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Posts posted by Kingfish

  1. This is probably a stupid thought but here goes-


    We always here about the lack of corporate revenue within WNY for the Bills to tap into and I was just thinking why does the corporate money have to be located in the To-Buff-Chester mega-region? What's stopping us from marketing the Bills to the world's biggest transnational corporations?

  2. Read on PFT that the Minnesota and San Diego homes game this weekend are not selling well and might be blacked out. Amazing to me really. Both are pretty well-to-do communities with a lot of business and white collar jobs, especially compared to Bflo. I can't see any situation where a playoff game here would ever not be sold out immediately. Makes you wonder how a town like this could potentially lose a team with the kind of support they get (well, I know how, profit the team could reap somewhere else!).


    The Oilers comeback game was blacked out.

  3. In the news article, it mentions that the Bills Treasurer is in attendance. This makes me think Jauron has signed the extension and they're working on 1) the financial implications of firing DJ now and 2) a deal that financially makes sense to both parties to void the extension and allow DJ's contract "to not be extended."


    This would avoid Ralph needing to publicly "fire" DJ, whom he seems to have much respect for. Maybe it's normal to have a treasurer present in these types of discussions, but it strikes me as a little odd


    That's what I was thinking too.

  4. I'm sure Toyota will make the right decision. Any company that can go that long without a loss is doing something right and does not need the governments help.


    Toyota doesn't need help from the government? Who pays for the health care of Toyota's Japanese employees? The Japanese government. Who's been artificially devaluing their currency to protect their automobile imports? The Japanese government. Who's been rebating value added taxes on their exports to American while imposing the same taxes on imports from America? The Japanese government. Who uses a variety of non-tariff barriers to protect their auto industry? The Japanese government. The way some people talk you'd think that Japanese car makers are existing in some sort of Milton Friedman wet dream where only the free market's invisible hand has pushed them past their American competitors.

  5. Open letter to the !@#$s running Sirius,


    Thanks for not listening to all the subscribers clamoring for Boombox

    39 to come back. It seems like you feel the little changes on Alt

    Nation, such as mixing in Pendulum, will be enough.


    Apparently you people don't understand music. Following Pendulum -

    Propane Nightmares on Alt Nation this afternoon was Blink 182. Let me

    repeat that, because you obviously don't understand the contrast.

    Pendulum versus Blink 182.


    Hell, let me link the two songs so you can compare:





    Hear the difference? How in the world are these two songs on the same channel?


    You people continue to prove you have no idea what you are doing with

    the type of music that was on Boombox. You are trying to integrate it

    into a channel where it makes absolutely no sense to.


    Thanks to great radio stations like www.unitedbreaks.fm that aren't

    filled with the redundant garbage that Sirius is, I'm getting ready to

    drop my subscription. I'd stay around if Boombox was brought back,

    but you guys don't give a damn about that type of music.


    I've got to hand it to you, you guys managed to completely ruin Area

    38 and Boombox all in one sweep, and now you are ruining other

    channels trying to fix it. Quite an accomplishment, I must say.


    I'd get an Ipod if I were you.

  6. And your continuing to harp on an immaterial triviality is not even remotely surprising. Whether Franken was responsible for 5% or 10% or 1% of SNL does not change the fact that his bits were not funny and it isn't much of a reach to assume that what he wrote (that wasn't explicitly credited to him) wasn't funny either.


    That's not a fact, that's an opinion.

  7. In addition to those VA points out work in exploration and refining, what about all the gas stations that litter the landscape? There is at least another million people on the retail side.


    In fact, I think it's a fair bet that there are more jobs in oil/gas than in the auto business.


    People are still going to need to by fuel for their cars. What difference does it make to the gas station owner if they're are buying gas or some sort of alternative fuel?

  8. You mean the era that had Chevy Chase fall down all the time while doing the news? The crap that is laughably bad now because it is so dated? I guess I should bow down and blow the dude that was responsible for that genius.


    Franken was also around during the Farley/Sandler/Hartman era which was my favorite era of SNL.

  9. With oil prices plummeting and they being forced to find new alternative sources and fuels by the messiah, how long before they become economically insolvent and have to seek a bailout. I say two years with the messiah and Al the green machine wizard and all his "eco-friendly" companies before the big oil companies are in trouble.


    If oil companies become insolvent due to plentiful alternative fuels why would we even need oil companies?

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