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Posts posted by flmike

  1. He was close to retiring before he signed and had reportedly backed out once. He gave it a go and he wasn't 100% in (nor did he look good) so he cut bait. Too bad but moving on. Sad looking WR core but probably about the same talent level as last year when Watkins was out.


    Stop making sense. It is not tolerated here that much.

  2. Lol. So, we are already turning on Beane and McDermott? (and Tyrod and Boldin and God knows who else at this point)


    Maybe Boldin is just dead tired of playing football. He's 36! How many 36 year old wide receivers do you see in this league? The guy probably ground through a couple weeks of training camp, his body was beat down and wasn't responding, and he said enough is enough. Especially given the team wasn't going anywhere.


    Irrespective of this Boldin news, I love that Beane seems to recognize the need to rebuild and change the culture. It may or may not work, but we were heading nowhere fast by "staying the course." A Darnold, Allen or Rosen will set us up for longterm success. I believe Beane and McDermott have the resolve to see this through and finally get us on the right track for the next decade.


    Edit: Sammy needed to be traded. He was always injured and never would have re-signed here. It would have been complete folly to let him play out his contract and walk.


    ^^^^^^^ this

  3. Thank you for writing such an ignorant post that I can make my final analysis that you are nothing but a troll with an agenda. Even the most ignorant of all football fans know this post is absolutely false. It's really become a joke.

    Coach has been here for years and probably has forgotten more than you know.

  4. Oh man can you imagine what the players must feel like for this **** to go down. I bet morale is at an all time low. Trading TT's best WR and the teams best player. Guess what else you have to build now over the next 5 years. A belief in this GM and coach. I dont think it happens. They have shown how they do business.

    Umm. The team's best player is Shady. Watkins showed flashes but he doesn't belong in the same conversation yet.

  5. I was shocked by this at first, but now coming around on it. You get a 2nd round pick for someone who was going to leave anyway and you get a 3rd in exchange for a decent CB. I think they did very well, but the vets on the team will not be happy. Probably best to move the rest and enjoy watching the kids lose a lot of games this season. The brilliance of this is that by the time our new team is ready, Brady will be retired. The FO probably saw a couple more years of pointless fighting the Pats w/o enough talent.

  6. Sooooo.... after 1 preseason game, the Bills decide to throw in the towel. If I were Kyle W, I would p*ssed and probably announce retirement tomorrow. I kind of see trading Sammy when he has SOME value, but Darby? Trading proven players for draft picks (which is a total lottery) is questionable. Maybe they are stocking draft picks to trade up to no. 1 next year. Boys and gals, it will be another 3 years minimum in the wilderness.

  7. Seems like they're targeting players who showed consistent production throughout their college careers.


    Which is what a GM should do. I've never understood the thinking that you take someone with great physical attributes and somehow make him into a good football player at the NFL level. Guys who were winners in college tend to be winners at the next level.

  8. Lets look at Whaley's track record since everything is speculation


    2013 Draft


    EJ Manuel- awful player also not on the team anymore 4 years after being drafted

    Robert Woods-not on the team anymore

    Kiko Alonso-not on the team anymore

    Marquise Goodwin-not on the team anymore

    Duke Williams- awful player not on the team anymore

    Jonathan Meeks-bad player

    Dustin Hopkins- not on the team anymore

    Chris Gragg- average player


    so if the 2013 draft we walked away with Gragg's and Meeks because thats all thats left






    Sammy Watkins- good player but didn't need to trade away the farm in a strong WR class

    Cyrus Kouandjio- wasnt able to play till last year a team in a drought doesnt need projects in round 2

    Preston Brown- slow and doesnt do have any above average skill set

    Ross Cockrell-not on team

    Cyril Richardson-not on team

    Randell Johnson-not on team

    Seantrel Henderson- he's sick and that can't be blamed on anyone, get well young man


    So out of this draft we got a #1 WR and a slow linebacker that cant cover or stop the run, none of the other players contribute much on Sundays





    Ron Darby- wasn't good last year I'm hoping it was Rex's system since he was good as a rookie

    John Miller-average to above average

    Karlos Williams- not on the team

    Tony Steward- not on the team

    Nick O'leary- average player/ nice pick so deep into the draft

    Dezmin Lewis- Training Camp Warrior


    We got 2 starters and 1 backup out of this class


    2016 Draft Class

    Shaq Lawson- drafted an injured player on a team that needs their 1st round picks

    Reggie Ragland- injured while playing unavoidable

    Adolphus Washington- ran out of gas but you cant judge a guy off of 1 season

    Cardale Jones- major project that looked awful when he played/ wait and see

    Jonathan Williams-fumble machine/ we have plenty of RBs so its not an issue

    Kolby Listenbee-?

    Kevon Seymour- gotta wait in see here



    so out of this draft class we got 1 starter last year, could be 3 or 4 this season depending on how they play and who we draft this season.




    When I look this over it doesn't look like a good job is being done drafting. Out of those 29 guys drafted SIX have contributed on the field for an entire season as a starter.

    Alonso turned into Shady, so add Pro Bowl RB to your list.

  9. That was a great article.


    >>>The roster is a monument to weak drafting and short-sighted personnel management. At the end of last season, the Bills had fewer of their own draft picks on the roster than any other team. They had 22 unrestricted free agents on March 1. They had precious few "value" players, young stars who are on their first contracts and help balance the roster.<<<


    One of the reasons for the above quote is that Whaley keeps trading away our precious draft picks for little return.


    Listen, I don't hate the man. The truth is that he is a lousy, undisciplined, short sighted GM. If he was watching his money he is set for life. Bills Fans deserve a GM who can get us into the playoffs. Whaley will never, ever land another job in this capacity. He needs to be fired.

    Bill, great to hear from you again. Hope all is well.

    Ladies and gentlemen, it gives me great pleasure to present to you, the First Couple of Two Bills Drive: Thurman#1 and Bill from NYC


    Dude, why don't chill and build up some posts before saying stupid things? Bill is legend here.

  10. From Corey White yesterday:


    “If there’s any coach you want to play for,” White said, “it’s Rex. He’s going to have your back in any circumstance. He’s not going to sell you out, he’s not going to bring your name to the media saying, 'this person’s bad.' He’s going to have your back 100 percent.”



    So glad to see him gone. I just want accountability. Dare I say I miss Marrone? Nah, can't say it. He had the accountability stuff down, but he had no innovation to go along with it. I'm curious about Anthony Lynn. I think being here first hand and seeing why Rex failed will help him.


    Doug's version of accountability was to hold grudges. That's too far in the opposite direction. Most guys in any organization just want to know the expectations and limits. You don't need to make a show of it.

  11. Just got home and read two interesting news items. First, Carrie Fisher left us. Was hoping that she would pull though... Then the next item was that Rex and his brother were shown the door. I don't like cheering for someone's failure, especially when it also meant my team's failure, but I'm very relieved. I kind of stayed on the sidelines this year since I really didn't like watching such an undisciplined team and so much talent wasted. I'm thrilled that I can look forward to football season again. Only one team wins the SB each year, so you just want to get to the playoffs. This team has the talent, and I even think Taylor could pull it off. Worse QBs have. We need another stud receiver (over 6' tall please) and some tough safeties (and depth). Looking forward to the offseason. Merry Christmas, guys!

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