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Everything posted by wjag

  1. I doubt anyone on here cares. I bet the FCC does. I bet the networks televising them care if the FCC starts handing out fines. We could very well progress to a tape delay if it continues. Do I care, not in the least.
  2. Beasley is definitely walking wounded. On his last catch, there was a quick camera angle that showed him cursing and limping on that foot. It happened fast, but I definitely saw it.
  3. In a game that had so many plays to choose from, this was my favorite. It happened so fast I didn’t even see the handoff. When it was over all I could say was wow. Huge play at an important time in the game.
  4. If that is not a TD, I simply don't understand the rules. ergo.. I don't understand the rules.
  5. I was wondering about that. I thought I saw laces, but there was never a decent replay.
  6. 2 really bizzaro calls in this game: The Smoke TD that wasn't and the Carr fumble that wasn't.
  7. 4-0 and possibly +2 on NE. 3-0 in AFC and 2-0 in East. It's amazing how the schedule doesn't look as tough now. Titans. Hmmm .. Covid.. Broncos. Hmm Missing a bunch of players. Seattle .. Hmm. Porous Defense.. Cardinals .. Hmm. Lost B2B games. 9ers.. Hmm Injuries have really weakened their team... Patriots.. Hmm. Cams COVIDing
  8. arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
  9. So the run defense is there. The pass rush just isn't which is hanging out the secondary. Will be interesting to see the second half adjustments by both teams. Even steven game so far.
  10. Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
  11. Going about how I expected.. Or how I hoped it would go.
  12. Every winning team this week is over 30 points so far.
  13. The roasting of Dallas is about to begin. Why oh why, down by three, would you squib kick? There was 3.47 left in game at that point.
  14. So my take is this is a make or break game for the run defense. With the Vegas receivers nicked the Bills should be able to concentrate on Jacobs. If he goes for a hundred, it’s going to be very telling to the rest of the league.
  15. People all make decisions on what contact with others is safe. We all are doing it. Who knows. Could have been a friend or family member deemed safe.
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