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K Gun Special

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Posts posted by K Gun Special

  1. I thought they'd stay about the same, and offered the caveat that the adjustment to the 3-4 might be an issue.


    As it turns out they started off horribly, but as they adjusted to the system and the personnel they had, they finished at about the saem level they had been. 7-9 7-9 6-10 then 4-12 with three O/T losses to playoff teams isn't a dropoff.


    The improvement of the LB's has been massive. That plus Dareus plus a year of physical development for last year's 2nd and 3rd round picks (Carrington/Troup( mean the defense got a lot better and it's totally obvious to anyone watching the last three weeks.


    No its not totally obvious to anyone watching the past three weeks. They have no looked remarkably better, especially considering there has been virtually no gameplanning.


    THe LBs are better than last year, but still not good. Barnett is solid and Merriman needs to stay healthy then you have who exactly? ?

  2. That post wasn't intended to indicate any of what you wrote. It was in response to the OP claiming that the TD/Int ratio was such an important stat. It was sarcasm to illustrate how using a single stat in a vacuum is ridiculous.



    My bad, wasnt attempting to take it out of context. Just a pet peeve of mine when similar comparisons are made.

  3. Why single out Fitz, Figgy?


    Expanding this incredible analysis to other teams, you'll find that the NY Jets posted a turnover differential of +9, even though Sanchez threw for 17TDs, 13 Ints and 1 lost fumble, in 16 games. Eli Manning 31 TDs, 25 Ints and 5 fumbles lost in 16 games, Giants -3 differential. Sam Bradford 18 TDs, 15 Ints and 2 fumbles lost, ST. Louis +5 differential. David Garrard 23 TDs, 15 Ints and 4 fumbles lost, Jacksonville -15 differential. Why aren't these guys included in the ugly?


    You want to see ugly? Check out Henne, Hasselbeck, McNabb, Favre or any of Cleveland's Arizona's or Tennessee's QB by committee. Each of their respective teams had better turnover differentials despite their QBs pitiful play.


    Truth is, Fitz's stats put him in the middle of the pack. The only thing your stats prove is that our defense was the worst in the league. Is this your new crusade Fig? Defending Trent got old, so come back under a new name to crucify Fitz with an incredibly slanted sample of statistics and absurd conclusions? Phillip Rivers threw for 30 TDs, 13 Ints and 2 lost 2 fumbles, but San Diego finished -6 in differential. I suppose he fits into your Bad category?


    The bolded part is correct, the OP will see it sometime we hope.

  4. Terry Bradshaw (1), Jim Kelly (1.35), Troy Aikman (1.17), and John Elway (1.32), just to name a few, all had career TD to Interception ratios that were worse than what Fitz posted last year (1.53). Pretty "ugly" stuff for a stat that is so important. Perhaps we should have them removed from the Hall of Fame…



    This is silly. Those guys were the best of their era, when the league wasn't as pass happy. For example Kelly threw 23 TDs in 91, two less than the league leader. he threw 19 INTs.

    Compared to Fitz's 23 and 15 i guess Kelly sucks.


    btw Fitz was sacked only 1% more than Kelly, so its not just the Oline for the Fitz fanboys.


    And taking HOF career numbers from a bygone era and comparing them to a single season is also silly.

    Fitz is a 1.04 over his career and .77 before last year.


    Kelly had one season below 1.0 and his INT % was the same as Fitz's best season.


    You also fail to point out those HOF also had some pretty good RBs who took away from TD totals. Something FItz doesnt get, so his TDs are higher.

  5. I think Moats is in danger of being released, and that fans have too high an opinion of the few plays he made last year because we are sooooooo starved for a pass rush.



    +1, another late round guy who made a few plays and he becomes bigger than his actual talent level.

  6. No coicidence then that we also happened to have our two biggest rushing games in against the Browns and Lions, respectively. Or that the weather against Detroit was the absolute pits.


    I'll give you the New England game. But Fitz was publicly ashamed after that one, it was his lone stink bomb, a truly pathetic display of football and he knew it. He admitted to it, and he didn't play the following week because he was dinged up prior to laying the week 16 turd and it didn't make any sense to risk further injury.


    Yea but that doesnt explain the awful performance. Completing less than 50% of your passes against crummy D isnt explained away by a good day rushing.


    I am glad Fitz > Edwards and many before him. But he is not going to be the answer and it will play out this season. I think we are in for a dose of reality of where this team really is. I do btw think the personnel moves are trending in the right direction but it takes a long time to turn a crappy ship around.

  7. I would be an interesting concept to shape your offense 100% around mobile wildcat-like QB's who can run/throw. There could be some crazy option combinations and packages too....


    seriously... why do college coaches have way more imagination and creativity than pro coaches? The NFL is all about imitating someone else. why not create your own unique gameplan and make teams adapt against you



    Bc in college a super athlete at QB can just run past the crappy players. In the NFL those guys kill the QB. Same reason why the option never caught on, you get your QB killed.

  8. Could you please clarify your statement? You heard the same thing, but NOT specifically Merriman? That wouldn't be the same thing then. And if Rob is right and speaking the truth, then how is he just trying to 'gin up attention' as opposed to reporting to us facts he knows to be true?


    And on a hopefully completely unrelated note, Merriman isn't practicing today, according to WGR.



    Sure, I checked with someone in the know. They verified that a Bills player had been busted at the border a while back. I did'nt get the impression there was an arrest. Border agents have broad discretion. Again, this is someone who would know this type of thing.


    Rob, although being obnoxious about it, is likely correct.

  9. First you post a rumor, then you try and substantiate it by referencing two irrelevant websites that poseted it weeks ago, but call it breaking news. Now you are slowing referencing details which imply you know exactly what's going on. If you're so sure of this story, post what you know and stand behind it. Otherwise, drop it.


    My guess is that the Bills are responding to the Vick story. The commissioner of the NFL potentially interfering in player transactions particularly when he may have influenced a player to sign with one team at the expense of another is egregious. Whether or not we wanted Vick here (I for one didn't want that dog murderer on our roster), the precedent is terrible.



    I heard the same thing (although not specifically merriman) from an air tight source. I dont know the substance or i'd share. Rob is just trying to gin up attention.


    And I hate to say he's right,

  10. Isn't Merriman subject to regular testing as a previous offender? I might be wrong, but how does something that supposedly happened in late July and is "reported" on a blog 8/1 not get picked up by major media outlets if there's a hint of truth to it?



    I think people are confusing two separate issues. Border gaurds can essentially do what they want. They are not subject to the same rules as your local PD.

  11. now this is a really funny comment as it relates to the Bills brain trust and the OL



    The team has proven conclusively over the last 18 years that they are completely inept when it comes to identifying, acquiring and coaching OL talent. McNally was the only with half a clue. He's long gone, along with his diamond in the rough


    We are left with the Buddy and Chan show.


    After 2 full years of buuilidng the team in their image, Buddy comes to teh conclusion that they are short of OL talent




    So to solve the depth problem, Chan takes his most consistent OL starter in Levitre and makes him a backup - depth problem solved.


    Of course the interior of the OL now has as many holes as the OTs, but that's why we got mobile QBs.


    That continuity and consistenty thing with the OL is way overrated - just ask Chan :blink:



    You cannot be serious that Andy Levitre has been the most consistent OL. Do you watch the games ?

  12. Levitre said he didnt play well in Chicago, and he's a lot smaller than Rinehart. This line cant generate any push. We can assume that Levtitre graded out poorly on film for the Chicago game and Rinehart did much better.


    As other posters said, This guy gets a lot of love for no reason. He would do well to pay more attention to football and less to his former jill gf.

  13. Lousy offensive line...he's got that. I'm not sure about his reservations on Fitz though. I didn't see him as any great scrambler or as a guy inclined to scramble (rebmember "happy feet" rob Johnson?). I think Fitz is a good solid qb but would not have opposed the author pointing out that Brady and Sanchez are head and shoulders above him at the moment. Spiller might be good, the receivers might be good and Fitz might be good, but unless we have an offensive line we are never going to find out.


    I dont totally agree, even with a poor O line you should see flashes.

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