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Posts posted by WhitewalkerInPhilly

  1. I'm happy to see Moats take the lead. The man spends a lot of time trying to be part of the community and he certainly has been moved around a lot. I'd like to see him stay where he is.


    For people who are worried about our LB situation, I would like to mention one thing: our nickel D. Last season we played half of our snaps in it, which is going to mean pulling two LB off the field to put in Scott and our slot corner. LB may not be a strength, but it shouldn't be too big a weakness.

  2. Do I think he *CAN* be? Yes. He certainly put up the numbers while he was healthy and is a multidimensional back. And, for the most part, I think he is saying this as a way to fire himself up. Last season he had to be hungry to show his dominance as the starter as Spiller was expected to have it. He thrived off that chip on his shoulder, and now that he's the unquestioned starter he needs a different standard.


    Will he be? Undoubtedly the question is going to be whether he stays healthy. Our WR corps is still not where we would like it, and while Spiller is going to earn playing time we will likely be an offense which needs his help. If he can, I can certainly think of it as a possibility. If he goes down for any length of time he's going to miss out.

  3. Has anyone used the rewind last year for the regular season and knows how it works quality-wise and how quickly they update it? I'll be out of the market this fall, and this had got to be the cheapest way to watch games that I've seen. Hell, I would spend more on the bar tab for the day than what Rewind costs for the season.


    I'm going to be a grad student and I'm on a budget, so I can see spending the day at the library and making a party of it at midnight.


    I'm sure there will be plenty of live streams I can use instead.


    Sorry to repost, but do you know any good ones? While I could definitely wait, if I dont't have too...

  4. Mark Barron sounds like he is having him self a very good off-season so far. I feel very confident if we hadn't selected Gilmore and instead drafted Mark Barron, we would still have our selves one heck of a football player. I am rooting for the kid. I was secretly hoping for him. Him or Gilmore. Either way, I thought it would be something interesting to bring up.


    Andrew Luck sounds like he is having him self a very good off-season so far. I feel very confident if we hadn't selected Gilmore and instead drafted Andrew Luck, we would still have our selves one heck of a football player. I am rooting for the kid. I was secretly hoping for him. Him or Gilmore. Either way, I thought it would be something interesting to bring up.




    Point made.

  5. Really, I think our CB was more important to fix. Now, please hold off on your flames for a moment and hear me out.


    The NFL is moving to a passing league. We ourselves showed this by moving to the spread offense, which is becoming more popular. Last season half of the time we were in the nickel, which means pulling one of our LB for a CB (or playing Bryan Scott). Furthermore, the most obvious way to beat our new and improved pass rush (which so far has looked awesome!) are quick short routes which require the CBs to play tight coverage.


    McGee may or may not be cut. McKelvin is fighting bust status. Florence kept getting beat and was cut. Williams is only in his second year.


    Meanwhile, we at least have a very solid LB in Barnett and promise in Shep. Even calling them a wash in talent, we needed to fill CB more.

  6. McGee is not playing with the starters because HE IS STILL NOT 100% HEALTHY. You're delusional and blinded by your creepy McGee hate if you think a fully healthy McGee on opening day wouldn't be responsible for other teams' #1 WR.


    Umm, I'm not so sure about that. Even when he was healthy last season you could see that we has slowing down a bit. It is unfortunate, but it happens. CB relies heavily on speed, and Gilmore is pretty much a lock at this point. I would like him to make the team, but I highly doubt he would be tagging the #1 reciever.

  7. I don't know if anyone else noticed, but on the front page they talked about how Dwans Edwards was moving to linebacker. Cue a very large "WHHAAA?"


    Well, it turns out they meant DT. Which makes a lot more sense.

  8. Great report, thanks for posting it. It seems to me the offense is ahead of the defense or is the defense just kind of taking it easy so the offense can get some synergy going?


    I think it takes longer for a defense to come together, and there's also the fact that since there aren't pads they can't be as physical as they would normally be.


    I do want to keep an eye on Tank since he had a great first day. I would love it if he somehow won a starting spot.

  9. I'm sorry to say that McGee seems to be dropping down the depth chart. He's done a lot of work with us, and I hope that he stays on for experience but if he's already not 100%. When we drafted Gilmore I was sure that Gil would the nickel corner to start but at this point I really think it's going to be him and Williams.


    Apparently Gilmore got beat by Stevie a few times yesterday, but also had a few good plays. Signs of progress

  10. I'm going to be moving to Pnilly just as the season starts. The Bills Backers have a place listed, but it's way outside of the city and hard to get to. So if anyone knows a Bills Bar in the downtown or northern parts of Philly I would love to know.

  11. It's good to hear that he's making progress. I do hope that someone else manages to take the starting role, if only to help break Gilmore in. That said, when the competition in front of you is the guy who is coming off injury and hasn't had a good season in five years, or the guy who got benched six games in and has been labeled a bust...well, it looks like there is a reason that he's taking snaps as a starter.

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