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Posts posted by Kingfish

  1. My list of minimum quals for a decision-making officer at the state/national level include some experience at decision-making on lower levels of gov't to insure a modicum of understanding the breadth of the issues, procedures, individuals involved in decisions that impact local life; the development of networks of information, residents, local decision makers and others who will provide input to the Senator and be impacted by the Senator's decisions. Have in place feedback networks for quick exchange of correct information. Have a track record of honesty, consistent adherance to a value system (mine or others--consistency is the key) and willingness to spend whatever time it takes to get results. Also, a willingness to buck political parties, fellow Senators, whomever, when her values warrant.


    In other words, there is no living politician that qualifies!


    That's fine but what about the qualifications to be a legislator?

  2. (I have no clue how up to date these are)



    Kerry Collins

    Matt Cassel

    Kurt Warner



    Marques Colston RFA

    Bobby Engram

    T.J. Houshmandzadeh

    Lance Moore

    Amani Toomer

    Terrell Owens






    Bertrand Berry

    Tommie Harris

    Tank Johnson

    Julius Peppers



    Eric Barton

    Channing Crowder

    James Farrior

    LeRoy Hill

    Ray Lewis

    Bart Scott

    Jonathan Vilma



    Phillip Buchanon

    Mike Brown

    Brian Dawkins

    Chris Gamble

    Kerry Rhodes

    Bryant McFadden

  3. OK, OK, I thank you all for the curriculum vitae of the Kennedy clan....


    However, I saw nothing that even hinted that Caroline K might be qualified to even be considered for a Senate seat. Todays paper noted that now that her children are grown she is searching around for something to do. Well, that cinches it tight for me! Who wouldn't want her as the junior Senator from the Great State of New York?


    Politics is unfathomable; politicians are arrogrant, self-aggrandizing, power hungry people. For example, who could keep a straight face watching Sentaors, then Congressman, chastize automakers for squandering money?


    ROTFLMAO funny


    I didn't realize that their were minimum requirements to becoming a freshman Senator!

  4. I'm curious to hear an example of the "gay lifestyle" being shoved in your face.

    Have you turned on the TV lately? Been to the movies lately? There are more movies and sitcoms and reality shows that not only focus on gay lifestyle then there are that focus on Christian lifestyle. It's at the point that you HAVE to accept it or be branded a bigot. Like I was earlier in this thread. You see, I, and many others who disagree with this lifestyle will soon lose our right to speak out against what we believe is wrong. I not only call this in your face, but also bullying!


    The phrase "shoved in your face" implies that you have no choice in watching these shows or going to these movies. Is Bruce Vilanch holding you at gunpoint forcing you to watch Will and Grace? Bill O'Reilly playing stock footage of leather clad mustached gay men writhing on a float at a gay parade in San Francisco doesn't equate to the gay lifestyle being shoved in your face. You know how often I think about gays? Almost never. In fact the only time I do is because conservatives bring them up.

  5. I think it is fair to say the whole "gay lifestyle" has been shoved in more faces than person pushing "faith" in someone's face. I do enjoy my faith, I felt compelled to defend it because it was/is under attack by the wacky left.


    I'm curious to hear an example of the "gay lifestyle" being shoved in your face.



    But it has become abundantly clear religion is under attack, and it is getting worse by the day.


    Then why is the United States the most religious country of the industrialized world?

  6. Doctors that tell you to quit smoking don't need the work. Shrinks do. Gives them motivation to encourage adoptions by unnatural couples- future patients. Picture someone in the peer pressure cooker of high school explaining their" my two moms / two dads" home life.


    You honestly think a child would rather live in some sh------- orphanage where someone is either touching their butthole or beating the sh-- out of them every day than live in a stable home of a couple who just so happen to be gay?

  7. So, according to the Messiah we need a civilian national security force that has the same funding levels as the military? :rolleyes:


    Sound a bit like what you find in communist countries like China where they have domestic spies.


    Is he serious about this?



    How convenient, a 20 second soundbite! I'm sure he wasn't referencing his plans to invest in police, firemen, and first responders and tying them into a broader point about national security.




    Support First Responders: Barack Obama is committed not only to rolling back the Bush-McCain funding cuts that have affected our first responders - police, firefighters, and emergency medical professionals - but also to increasing federal resources and logistic support to local emergency planning efforts.


    Safeguard Public Transportation: Every weekday, Americans take 34 million trips on public transportation systems to get to work, school and beyond. Despite recent international attacks on mass transit systems, the Bush administration has invested only a small fraction of the $6 billion that transportation officials have said is necessary to implement needed security improvements. Barack Obama will fill this critical hole in our homeland security network.


    Improve Interoperable Communications Systems: Barack Obama supports efforts to provide greater technical assistance to local and state first responders and dramatically increase funding for reliable, interoperable communications systems. He will appoint a National Chief Technology Officer who will have the responsibility to ensure that the current non-interoperable plans at the federal, state, and local levels are combined, funded, implemented and effective.


    Working with State and Local Governments and the Private Sector: Barack Obama believes the federal government must be a better partner to states and localities, listen to local concerns and consider local priorities. Barack Obama will reach out to the private sector to leverage its expertise and assets to protect our homeland security


    What a radical!

  8. Exactly. Isn't there a contradiction with your statement that he barely knows her.



    Obama was raised for the most part by his mother and her parents in Hawaii. He first met his father's side of the family when he traveled to Africa 20 years ago. He referred to Onyango as "Auntie Zeituni" when describing the trip in his memoir, saying she was "a proud woman."


    Obama's campaign said he had seen her a few times since that meeting, beginning with a return trip to Kenya with his future wife, Michelle, in 1992. Onyango visited the family in Chicago on a tourist visa at Obama's invitation about nine years ago, the campaign said, stopping to visit friends on the East Coast before returning to Kenya.


    She attended Obama's swearing-in to the U.S. Senate in 2004, but campaign officials said Obama provided no assistance in getting her a tourist visa and doesn't know the details of her stay. The campaign said he last heard from her about two years ago when she called saying she was in Boston, but he did not see her there.

  9. But he is promising to raise taxes. By how much and on who is the real question. I will admit I make around $110,000 and I paid near $30,000 in taxes last year. That's a lot of free government cheese.


    There's no indication that Obama has changed his tax policy, which states that anyone making under $200,000 would get a tax cut under his administration, and nobody making under $250,000 would be hit with a tax increase. Richardson actually recited that part of Obama's plan correctly earlier in his radio interview.
  10. I also suspect that no conservatives will off themselves at ground zero and there will be no support groups for conservatives to 'deal with' the election if Obama wins.


    I agree. They'll probably just continue to go on shooting rampages at liberal churches.


    Owen said Adkisson wrote that he was angered by "his lack of being able to obtain a job," a reduction in his food stamp allotment, and "the liberal movement." Owen explained the liberal movement, as defined by Adkisson, included liberal philosophies and issues pertaining to gays.


    Records show Adkisson had been working on the note for about a week.


    Owen said it appeared Adkisson targeted the TVUUC because the "church had received some publicity regarding its liberal stance." The TVUUC regularly announces in the Knoxville News Sentinel its meetings for gays and their support groups.


    Adkisson went on a rampage at the church, Still wrote, "because of its liberal teachings and his belief that all liberals should be killed because they were ruining the country, and that he felt that the Democrats had tied his country's hands in the war on terror and they had ruined every institution in America with the aid of major media outlets."


    Adkisson, who had served in the military, said "that because he could not get to the leaders of the liberal movement he would then target those that had voted them in office," the search warrant states.



  11. Christopher, a third-grader, was attending the show with his father and sixth-grade brother, Colin. Christopher had fired handguns and rifles before, but Sunday was his first time firing an automatic weapon, said his father, Charles Bizilj.

    Bizilj told the Boston Globe he was about 10 feet behind his son and reaching for his camera when the weapon fired. He said his family avoided the larger weapons, but he let his son try the Uzi because it's a small weapon with little recoil.

    "This accident was truly a mystery to me," said Bizilj, director of emergency medicine at Johnson Memorial Hospital in Stafford, Conn. "This is a horrible event, a horrible travesty, and I really don't know why it happened."


    Truly a mystery?



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