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Posts posted by timba

  1. Wow, a "content" guy. Good for you looking past other folk's shortcomings to read opinions! I, for one, would like to do both. Spell correctly in the damn headline at least! Now let me address the content of the original post. I thought it was a lame thread until I saw your post and was amused by your outrage. We speak and write English here and we like it that way. If we have typos or misspellings, we should point them out.


    your totaly blowing this out of perportion... are grammer and spelling are fine... :devil:

  2. Maybe the work at ILB will help his run D skills, as I think he was mainly a "get after the passer" DE in college. Would be a great story if this works out, at least for Moats...


    Moats success translates to Buffalo success. I'm going with baseless optimism and think Moats is going to be a real good player for years to come with the Bills. :thumbsup:

  3. Thank you for clarifying, but the thread still defies the principles of logic.


    Why would Locker assume that Buffalo would draft him? Perhaps a team like the 49ers would get him with their 1st overall pick, and if he's tanking the season, then he would be available in the later rounds of the draft.


    It most definitely does. 'Screw first round money! Lets tank it and hope a crap team doesn't draft me later on!' WRONG

  4. Not at all. The reason to extend a contract is basically to prevent a player from playing out his contract and leaving as an unrestricted free agent. I am ever so doubtful that any team would offer this kind of money to a marginal player such as Kelsay.


    Think about it....as a DE, how many times in his career do you think he was double teamed? Now, he is learning a new position at 30, and he can't cover tight ends very well. He provides little pass rush, and isn't stout against the run.


    They should have let him play out his contract and signed him (if they wanted him) to somewhere around the league minimum. Do you relize that Ralph is probably going to dip into his pocket and give him a few million as a signing bonus? :wallbash:


    This was almost as dumb as extending Dick Mauron, a coach who nobody could have possibly wanted. Almost as dumb.


    Me either... I hadn't thought about the timing of the extension and you're very right. If they let it run out and still wanted him I'm sure there wouldn't be a bidding war and they could 'get' him for cheap.


    Well he may not have been double teamed, but I can confirm that he was blocked by guys with two legs. Typically it's those ones that give him problems.

  5. so this board made him go 4 of 20??



    Sorry, it's not the Bills' fault for Locker's particular brand of suck.


    Every fan is critical of their team. Any football player worth his salt wants to win, no matter where he goes. Sure, the Bills QB spot hasn't been a favorable position in a long time, but a team has to turn the corner somewhere. This topic really makes zero sense.


    I believe the original poster is implying Locker is purposefully sucking so that the Bills don't draft him.

  6. Even that is a reach Brother. He's a little light in the a$$ to be an effective DE vs. the run even in a 4/3, other than to chase down backs after a gain.


    It was an absolute waste and a step back, if possible.


    Is there any amount of money that he could be offered that would make you think "I guess that's not so bad."

  7. why?

    there are those on this board who consider me being the "all-knowing highness" as SwampD refered to me over on the Aud Club board, a thread that's been pointed out to my attention. i guess i have a reactionary reputation, and am sometimes quick to hit the flame button.

    to what point or advantage would i have if i provided any insight into this thread.


    heck, i'm even hesitant to put in this thread, in fear of being targeted and then accused for being thin-skinned or defensive.


    i'll defend myself only in asking anyone to take a look at the body of work i've written over the past year, in my stories and on this board in regards to Schobel, Lynch, T.O., and Michael Vick for that matter, and point out where i've gone overboard or been wrong.


    heck, i was even attacked for having the balls to dispute a poster who suggested the Dolphins were "the joke of the AFC East."


    and to SwampD's point, i don't understand how i'm all so high-and-mighty, when in reviewing the "women in the locker room" thread in question, you were the one who referred to the reporter as "a skank" (that's just an ugly word) and then suggested women should wear burkas.


    but of course, the media's opinion is a joke. why go on and dispute that if that's what people believe.




    Typically when there are posts regarding media opinion and how people hate them you inevitably get pulled in. I guess that was my doing this time. MY BAD! Not trying to instigate. More of a comment that it's become an expectation for media related posts.

  8. I seriously doubt it...And that's not what I want to believe, it's just what I believe now after 10 years of this crap...It's just beyond dysfunction and these people are supposed to be football people...Chan Gailey is a Veteran Coach, so was DJ...For both these guys to march Edwards out there as their unquestioned Starter, then bench him a few weeks later...You were right to say bizzarro because it's just bizzarro world period over there at OBD...Has been for a while now...There's no rhyme or reason...It's like a petri dish of losing culture...It's just sad... B-)


    They came in giving Edwards a clean slate. He looked better than the other QB's in practice, so he got the starts in preseason. He looked solid in preseason, at least not poor enough to be usurped by the other contenders, so he got to start in the preseason. He looked rough in the first game, so maybe it was just jitters. Looked exactly the same in week 2, so put him on the bench. The offense was able to score 23 points and have exactly no 3 and outs in week 3. The only change was at the QB position. I concede they were playing against some pretty good Defenses in the first two weeks, but our pitiful offense in those two games helped put them there.


    There was a progression to their thinking. Edwards wasn't helping the team, and in fact seemed to be hurting it. This is addition by subtraction. They need to find out who can play and be useful this year and who to get rid of. I'm just terrified at the Kelsay extension rumors as he's done very little on the field to warrant one.

  9. Caught me by surprise, caught the Pats* by surprise, but nobody here is discussing it (at least not on the front page).


    What was everyone else's reaction? Dick Jauron is LONG gone.


    I loved the call. Took everybody by surprise and almost came up with it! Can't believe the refs gave New England the ball before pulling the pile apart. That got me going pretty good.


    I don't know why taking the FG is even a question here. You take guaranteed points that puts you in the lead against a division rival who has owned you for years. With under 30 seconds in the half, you have to believe your defense won't give up the yardage necessary to let the other team score.

  10. Fair response. I just want one person to say, damn I was wrong, he's playing great football right now. And to the guy who said he never played like this in Atlanta, he is wrong. As I stated, he finished second in MVP voting one year, he won a playoff game in Lambeau, I think he even took them to the NFC Championship game one year? The guy WAS this good and it amazes me how soon people forget.




    It's hard to take your condescending response seriously when as a grown man (or woman), you still have not been able to ascertain when to use "your" vs. "you're."


    I will concede that he's not who I thought he was, at least on the field. I just remember him being a running QB in Atlanta, but I didn't really watch him all that closely.

  11. I really don't want to get you guys started this morning but let me share my opinnion.


    I have seen all the great quarterbacks suffer with less starts then Fitzpatrick. My guess is he has around 12.


    The offensive line is still a problem but Fitpatrick handles the rush differently. He will lead a receiver rather then take the sack and this is the main reason for inconsistancy and poor accuracy.


    At this point I stick with Fitzpatrick until I find an uncorrectable problem.


    So do we need to draft and gamble on a Rookie QB in the first round?


    You tell me?


    Yes, you draft a rookie QB in the first round if you think he can be your franchise QB. What you saw against New England is what Fitz has always brought to the table: a large pair of ca-hones with a lack of consistency in throwing accuracy. Fitz is a gamer. There is no doubt about that in my mind, but you need to be able to hit open guys in critical situations (in the red zone and in the last 3 minutes when down) to get over the 'almost win' hump.

  12. Yup. And OLB isn't even on the list.


    My assumption was Defensive Pass Rusher = OLB.


    Since QB isn't on the list, T/OLB are the next two real positions of need. Of those two I would like the O-line sured up first for whatever solution we have for the QB position. After that I see needs at Tight End and on the D-Line.

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