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Posts posted by Kingfish

  1. "Mark is going against the grain on this decision and he knows that," said Carroll, a former NFL head coach. "He knows that coming out early is a tremendous challenge for a quarterback and the statistics don't back up that it's easy to be successful in the way that he's going about it. We've seen successes and we've seen guys come up short on this deal. We hope this works out beautifully for Mark and his family."



  2. I think he means to say that the latch mechanism is frozen so that when he closes the door it does not click shut. At least that's the only way I can make sense of it. If that's not it, then I give up because all meaning is lost. Up is down, white is black, three consecutive 7-9 seasons is progress, etc...




    Update-Situation resolved!

  3. For Those About to Barack.....WE SALUTE YOU!




    I dunno about you, but i am ready to "Barack around the clock" next week. And next december i'll be "Barackin around the christmas tree."


    Here I am. Barak you like a Hurricane!


    Coulda gotten more of the gay vote with "Crocodile Barack"


    Of course, with me, "I....want Barack and Joe all night! and party everyday!"


    Yup. Might have gone platnium. Especially if you put Michael Jackson's "Barak with You" on there.



    Let's just hope he doesn't get tied into Blaggo cause then we might end up with Elvis' "Jailhouse Barak".


    Def Leppard, "Barack of Ages".


    Too bad it's less than a week until the Obamauguration. Could have made a fortune off a commemorative CD... :thumbsup:


    How about the B-52s with "Barak Lobster"?


    I'm surprised no one's remade Seger's "Like a Rock" into "Like Barak" yet.


    I'm shocked that nobody was able to make a lame "Barock" pun with a song that was less than a quarter century old.

  4. It took the 9/11 cocksmokers years to plan out the attack, when to hit, handle navigation, etc. And their targets were some of the biggest, most idenfiable buildings in the WORLD.


    Yet according to you the night before the attack they could have Googled Bush's pending appearance at a school in bum!@#$ USA and hit him with precision the following day.




    Wouldn't that be consistent with the Bush/Cheney "One Percent Doctrine"?

  5. No, generally it's to secure the immediate area and assess the situation prior to taking constructive actions consistent with his security to allow the president to get the information he needs and act accordingly.


    Apparently it also involves allowing the President to remain a sitting duck at a meaningless photo-op at a time when planes were dropping from the sky and anyone with the internet could have known exactly where the President was that morning.

  6. I have news for you retards: when America's attacked in the next four years, Obama won't "react" immediately either. Things don't work that way.


    That's a hypothetical.


    There's actually very little for the President to do the moment he's told "America's under attack" other than say "Get me more information."


    So the accepted White House contingency plan is and always has been to relax, finish whatever trivial activities you were partaking, and then get the President to a secure location?

  7. I only usually bet $25 per game but on a saturday during college bball or college fball I usually bet about 30games. My philosphy which I always tell my wife is I can not lose them all can I? She just gives me a disgusted look. It works out pretty good for me usually. I usually win or lose a few hundred on the weekend going something like 17-10 or something like that. The 10% vig does sometime add up though.



    That's why I love moneyline underdogs in the NFL- All the teams are practically the same and no there's vig!

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