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Posts posted by auburnbillsbacker

  1. The Bills offered to bring in Brian Shottenheimer for an interview for the HC position and he declined cause he wanted to stay and work with the Jets, why do people think that he and his dad would have been interested in coaching in Buffalo? I thought Marty said he wasn't really interested in coaching again.


    Your right that Ralph won't spend the money on a "proven HC", its not like they spoke to Shanahan or Cowher about the Job


    For what it is worth Jon Clayton reported that Marty was interested, and Brian would have come over as the OC and assistant head coach. Once dad was out of the running, Brian was no longer interested.

  2. agreed .. stupid thread.. no one with a brain is coming anywhere near this franchise until Ralph is gone and long term committed ownership takes over... could be years...perpetual pre-season for what is now without a doubt the worst franchise in the league..


    That was not true, as stated by the thread maker, several winning coaches were interested. Marty and Son would have been a great combo. The bills would have had a great head coach and one with potential waiting in the wings. This is not a stupid thread, as it shows why the bills have gone a decade without winning .The bills would not have been good this year with a different head coach, but they would have been a lot better off in the long haul. Adding Marty or Billick would have also given the team instant credibility.

  3. Many times when the national media discusses the possibility of a team moving to LA, misinformed members of the media sight Buffalo's attendance as a reason why the bills should be moved. We all know that all most all bills games recently have sold out. It is my fear that if games this season are not sold out, the media will tear the city of Buffalo apart. On the other hand, hardly anyone is talking about the fact that Oakland, San Diego, and Tampa have not sold out games. For the sake of our franchise, I hope we sell some more tickets.



  4. Didn't the New England Patriots win its first super bowl after signing 19 free agents in one off season. As posted earlier, there are many ways to build a team. This team needs to add good players any way it can. Free agency, trades and through the draft.


    In addition, it can take less than 2-4 years. If the bills found a great qb, look at what happened in Atlanta when they drafted Ryan. They went from the 3rd worst team in the league to one of the best the next season.

  5. Great qbs make OLs and WRs look good. The Packers line prior to this season was very poor, but Favre and Rodgers made the offense function despite the poor play. The Bills OL looked horrible under Rob Johnson, but looked good under Flutie. The Steelers won a super bowl with Big Ben despite having a below average OL. On the other hand the Browns have struggled with one of the better lines in the league. The Bills need to draft a QB in April. QBs take longer to develop than lineman, so the Bills need a QB to develop ASAP. If the Bills find a good one, you will be shocked how good our OL and WRs look.

  6. I was a season ticket holder for 7 years. The first two years my seats were surrounded by quality people who were also season ticket holders. The game time experience was great. The last 5 years however, it has been hit or miss. At least 2 -4 games every season my enjoyment of the game in ruined by drunk fans who show no respect to anyone. It doesn't matter that my wife and I have bills gear on. I have tried to use the "bills hotline" twice, but both times nothing was done. In fact I was nearly kicked out of game when the people I called the hotline on simply made accusations against me after security arrived. I have tried moving my seats in hopes of finding a better location with no luck. It was my hope to be a bills season ticket holder for my entire life. I don't think I will go back. Maybe if you could buy a group of seats with friends and family it would be worth it, but that might be hard to accomplish. I have never however, had any trouble when tailgating. The pre and post game experience have always been great.

  7. I think the last coaching staff did a great job of getting 6-7 wins out of this team the last 4 years. Most of our previous coaching staff got job offers right away, which is a sign that they can coach. If Buffalo does every find a qb that ranks in the top 16, this bills team could be decent. Let's hope that day comes soon.

  8. I have often wondered how good Todd Collins would have been if he was given a chance to start after leaving Buffalo. He was a highly regarded backup to Trent Green in Kansas City for a long time. He led the Redskins to the playoffs recently. I have the feeling he would have been ok. I wish him the best in Chicago.

  9. Miami was 1-15, then won the division the next year. The jets were 4-12, then nearly missed the playoffs with Favre then made playoffs the following year. Washington was 4-12 last season, and now looks much better. Each team drafted left tackles the year after hitting rock bottom. Maybe you do have to go backwards to get better.

  10. I think if Spiller carries the ball 12 times a game, returns kicks, and averages 4-5 receptions per game you can justify the pick. Especially if he is the "special player" that Nix and Galley think he his. His return yards should shorten the field for the offense. You would also hope that he could help the offense by breaking 1-2 long runs or receptions a game.

  11. I think you mean Robert Gallery...and yeah, a bust considering his lofty hype



    Gallery is considered one of the best guards in the leauge, so he is not a bust. I do realize they would have prefered him to excel at the lt position. As for Buluga, I could see him not living up to the hype. He seems like the hard working over achieving type that will be solid but not turn into a star. Similar to the Rams Chris Long.

  12. If the Bills scouts have a franchise label on either Bradford or Clausen & St. Louis didn't take their guy, be bold & trade up & get him. We'll never win without a QB. Get the OTs in free agency or a combo of other rounds & free agency.



    Or they could trade up to get the nt that is so needed in the 3-4. The two tackles at the top are supposed to be great, and McCoy may be better than Suh.

  13. The bills tried but the Jags asked for the world. The Lions got a second round pick for moving back one spot (6-7), so the Jaguars figured they were due a lot of picks. It would have made a lot of sense for them to move down, even if they only received a 2nd or a 3rd. Williams would have been available at 13. It would have saved the bills. To bad GMs think are so stubborn.

  14. If a qb is available at 9 that Nix believes in, the bills have to draft him. If a qb that Nix believes in will go before 9, the bills need to trade up. The qb position is by far the most important position in team sports. If you notice, teams with elite qbs contend for the playoffs every year. On the other hand there are several dominant lts out there that play for very poor teams. I'm not opposed to a lt or dt at 9 if the group of qbs this year are week, but I am hoping that the bills get the right qb this year.

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