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Posts posted by flmike

  1. Bill, a most hearty welcome back. Just got home from Mass and was so pleased to see your post. Best wishes to you!


    On the game.. the Jags are so bad, they let us back into the game. The D was very good today, except that last series. Jags made some good plays (and the refs helped big time).


    I had really hoped that EJ would find himself in the NFL but I've not seen an average college QB become great at the pro level. Brady went under the radar, but had all the tools all along. No one noticed, it seems.


    We so badly need safeties. I really think that's the biggest problem on defense at the moment. Also, either use the talent you have creatively or rebuild the defense as you want it. Can't have both.


    I hoped that a change of venue would bring out a competent Ryan, but it apparently hasn't. We are now last year's Jets.


    A fan does not have to be a masochist. I continue to root for the Bills but I have so many other things to do on a Sunday, that I won't carve out time for them for a while. I hate being mad and behind on things at the same time.

  2. I know we are all pumped after kicking Fish butt yesterday, but we've all seen this movie before. Let's be in a good mood, but realistically wait until about midseason before making a real judgment on this team. We've had teams come out looking great before, only to tank the second half. That's the part I want to see improved. Will defenses try to box TT and take away his mobility and site lines? I would. Happy today, but I want to wait until mid November before setting aside the playoff dates to watch the games.

  3. Here's a question. I was not on this board when Thurman was cut. Was the reaction the same? I would guess not, because everyone knew it was time. This is different. FJ was cut when most of our backfield is injured. We are told they will be fine, but we haven't even been told what Karlos's problem is. I'm just not buying everything I hear from official sources. I think the Bills are better with FJ this year. I don't know about next year, but I think this move will not strengthen the team, especially on passing downs.

  4. My take on "rogue" is that Whaley was the only one who really had a thing against Jackson. Who knows why that was. Could have been personal. FJ's remark suggests this. Whaley wanted to cut him preseason, but the Pegs seem to have nixed that. He finally wore them down and the owners went back into "owner mode" and signed off to cover him. As for age, he has fewer NFL carries than McCoy, who is 27. Fred is not a burner but he was still the best pass blocker and always fell forward for yardage, unlike our other backs (even with the crappy OL design last year).

  5. Just watched the presser with Whaley. What a waste of time. He essentially says "it was a hard decision" but wouldn't explain his reasoning. "Competitiveness reasons?" What a load. Exactly what edge is a team going to get if he gives the reasons? Maybe it gives Fred a better chance to get hired if they don't disclose? I want him to answer the question regarding how you go into the last preseason game cutting your only healthy veteran running back. First rule of press conferences. Don't schedule one if you are not answering any questions.

  6. Only one 1000+ yard season in his career.


    Oh gee, only one in a pass-happy league....


    Only one 7+ TD season in his career.


    Below 3.9 YPC two of the last three seasons.


    Answer for both of the above = crappy OL. What other backs have we had with better?


    Oldest RB in the league.


    Started later than the others too


    Suck it up and buy a new jersey and get real with yourself. Nice guy, but can't play anymore.


    Saturday proved this wrong


    I'm sure he'll make a fine car salesman.

  7. Speed isn't everything. Freddie squirm through holes and moves the chains. Is strong on his feet. Runs routes well and is a lock in pass protection. I'd be fine if he's cut in Lieu of a better player, but Bryce Brown hasn't proven to be that.


    ^^^^ This, this, this. My question is why all the Bryce Brown love on this board? Coaches manage the game, but fans actually watch it. Fred brings intangibles such as those mentioned above. What other back that we have has such a nose for blitz pickup and making something of nothing?

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