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Posts posted by Kingfish

  1. That is good. Some years I kill them, some years I get killed. This year by my calculations I am down about $1,500(which is not bad considering I bet anywhere from $500 to $1,000 per week). However, I won a football pool for $2,500 in October to more then cover my losses. My book does not take money lines except for the super bowl. I would have a field day if he did. I have bett against the bills when they play NE for 6yrs in a row now. I think I am 10-2 in that time.


    I don't bet anywhere near the amount of money you do. I bet about 20$ per game which is enough to make me interested in the bet and not enough to make me feel like I'm going to throw up during the game.

  2. Thanks, if I understand this right then your bet at 50-1 was locked in at those odds. Now though I'd imagine the odds are a lot less maybe 10-1 or 20-1. So you couldn't hedge that bet and still get the 50-1 odds.


    No but you could make 3 new superbowl winner bets- NYG/Philly winner, Baltimore, and the SD/Pitt winner. For the sake of argument say NYG was 3 to 1, Baltimore was 15 to 1, and Pitt was 6 to 1 he could bet up to a collective 2,500 (which would be the payout for his original ARI bet) on these 3 teams and the worst case scenario would be he'd break even if Arizona won but he'd really cash in any of the other 3 teams won the superbowl. Or he could just bet 500$ on the other three teams and he'd win the following (with no risk of losing money)-


    NYG 1500-50=1450

    BAL 7500-50=7450

    PITT 3000-50=2950

    ARI 2500-50-500-500-500=950

  3. :unsure:


    I've never understood people who can't admit that players who leave Buffalo could possibly be good.


    He's not terrible but he's certainly not "good". He's a decent player who won't get you killed if he's surrounded by enough talent.

  4. Did anyone notive in the Baltimore game, that Jim Leonard made more positive a dn gamr changing plays in this one gamr than "Our" Ko Simpson made all year. A real tribute to our player evaluation staff., ever Bannan had a decent gamr, not as game changing as Leonard but he held his own against a very good offensivline, and the Ravens gor both players for not a lot of money.


    Leonhard should buy the Baltimore front seven new cars for making a serviceable journeyman look damn productive.

  5. I don't listen to talk radio, Annie, er...Elliot...er...


    It's called facts. For partisans, they seem to be virtually impossible to face. So far "Change We Need" is "More of the Same with Different Suitors Getting Their Share".


    But follow along blindly, since you obviously can't help yourself.


    Actually it's not "called facts" it's called the fallacy of false equivalence.

  6. Where's the howling over Obama's plan to cut taxes while raising spending? You know, exactly the same thing the hated George W. Bush did that you people couldn't help spew over.


    But this is somehow "change".


    Jesus, talk radio sure is whipping the right wing partisans into a frenzy of strawman regurgitations! I for one am loving every minute of it!

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