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K Gun Special

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Posts posted by K Gun Special

  1. I didn't read all the posts but if this was mentioned pardon me....


    # 9 pick Ragi DL

    28.5 million 18 guaranteed


    #13pick Orakpo DE

    20 mill with 12.1 guaranteed


    I don't see what the hold up is. His value is between THESE 2 picks, not what Crabtree is going to make.

    His value has been set. It is between 20 mill and 28 mill.

    The more this drags out I blame Maybin for not firing his agent and going with somebody else.


    Another case of a player getting bad advice from a wannabe high roller agent .




    A well thought out reasonable post. Thank you for making my head stop hurting.


    COrrect me if im wrong but doesnt Maybin have the same agent as Crabtree?? aaaan YAHTZEEE theres your problem. It has to be hard for a 20 yr old kid to buck his agent whos telling him to holdout for millions more dollars hes being told hes worth.

  2. Both Smith and Crabtree were at one time touted as possible #1's overall. They are making the case that extenuating circumstances are robbing them of money. I don't agree but that is their contention.


    Maybin has no such contention and is trying to attach himself to Crabtree's case. That is 100% greed.


    Its actually what most first rounders negotiate their contracts off of, the players taken befoer and after them. Regardless of whether were at one time thought of as #1's doesnt matter, they are still negotiating against the contracts given to players surrounding them.

    His agent has an idea of what he wants, and so do the Bills. At this point you have nothing to base anything off of other than your speculation. If i was in his shoes id be holding out to ge tas much as possible, the average career is short.

  3. You know, the agent who is negotiating Maybin's contract, Chelsea Fields, is also from Penn State. This might be the great Penn State Vouching Conspiracy.



    and most fans want to see Maybin in camp already....so they must be vouching for him as well...and JoePa prob told the Bills FO he was a good guy so He obviously is a terrible coach and leader.....

  4. Money is all relative, I will grant you that. Some people's services are worth more than others. Greed has to do with wanting more than you are worth in a well established market. The best checkout clerk in the history of Wal-Mart holding out for $100 an hour would be greedy whereas Bill Gates asking 3 billion for his shares of Microsoft would not.


    Maybin wanting #6 money is greed plain and simple. Nobody is saying he shouldn't get millions. Maybin is easily the greediest peron drafted in 2009.

    And getting more money won't make him any more or less "mediocre".



    And what exactly is this based on?

  5. So bc we assume poz "vouched" for Maybin and he hasnt signed like a few others drafted ahead of him havent, Poz cant lead our defense?


    Does this mean all those other teams are full of guys who cant lead bc they "vouched".


    Are you really trying to say that the Bills drafted a guy in the first round based mostly on what one guy who played with him for a year said?? I mean it couldnt have anything to do with his on field ability? ?


    So if Trent Edwards doesnt work out i think we should take Marv off the wall of fame. He probably vouched for him and certainly praised him.

  6. Running a tough camp doesnt equate to success necessarily. It helps when you have talented players, Mcnabb westbook just to name a few, who are heads and shoulders above whoever the bills have had over the years. THat is a far better indicator of success.


    Remember how easy the bills camps were during the Glory Days during the super bowl runs??

  7. It is up to the Bills to stop it. Personallly I am glad it happened in preseason because Bobby April will use it to light up his guys. His ST unit should be ashamed that they failed to cover their assignments.


    The only thing I am not sure about is what is the rule regarding when you can tackle a punter. Do you have to allow him to go through a kicking attempt? It seems to me that the Bills played the ball and not the player (expected him to punt).



    you can kill the punter if he has the ball, if you block it you can also make contact with the plunter.



    as for playing the ball youre right. You are taught to play the ball, specifically if youre trying to block the punt you are aiming for a spot in front of the punter, and the fake is designed to take advantage of this.

  8. im amazed by the bold concrete assertions being made after one preseason game. Levitre isnt ready bc he got blown off the ball one play? how do we know he wasnt supposed to have help on that play?


    Its impossible as the casual fan to determine who missed their assignment. You dont know what the assignment was, sometimes you are supposed to let a guy run around you, our youre supposed to just push him down the line and look for someone else. - yes i played in west coast offense in college, and during film reviews there were some plays, if you were a fan watching, it appeared as though an assignment was blown when in fact you were not getting a minus on the play.


    I think everyone needs to chill out, you dont know enough to evaluate the line play from watching it on TV for one game and maybe some camp practices.

  9. It applies to the NFL due to the anti-trust exemption which makes them publically traded from a legal standpoint. The Bills and Chiefs are treated like holy owned subsidiaries.


    THe antitrust exemption has notthing to do with Sarbanes and does not make them publicly traded. The teams are treated as private organizations and do not have to file reports with the SEC like a public company does. Publicly traded companies by definition need stock that trades on the exchange otherwise they are not "publicly traded". its a pretty simple legal concept, they teach in any law school. Crossing state lines doesnt having anything to do with it either. There are plenty of other private companies that cross state lines and do not have to make information public. NFL teams are jsut like them. Yuo are not entitled to know how much Brandon gets paid by the Bills bc they are private. If they were publicly traded that information could be disclosed to a shareholder.



    Who are the FA tight ends we could possibly get if no TG?

  10. Exactly. Not reporting it is serious stuff.


    Not in this case. Sarbanes only applies to publically traded companies. You cant buy stock in the Bills or Chiefs so it doesnt apply. Theres no fedreal obligation for the Bills to report a trade of a players services, those are NFL rules. NFL teams are privately held.

  11. There may be some pre-emption if the information has to cross state lines, and state disclosure laws may apply first. You may want to check that.


    state law cannot preempt federal law. professional sports have exemptions as well, which is why they are allowed to compete against each other but still collude to control the prices etc of how the leagues are run. remember the baseball exemption congress threatened to take away during steriods issue? that applies to NFL too.



    BTW No updates? anyone?

  12. Dude businesses don't get much more public than the NFL. Literally everything about them is reported. They are definitely obliged to report stuff like this promptly and the Feds don't screw around lately with Sox.


    Sox is short for Sarbanes Oxley.


    I'm not sure who would be punished but the Feds have a wide net. Goodell, Wilson, the Chiefs owner and possibly Gonzalez would be in trouble, at least potentially.



    No team in the NFL is publicly traded though. So the Act does not apply in any situation. Each NFL team is technically privately held and the Feds apply the Baseball antitrust legal theory to it in any event. The only thing a team has to report is that which is mandated by the league. thats it.

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