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Posts posted by JimmyPage

  1. Power over yardage and that makes sense to you?


    So use Marshawn on the goal line when we need one yard, he's great, but if you want big plays then Fred Jackson has proved he's the man for the job.

    A lot of fans are sucked in by this 'beast mode' garbage.


    Lynch goes out of his way to lay hits on the defense but the end result is what counts...YPC is far more important than any of this 'beast mode' .

    The people should realize that Lynch ia nothing special to NFL defenses powerwise, these defenses have seen tougher then him.

    It's far more effective to have a back like Thuman Thomas who can hit a seem and pick up big gain with ordinary blocking.

    Lynch isn't the type of back that can make an average line look much better than average.

  2. I guess we are going to find out Sunday. After watching him all year in his limited play ,he just doesn`t seem agressive enough going after the ball. Maybe he`ll show something different this week. Lets hope so. I`d like to see the Johnson kid get some throws also to see what hes got.

    No he's not ready to be a #2.

    He'll get some throws going to him but he's not at the point where he'll take over for Reed.

  3. Lori's right.


    With 18 carries he would need to average 5.5 yards per carry. The average for a great RB is approx. 4.3 yards per carry which requires approx. 23 carries to achieve. IMO, it's the running by committee approach being taken by the offense. It's not giving Marshawn enough time to get into a rhythm. Fred Jackson is great but one RB needs to be the dominant rusher during a game and I believe it should be Marshawn.

    If Lynch got 23 carries he still wouldn't average 4.3, he's closer to ordinary than great, a lot closer.

  4. i actually like that let's go bills da da da da bills thing, it is repetitive but catchy and kind of brightens my mood


    the worst thing GR does are those stupid greg buck pre-recorded nasal voice clips-i have only heard schopp play these HORRIBLE clips, i can't understand the appeal of that at all, i always turn off the radio when that ish comes on. it has to stop

    You're kidding, I hate it and would like to know which retard does it.


    That same retard does other parodies and skits, whoever it is I cannot stomach the fool.

    He is not in the least bit funny ot entertaining.

    I immediately need to turn the station or turn the radio off on any skit done by the retard in question.


    If fact this same idiot does his own parody of greg buck.

  5. While I know that Power Rankings mean absolutely nothing, I do believe that they do represent the respect a team has out there.


    Usually, whenever the Bills do well, then lose a game, they drop almost 10 spots. This week, they lost and only dropped from 4 to 6. They are still ahead of the Patriots even. I really think this shows a lot for how much people think of the Bills. It hasn't been like this for the team in a long time and when a good team loses a random game, they don't get penalized. It would appear that ESPN thinks that the Dolphins didn't beat the Bills, they beat themselves.


    Maybe dumb, but I like it

    It is dumb, this 'respect' thing is pathetic.

    Do fans really watch these rankings and these football shows on TV looking to see what the national opinion is of the Bills?

    I know that I don't care.

  6. I've never seen a group who get the highest of highs (why isn't the national media saying we are the best team ever?) after a win, and the lowest of lows (same old thing, this team sucks, Whitner blows..etc..) after a loss.


    16 game season. We aren't going to win them all. We are 5-2 and tied for first place. Last year at this time we were 3-4.


    NFL road games are tough. We have a lot of injuries. Everyone take a deep breath and settle down. It's a marathon, not a sprint.

    No reason to be a pollyanna about, just let people state their opinions.


    I'm more of a hockey fan myself and despite the Sabres good start I was pissed with the effort against Ottawa.

    I've had my fill of the Sabres not showing up against the one team they should want to beat more than any other team.


    Just what is it that you expect after this Bill's loss to miami?


  7. We all have heard the talk from Donte Whitner and know he is a great leader. I feel for all of the blame that has been tossed around to McGee, McKelvin and Ko Simpson, some of it should be passed to the Whitner. Can anyone remeber when he made a game changing interception or forced fumble (a la Ed Reed)? The two biggest plays I can think of this year are him chasing down Johnny Lee Higgins and Ted Ginn after a 60 yard reception...

    No I cannot recall very many big plays from whitner.


    But it doesn't suprise me , like I said before there are very few impact players from the safety position.


    The Bills should never have drafted him that high.

  8. Nearly everyone they have hosting on wgr is a retard.


    The very worst thing they do are the song paradies on the howard simon morning show.

    The "lets go Bills, lets go Bills, ba ba ba ba Bills" thing is absolutely gay, I jump to turn the station as soon as I start hearing that f*g sh*t.

  9. I tried to explain this before.


    I'll list the problems in order of magnitude


    1. they have NO pass rush

    2. they have an elephant offensive line that cannot run block and sometimes struggles to pick up the blitz

    3. Lynch is ordinary

    4. the backup QB is a worthless.

    5. Robert Royal is a bust


    Other than that the Bills are a good team.

  10. Geez, I was going to comment on the subject, but I guess that would be a waste at this point. Shouldn't we re-name this thread?? Maybe, I don't know, Jimmy Page or something????


    How about you start your own thread on why you hate the Bills so much and leave everyone else's threads to the subjects they were supposed to be talked about??


    And by the way, hating Jim Kelly is not where you want to be when Jesus comes back, trust me....... :thumbsup:

    I don't think Jesus worships football players.

  11. By the end of preseason 2007, I was raving about the next great NFL quarterback to the people at work. After I got back from opening day I must have been pretty po'd that the Bills were still starting JP and let everyone at work know. One of my friends at work took my words and wrote them down & asked me to sign them. Here's what he wrote for me to sign:


    Trent Edwards is Joe Montana, Dan Marino & Tom Brady all in one player."

    At that point I objected, since it didn't explain my opinion properly. I then wrote in why I felt that way:

    "The coolness of Montana, The release of Marino, The mind of Brady."

    I then signed it. It is sitting in a co-worker's desk & I have a photocopy hanging on my wall at work and have copies at home as evidence that I saw the greatness before he ever played in a regular season game.

    13 days later I went to the game in New England and after Edwards entered the game & drove the Bills right down the field I told a Patriots fan that the moment Edwards entered the game was the Bills'equivalent of when Tom Brady replaced Drew Bledsoe for the Patriots in 2001. Ironically, it was September 23, 2001 in Foxboro when Brady entered the game to replace an injured Bledsoe and it was September 23, 2007 in Foxboro when Edwards entered the game to replace an injured Losman.

    I said the day he was drafted that he was being brought in here to replace losman.

  12. We lost the first superbowl because of our defense. They couldn't get off the field and missed tackles. Reed dropped a clutch ball, and Kelly still managed to march all the way from his ten to the opponents 30 with his 2 minute offense, leaving it up to the kicker and special teams.


    While I think our team blew a big one, you CAN NOT continue your little logical message board warfare if you think that there was a lot to be desired from Kelly in superbowl 1. He made no mistakes and threw for remarkable yardage despite not being on the field for almost an hour and a half.


    They called you a troll, and you said they were lame, but you're honestly the first person on the message boards I've seen who is intentionally starting incoherent rambling to the extent of ripping on our franchise face, and possibly one of the greatest ever to play the game.


    You're saying how you're ahead of the curve and all that nonsense, but you're probably one of the idiots calling for Frank Reich.

    You're probably just an idiot, period.

    You're probably one of these idiots who thinks 0-4 in the superbowl is a good record.

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