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Posts posted by auburnbillsbacker

  1. I posted this during the draft and end though it would pop up again. I guess at this stage is doesn't matter but based on two articles and a Nix interview I listened to it appeared they would have taken Gabbert. Other reports made it sound like that was not the case, but I valued what I heard from Nix over what I read from other sources. I just wish there was a way to have taken Newton, Miller, and Dareus. I think all 3 will be very good and Miller and Dareus are very good now.

  2. I think Bell takes too much heat. I wish the bills had a better starting LT as well, but it seems like a lot of the attacks on him are excessive. He is one of the better 7th round picks pick the bills have made. 7th round picks are usually cut, this guy has started 27 games. If they can find a better option on the current roster, great. If they drafted a tackle next year, fine. I'm just getting sick on the personal attacks on guys who work hard, are paid near the league minimum, and should have low expectations.

  3. I think there is a chance the bills win is fair, but to think it is likely seems naive to me. They will likely lose for the following reasons.

    1) They were 10-6 last year and we were 12-4

    2) The game is at Kansas City

    3) Kansas City has a more talented roster


    I'm hoping the bills keep it close and give themselves an opportunity to win the game late. Similar to last year but with a better result.

  4. Ticket sales are not going well. I have received several call inquiring as to why I am not renewing my season tickets. I bought individual game tickets at training camp and the ticket rep pretty said they are disappointed by ticket sales. I am afraid for the teams future. I know if the team wins fans will show up, but god only knows when that will happen.

  5. Last year Tampa Bay management turned their franchise around by drafting very talented players with questionable character later in the draft. Blount and Williams appear to be pro bowl caliber players and both were considered serious risks on draft day, thus they dropped to the later rounds. I realize that Josh Freemen played a large role as well. Right now the bills will have to decide whether to draft Pryor. I'm not a scout, so I don't have an opinion on how good of a pro he will be. If they do decide that he has the talent to be good, either as a slash or at another position, should the bills take a chance? Should be bills in future drafts take more risks on talented players with character issues in the mid to later rounds? I feel the bills need talent, and they have enough character guys to support a few players with a troubled past.


    Blount was not drafted as is stated later in this thread. That does not however, change the point of my post.

  6. Many people have compared him to Jemarcus Russel, but I though his college game resembled the play of Steve McNair. I think Newton will be a good qb if the Panthers are patient. He will show flashes but will probably struggle this year. McNair didn't start an NFL game until his 3rd year as a pro.

  7. I would shocked if he was our #2 wr already. Peter King has discussed Jones in two recent articles, stating that he is becoming a very good player. He even recommended drafting him in your fantasy league. If Aiken has passed Jones by, I would assume that he must be a great talent as well. Maybe his emergence in addition to others led to the trade of Lee Evans.

  8. Just like with the dodgers, I think the atmosphere at Ralph Wilson needs to improve. I have had season tickets for 7 years and like to tailgate and have fun at the game. For the past couple of season however, there has been about a 25% that a fan or fans around me have made going to the game a miserable experience. I have had friends and family insulted when they have done absolutely nothing. I tried the bills hot line once to deal with 3 problem fans, and nearly lost my season tickets when those I called security on simply made an accusation against me. If you have good people around you there is nothing better than going to a bills game. I decided to not get season tickets this year as I do not want the aggravation and do not want to lose my 1,000 dollars when trouble begins with someone sitting next to me. To bills fans credit, most of the bad experiences I have had have involved fans from the other team. The worst case was the last time Tampa Bay was in town. It was a game dominated by the bills, which led to the Tampa fans behind me getting very frustrated.

  9. This is how I see it.

    -The Bills can probably only get a 3rd or 4th round pick for Lee Evans. The more teams that are interested the better it is for the bills.

    -I'm sorry, but the Bills are not going to the playoffs this year. Their best shot of winning in the future is to accumulate young players. If they can get a 3rd, they should take the deal. They should not give him away however.

    -WR is a position of depth for the Bills. It looks like Bills love Jones, Nelson, and Roosevelt in addition to already productive players like Johnson and Parrish.

    -Since there is so my speculation about Evans being traded, I'm assuming the bills are open to trading him. Only time will tell.

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