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Posts posted by Kingfish

  1. and also to Percy Harvin . . . sounds like Spiller is going to be a pseudo-RB/WR type. I like the pick less if Lynch sticks around. Sounded like Spiller is going to get very limited carries from scrimmage. . . returns, catches etc will have to be a big part of his game. Hate to say it, but Roscoe Parrish and Ted Ginn type pick flashed in my mind in the sense of a somewhat luxury pick.


    He also said that he's expected to come in and "start" which I interpret as 10-15 carries per game, 5 catches per game, and return duties.

  2. Definitely agree, but someone has to get an explanation on his reaction. He did not appear to be exited at all to have the Bills call his name.


    And how excited did Jared Odrick look to be going to Miami?


    Or Demaryius Thomas to Denver?


    They were pretty stonefaced as well.


    Should Dolphins and Broncos fans develop an inferiority complex about their teams/cities as well?

  3. Dude, it's been 10 years without a playoff appearance. The sky fell some time ago. And now a 70-year-old rookie GM has decided to all but eschew free agency in favor of building through the draft, and does so by drafting a part-time player (who will not start) at #9 overall. A player who plays at the strongest position the team has on offense (and 3rd strongest overall). Which is also the position with the shortest shelf-life in the NFL. And said GM also passed on comparably-rated players at 3 positions of both much greater need and much greater importance.


    I think that criticism is pretty well justified at this point. Should a time come when the Bills make the playoffs, you're welcome to jump in with "I told you so" left and right. Until then, maybe lay off the complainers a bit. We're the ones whose comments match up with reality.


    Which helps your argument how?

  4. Best player available, top RB, ACC player of the year, 1st team all american, averaged 100 yards and 1 TD per game, true playmaker, fast, running threat, receiving threat, return threat, homerun threat, can contribute right away, high character guy, smart. This is a good feeling.


    Of course he won't play every down, it's a two back league. He'll easily touch the ball 15 times a game. And do a lot with those touches.


    20 touchdowns over 50 yards

    20 touchdowns over 50 yards

    20 touchdowns over 50 yards

    20 touchdowns over 50 yards

    20 touchdowns over 50 yards

    20 touchdowns over 50 yards

    20 touchdowns over 50 yards

    20 touchdowns over 50 yards

    20 touchdowns over 50 yards

    20 touchdowns over 50 yards

    20 touchdowns over 50 yards

    20 touchdowns over 50 yards

    20 touchdowns over 50 yards

    20 touchdowns over 50 yards

    20 touchdowns over 50 yards

    20 touchdowns over 50 yards


    FJ and Lynch have 6 carries over 40 yards between them in their careers.

  5. No doubt. And he starts his regime with a player that HE ADMITS will not play every down. Not a good feeling.


    You're right. The best way to turn the Bills around is to pass on true top ten talents for "meh" players who weren't even picked until the mid 20s. String together 3 or 4 drafts of panicky reaches and the Bills will undoubtedly become contenders right?

  6. Hit the nail on the head. Haven't we learned by now in Bills nation that drafting skill players has produced nothing? Chris Johnson is only good because he's got a real OL blocking for him. TEN's OL is far and away better than Buffalo's.


    Nix-Gailey are starting out like Levy-Jauron did. We know how the latter story ended.


    Levy-Jauron started off by reaching for a player while Nix-Gailey drafted the BPA. I don't see any comparison.

  7. Maybe they picked him with the intent on trading him, perhaps to Seattle who has another 1st round pick, but they couldn't complete the deal in time. Or they're positioning themselves to tank this year so they have a top 3 pick next year when they'll pick a QB.


    I don't think so because the Bills rushed to the podium to make the pick.

  8. I'd like a game changer at #9 and for me that would be Spiller or Clausen. On defense, a game changer would be a sack specialist - is that Hughes?


    Could be I suppose. Modrak spoke glowingly about him at the luncheon. Players do fly up the draft boards, just look at CB Kyle Wilson who is now a possibility at #7.

  9. I have seen on a few boards now that they think Jerry Hughes will go at #9. Apparently Nix and Modrak like him a lot? I have no idea. All of my draft mags say he is a round 2 guy. Any chance this will be the guy? Is he worth the #9 pick? I remember when Freeney was taken about 10 spots earlier than he was projected and he turned out to be a steal.




    Jerry Hughes profile


    I used to think the Bills were a lock to take an OT at 9 but now I really have no idea what they'll do. They could take Spiller, Tebow, Clausen, D. Williams, McClain, D. Morgan, Anthony Davis, or Dez Bryant and I wouldn't be shocked at all.

  10. The thing that keeps getting skipped here is:



    Pennington is one sack away from breaking in half and can barely throw the ball 20 yards. Henne hasn't proven to be all world, he's not even all Florida at this point.


    How many playoff appearances did Marshall help lead the Broncos to? Zero. The Broncos were exactly .500 during the Brandon Marshall era and that was with Mike Shanahan and Jay Cutler. But I'm supposed to believe the AFC East balance of power has been shifted in their favor because he's now teamed up with Tony Sparano and Chad Henne? He's a good receiver, he'll get his catches and scores his TDs-but that doesn't mean Miami is going to win more games.


    And also, are people forgetting that with a playoff berth on the line Marshall had to be suspended for the last week of the 2009 season? Sounds like the kind of guy who will handle being the highest paid WR in the NFL well.

  11. How about you STFU already? Unless you are blind, drunk and in a coma-you realize everything you typed is correct. It gets old watching Sports Center, NFL Network or any other sports program and every time the talk of the AFC comes up it is followed by "The Bills just keep falling farther behind the Big 3". Just heard it about 10 minutes ago again talking about the Marshall trade, heard it with the Holmes trade, the LT signing, etc. The 2010 season hasn't even started but for all intense and purposes, and for anyone not living in a fantasy land, it is over for the Buffalo Bills. We are looking at a second winless division record for the second time in three years. So, let me say it again-YOU STFU!


    In 2007 the 49ers signed Pro-Bowler Nate Clements, Pro-Bowler Michael Lewis, and Darrell Jackson while drafting Patrick Willis and Joe Staley in the first round. All the "experts" lauded the moves and were jocking SF as a darkhorse team in the NFC. They finished the season at 5-11, two wins less then they managed the season before. Relax.

  12. Assuming his prediction is correct, 1) DT/LB 2) QB 3) LB/DT, I think Bills go:


    1) McClain

    2) Tebow

    3) Cam Thomas


    Wouldn't be mad at that...but wouldn't be overly happy.


    I wouldn't be surprised if they traded down into the late teens and coming away with something like this-




    2)jerry hughes

    3)Cam Thomas

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