarterback. Wonder why.

  11. He threw for 3000 and did not start the first 2 games last year. That 214 yds per game. So he could have thrown for 3,400 last year.

    I know I have been drinking Grape koolaid but if he does we make the playoffs.


    He does have alot of weapons, if the line can keep him alive. Big IF there.



    Yes because he couldnt beat out Trent Edwards. he played well in some games last years, Ravens, but stunk against some much worse teams. Ravens game was his only real outstanding game. Against CIN he beat up on some 3rd string safeties. He had quite a few yards in garbage time as well.


    He really struggled the 2nd half of the season and turned the ball over a ton.

    In those 5 games he had 5 TDs, 6 INTs and 5 fumbles lost. He also avg 207 yards passing a game.


    You can argue whether he deserves to be 27th but honestly you cant say he should be that much higher. Hes a 7th year 7th round draft pick who hasnt produced all that much.

  12. Fitz 27th???


    what us dude smoking cause it must be some powerful sh-- :)


    I would rank Fitz about halfway 16th. If we had a better Oline I'd rank him higher.


    He has a solid run game behind him with Fred and CJ who can both catch the rock.


    He has an underrated WR core that the media will find out about just like they found out about Stevie last year.


    If he plays just a tad better than he did last year the Bills will move the ball on most teams we play this year. The only teams that will give Fitz problems is the Jets, Dallas, and the Eagles. I think we can score on the rest of the teams we play.


    I expect a better year from him because he will get more chances to move the ball because the D looks a bit better than last year.


    He can throw for 3,700 this year if it works out right.


    You think he can be top 10 in yards? Aaron Rodgers threw for 3900 so you are basically putting him near that kind of production?

  13. How many times do I have to read posts from people who think they are clever making fun of someone who has sub-par grammar by doing things like:


    interchanging their/there/they're, two/too/to, or then/than

    switching "s" and "c"

    spelling phonetically


    It's not clever, it's just annoying. Some people suck at grammar, get over it and move on. As long as I can understand what they are writing, then that's good enough for me.


    I guess it wouldn't do two much to point out you're grammatical heirs than?

  14. So you haven't seen all the stuffs at the line or all the 3-and-outs the _starting_ defenders have been getting this preseason? Or do you think you saw that last pre-season when it was starters on both sides?


    They are still giving up 136 yards a game, 27th in the league. They were 26th last preseason.


    I didnt see one three and out the first two games when the starters were in. Against Jax they had two of them, where one set of downs was three passes. So no im not see "all those 3 and outs". Jax RB when the starters were playing was avg 4.3 yds a carry.

  15. They've been stuffing opposing run games. Last pre-season the starters were getting shreaded on the ground and that carried over to the regular season. I am surprised that hasn't been obvious, but if it's not to you I apologize.


    I guess Im the type of person who wouldnt call the Defense vastly improved because of some preseason games where the opposing offenses arent game planning. If vast improvement is so obvious to you, then you must have years of football experience beyond my own. kudos. I seem to recall the Jags running 4 runs plays in a row when they scored last game.

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