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Posts posted by JimmyPage

  1. So, these Seventy-Six American Nobel Laureates who endorsed Obama are dupes, as well as the editors of the Journal Nature? All three of this year's American recipients endorse him, and Nature hasn't endorsed a candidate since its inception in 1869. Sheeple? Unlikely.

    Are they americans?

    I doubt that the majority of them are.

    They are anti-bush nuts rather than people who truely believe obama brings any meaningful experience or expertise.

  2. Which Trent are you talking about?


    Trent Green? He can throw some beautiful passes to win a couple games, but won't win many close games

    Treng Dilfer? Won't throw many beautiful passes to win a game, but will manage the game so the offense won't lose and put the onus on the D


    Trent Edwards? He can manage a game as well as most QBs and can throw a pretty pass or two when needed.

    But then again his long ball isn't as pretty or awe inspiring as JP "Happy Feet" Losman

    Nothing about losman is awe inspiring.

  3. In addition the Bill's dumped WGR made 10 to 15 years ago. Also as was discussed in another thread just two days ago, The bills per Tom D stopped giving interviews to WGR, wouldn't eve ninvite them to press conferences, etc.


    Time s are bad, many companies may only have money to advertise on either the Bills or Sabres, not both. So if I'm WGR why would I do anything to help promote the Bills at the expense of the station that carries their games.

    Yeah but even if wrg carried both the Bills and the Sabres, this complaint about ...40 minutes without Bill's talk is still 100% ridiculous.

  4. And your point is???? What else is there? The Bills are it man come on! use your head.

    The Sabres played last night so they're more on topic.

    The Bills game isn't until Sunday.


    There will be hours and hours of pregame talk.

    I never understood that, but some people actually listen to all that stuff.


    Don't people think that by friday sports talk shows have said just about everything there is to say about last Sunday's game?

    Or do they want to start the pregame talk on the friday before the game?


    This guy is actually appauled that a whole 40 minutes elapsed without Bill's talk like he's going into withdrawal, and he's questioning the program director as if this is some sort of huge episode of mismanagement.

    It makes no sense unless you live you whole week for a football game.

  5. It's been said a million times before, but one more time won't hurt. He had an excellent game right up to the time when it got totally away and the Bills were down by four possessions. At that time, he did start forcing things (as you would do down by so much with so little time left).


    Throw in the preseason and you realize that in this system, JP is a damn good QB.


    He had a bad fourth quarter. Gee, can you think of anyone else who had a bad fourth quarter lately?


    The thing that amuses me about you who hate JP irrationally is that you all think you know the future. Which would make you a genetic freak.

    Since when did he go from a bust to a "damn good QB"?

    I must have missed it.

  6. .....and trading down for multiple picks? There is only so many roster spots one can use for RB......unless one thinks they can determine the 'good' one in early training camp(when it couldn't be determined pre-draft) one has to wait till the player gets on the field to show what he 'actually' has.

    Of course you can determine it better in camp.

    There are plenty of great players found after the 1st round.



    You may well feel that Lynch is nothing special......but getting a replacement of similar caliber is tougher than many think.

    If I feel Lynch is nothing special then finding a replacement isnt all that difficult.

    So no I don't really agree with that statement.

  7. We're all Bills fans here. When you call someone here a moron, you're calling us all morons, and you're calling yourself a moron. Have an opinion. Be respectful.



    Wow do you read much?

    You might want to go back and reread those two posts again.

    When you do, tell me what you missed the first time.


    If you can't find it ask me for a clue and I'll help you out.

  8. Yeah, it's not like he's been our best offensive lineman this year or anything...idiot.


    After watching these videos, is it possible to dislike the guy?

    Well moron all I can say is that watching videos of athletes and ending up convinced that no one could avoid liking some guy is not my bag.


    What were you impressed with... his question about everyone's favorite candy?



  9. Well I dont know whether you could say rounds 2-5 have a massive bust rate.

    You can trade a 1st round pick for multiple lower round picks.

    So you're comparing apples and oranges.


    For me the only point is that lynch doesn't fit in the group of elite backs on your list.

    Where does he fit?

    He could be placed somewhere in the middle of the pack.

    And that kind of runs in line with my assessment of... ordinary.

  10. Lynch certain doesn't measure up to those pro bowl backs.


    At 1st glance, off that list his closest peers are Antowain Smith, Willis Magahee and T J Duckett.


    It's curious that you have Ricky Williams as a bust, he had one huge year in Miami that I doubt lynch could ever match and the rest of his career as far as ypc was comparable to lynch.

    So would that make lynch a bust or worse?

  11. I might be waaaaaay off here but I think he's been running for president during that time. Soooo there's a chance he's been busy.

    Oh Btw I would like to add that hussien obama took the time to express his 'concern' for hate crimes against illegals in his speech at the Laraza convention.


    You can see it on youtube.


    Yet he never mentioned crimes by illegals committed against US CITIZENS, you know those people he wants to represent as president.

    Perhaps he didn't have the time.


    It's understandable, I mean just who the f*** are the US CITIZENS anyways?

    Who gives a damn if they are being raped and murdered by the thousands, the honorable thing to do is to go out of your way to pander to Laraza and promise them US TAYPAYER money as a bribe for their support.

  12. Dolphins owner H. Wayne Huizenga claims Obama would almost double the capital gains tax, so he wants to sell off as much of the Dolphins as he can before that. This doesn't bode well for Ralph Wilson....


    Huizenga, "I'd rather give the money to charity than to him"

    I like that quote by Huizenga.

    If all americans adopted that attitude and as a populace took action on it, this country would transform itself overnight.


    The solution to this nation's problems isn't hussien obama or juan mccain the solution is getting rid of crooks like obama and mccain, and taking our country and our money back.

  13. I might be waaaaaay off here but I think he's been running for president during that time. Soooo there's a chance he's been busy.

    He had plenty of time to address the illegal aliens and their political action groups, as far as I know illegal aliens aren't US citizens and cannot vote.

    Or am I wrong ?


    The irony is that many of those crimes in chicago are being committed by these same illegal aliens obama embraces.

    If I was a gambling man, and I am, I would bet the ranch that you will never hear obama speak to the crimes committed by illegals or the victims of those crimes.


    Maybe he feels the same towards victims of crimes committed by illegals as Rev Wright feels towards the victims of 911.

  14. Yes. That's why Obama saying he's only going to raise the taxes of rich people is a lie. Everyone who owns and sells a security pays cap gains. Raising the tax on dividends will effect middle class as well as the rich. And I also feel that dropping the taxes on qualified dividends from 20% to 15% helped bring the market out of it's last bear so changing that will not help this market recover.


    Obama - I lie for votes.

    Yes but think of all the extra money obama will have to give away to Laraza and the illegal aliens.

    You need to look at the positives.

  15. have you looked at what has been happening the last 8 years? Can you find a call center for a US company that isnt in India or southeast asia? Havent you heard about jobs moving to China? Have you not heard of the major investments that the US govt and many US corporations are making in job moves to Dubai? What rock do you live under,and o by the way these arent just low wage jobs but alot of software development and research for major corporations is now in places like India, China, Vietnam.....

    Oh it has been happening just in the last 8 years ?



    You seem to be taking a very biased look at the world.

  16. Given the fact that the Democrats got us into this mess, it's only right that they get us out of it.



    But they won't get us out of it.

    They'll spend us into a bigger mess then this banking scandal.


    One of their brilliant theories is that we can and will pay for the welfare education and medical costs of anyone and everyone who decides to walk across the border, including every anchor baby they dump on the US taxpayer.

    Oh and wait I forgot...we give them a full stake in our social security system too.


    Brilliant !!!!!

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