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Posts posted by JimmyPage

  1. Ross has been silent over the last few years wonder when he might chime in? I remember how strong he was against NAFTA and tax cuts for high income etc.

    Perot tried to warn the country about the future economic impact of nafta and a government growing to enormous proportions.

    But typical americans don't have the intelligence to listen to common sense and reason.


    Instead they are more inclined to get excited at the prospect of obama as president, which has me scratching my head.

  2. Sounds like the Bank executives protection act. Unless there is some real guarantees for homeowners who have lost their equity, what good does this do??? If I am in this situation, I still put the keys on the counter and walk away. Guarantee me a lower payment and interest rate for the life of the loan and then we'll talk.

    There should be no banker protection OR guarantees for homeowners.

    This is government meddling in the private sector, which is what created the mess in the first place.

  3. Shep Smith, who gets kudos for being one of the most impartial hosts on Fox News, rips Joe the Plumber for agreeing with someone in the crowd that a vote for Obama means the Death of Israel




    words = action, but words don't matter? :blink:

    Early on Obama raised questions about the United States relationship with Israel.

    But as a typical politician he came to realize he was going nowhere without AIPAC's support.

    He has now promised $30 billion more in cash plus and a whole slew of new weapons for Israel paid for by you and I.

    Isn't it great how politicians can buy votes with our money?

  4. Brett Favre is a drama queen, retiring and unretiiring each offseason.

    The idiot needs to put himself under the spotlight for reporters to ask what he will decide to do.

    Then he tries to play it off as if his privacy is being invaded.


    I hope someone breaks his wrist or arm and we finally see the last of him.

  5. How? How does he deserve it? Explain that. Now, I'm never going to stand here and say that JP is a good quarterback, but railing the dude is completely stoopid (I misspelled it on purpose, in case you were planning to lambaste me for it). He was drafted by Buffalo, he moved here, worked his tail off, tried to be a good quarterback and steward to the City, and it didn't work out.


    I hope that someone that has absolutely no knowledge of the details regarding what you do for a living spends their free time telling everyone that you deserve to be bad mouthed repeatedly for trying to do your job. It might give you some perspective.


    He deserves it, sheesh. If I used profanity I'd be doing it right now, and you would be the target.


    I repeat, you are a joke.

    You are a farce and calling Losman a steward of Buffalo is utterly stooopid.


    He deserves all the criticism in the world.

    He was taken out of the lineup for his refusal to manage the game in the manner the coaches wanted him to.

    Afterwards he blamed it on previous offensive coordinators.

    If that were the case the head coach would have had him back in there under the new coordinator.

    But it isn't the case , Losman is on the bench because he was beat out of the job.


    He needs to point the finger at himself.

    When he got back in there on the Edwards injury he was the same old Losman constantly looking for the big play taking sacks and fumbling the ball.


    He is a complete bust at this point and a waste of 3 draft picks.

  6. You should really try thinking before you post.

    Having not 'wept to the mod'......how do you think I perceive this post & you after your accusation?

    I don't care how you perceive it.

    I'm not into worrying about how you who does nothing but instagates perceives anything.

  7. If I remember correctly, didn't you label this type of retort as "a rinky dink forum tactic" in another post?


    What a joke.

    Do you normally struggle with reading comprehension?

    I explained very very clearly what that tactic was and it wasn't used in any post of mine and never will be.

  8. Right, the fact that he had 41 touchdowns in an indoor football league. Guess what, Marshawn is so good that he didn't have to play in an indoor league. And if he did, he probably would have had more touchdowns.


    Your opinion is fine, and it's your opinion that he's a first rounder so he starts, not mine. It's not the coach's opinion, it's not the analysts, and it's not the opinion of the majority of the posters on this board. The only one that's saying that Fred Jackson should start is you and your other screen name, Jimmy Page.


    My opinion is that there are a ton of Fred Jacksons in the NFL, but there are few backs in the NFL that have consistently show the toughness that Marshawn has when he runs. Christ, the guy's played in 22 NFL games, has 1600 yds, and 13 touchdowns.


    The proof that you're looking for is in their NFL careers.

    Here we go again, another clown with the old....'everyone agrees with my opinion' routine.

    Then she tries to say that anyone who disagrees with her, is the same poster under another name.

    How weak, even for a girl.


    Get a life , not everyone agrees wth you missy, reread the thread and you'll see that.

  9. Look, let's all face reality, how many times have we been told that the NFL is a Business, and we are to believe that there is

    no monkey business? The way they manipulate (fix) games is so subtle, officiating, scheduling, marketing, fines, etc., etc.

    that it is hard to pick up on. We here about tough decisions within in individual teams, and again the reference to, "it's a busines", well it's not just a business for the individual teams, but the whole NFL. It is in their best interest to see that

    certain big market teams flourish, and make it to the playoffs, at least. But you see the subtle way can only take you so

    far, then it becomes more obvious to everyone what is going on, as the leauge becomes more bolder and powerful, they

    know that they can get away with it. Just look at other industries, like Steel, for example, many top executives who previously worked for a rival, get together, sometimes under the auspicies of trade meetings, they set policy, and all of the

    others follow suit. You could probably term it collusion, but they get away with it too.

    The NFL is just too powerful, period, and they are ruining the game, despite the fact that many would say that it is flourishing, it will catch up to them eventually. Their excessive greed will eventually be their downfall. I think, that if you are smart, the best thing that we can do as fans, would be to take what we want, that is what is still free anymore, and

    eschew the rest. No more buying packages to assure that you will see all of your fantasy results, I don't buy jerseys, why?

    The guy is likely to be gone anyway in a couple of years, an they are way overpriced, the only way that I go to a game, is

    if one of my buddies has an extra, company paid for, ticket, we need to do anything we can to knock them off of their high horse, and little things do add up, and matter.Call me paranoid, a conspiracy theoriost, whatever, but it is what it is.

    I like the thought process here because it is very plausable that a league could for instance have a silent agreement for teams to pass on a particular player in a draft so he drops to a team in a bigger market as just one example.

    I suspected that regarding Jay Cutler.


    There are so many ways the game can be manipulated to increase TV ratings and therefore revenues.

    I think people would have to be foolish to dismiss the posibility.

  10. Funny really.....you talk about things sailing over the heads of others yet in 26 posts the only thing you have put forward to back your statement that "Lynch is ordinary" is.....well.....saying that "Lynch is ordinary".


    This thread feels a bit like a Python sketch.......


    "Lynch is ordinary"

    "No he isn't"

    "Ohhhh, yes he is!"


    Perhaps if you'd back up your base claims with some analysis of his play. Dissection of certain key plays where he has erred, assessment of his blocking & blitz pickup, pass catching analysis, fumble proclivity, toughness, durability, initial burst.......all compared with the analysis of other RBs(particularly FJ).....perhaps if you did more than state "This is what I reckon & all y'all are wrong if you disagree.....because it's obvious you idiots." you would have less antagonistic responses and might actually garner respectful responses leading to intelligent football discussion.

    If I want to insist on intelligent conversation, I'd have to remove you from the thread.

  11. If you never got past the 3rd grade maybe. :devil:


    This is the two games Fred Jackson took Marshawn's place last year as the starter.


    Washington: 16 for 82, 0 TD, against a stout run defense and Miami: 15 for 115, 0 TD averaging 6.3 yards a carry as a starter, let me repeat, Fred jackson averaged 6.3 yards a carry as a starter when marshawn Lynch had ankle problems last year.


    If its all the O-lines fault why is it then Fred jackson does so much better then Lynch behind the same O-line?


    Why, because Fred Jackson see's the holes and goes through them, Lynch is determined he has to plow through defenders to make a hole and I don't care how much power you have, when you run smack into defenders in this league its not going to add up to much. Go take a look at Willis McGahee's numbers, he runs the same way. It might look impressive, but its not big play.



    Very interesting.

  12. The fact of the matter is : this is a team game and I dont care how good he is or isnt, we dont have thurman anymore, so to compare them is not a fair thing to do, and if you were comparing him with thurman, then you should compare their respective O lines, thurmans was much better, so I say it again, this O line's run blocking is the weak point on the TEAM!!!

    I'll say this again.. I don't need 5 all pros on the offensive line to evaluate how good lynch is as a runner, I've watched this game for too many years to need that.

    He lacks elusiveness and the ability to hit holes the way great running backs do.

    And again he might not even be the best RB on the Bills roster.

  13. The bottom line is not about the RB's, it's the O line! They are not very good at run blocking and Royal is a part of that, if they could run block, both backs could have 1000 yd seasons.

    The offensive line aside Lynch is still nothing special as a runner other than the fact that he fights for everything he can get.

    He's not the type of runner that can find holes like a Thurman Thomas or a Joe Cribbs.


    To me this is similar to the Losman thing where some fans were saying...we dont have the receivers or the Oline or the coaching sucks.

    But I was convinced that regardless of the other problems is was evident that Losman sucked.


    Here I'm not saying Lynch sucks, but I'm saying that regardless of the Oline, I can see how good he is or isn't.

    Any RB is going to be better behind a better line, that is a given.

    But the mediocre Oline isn't disguising how good Lynch is or isn't.

  14. i can't really argue with you, other than to say lynch is a little better than ordinary. willis mcgahee was ordinary. lynch is not a superstar, but better than ordinary.


    on the other hand, he's not going to be better than ordinary for long if our line doesn't stop letting other teams beat the piss out of him every week.

    I could be willing to saying a little better than ordinary.

    Ordinary was the best word I had available to counter all this 'beast mode' nonsense.

    I think we both agree that this player isn't anything close to what some fans build him up to be.

    I'm not convinced at this point that he is the best back on the Bills, let alone one of the top players in the league.

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