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Bills fan since 87

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Posts posted by Bills fan since 87

  1. I'm headed over Friday.. not sure what to expect of drills on day two but I'll def be keeping an eye on all the passing that I can. I'll be there open to end. Do it once every year. I find the non ticketed practices are the best because there are less people and they tend spread the units out over a few fields, including a few around back for line work. You can get real close and hear the players and coaches talking.

  2. I think with the way things played out we'd have been eliminated later in the day had we beaten the fish. Had we won the last 2 Rex actually would have had a winning record in Buff; and yeah I also wonder if the perception would have been different.


    I'm more of a binary guy: highly enthusiastic as long as there's any possibility of the playoffs, and mildly enthusiastic after they've been mathematically eliminated.

    Yeah, pretty much this. I can never root for a loss, even if it improves draft stock. No matter how dire things are I still get joy out of the Bills making plays and my week is just better if they win. But that joy, while still there, tends to be much more mild later in the season these last 17 years.

    My love for the Bills is consistent. My interest in the NFL product as a whole varies.

    I find my NFL interest tends to coincide with how the Bills are playing to an extent. With that said this league has really soured me over the years in many ways.


    Dude I was the same way always hated Nascar and could never understand why someone would watch cars go in a circle. I live 2 miles from a major Nascar track and refused to go to a race. Three years ago I was waiting for wife to get ready and turned a race on and actually watched and I have been hooked ever since. There is a lot of strategy that goes into a race tires, fuel etc very interesting. I picked 48 to root for figured I would have one sport that had a winner. Do yourself and watch the championship race Sunday and see history as Jimmie Johnson wins his 7th championship.

    Can't do it. Grew up in the Adirondacks where it does have a following so I've been exposed to it, just not for me. Not knocking it, just can't get into it. With that said I would probably attend a race for the party if nothing else. College hoops picks up soon and that's my number 2 behind the NFL (oddly enough the NBA would probably be sub Nascar even though I love the college game)

  5. Most of us old timers are done with this season already. We already see the writing on the wall having been through the abuse for such a long time rooting for this team. Both wild cards will come from the west. I admire your enthusiasm &I was once like you but I do suggest finding a second hobby ( for me its Nascar & Jimmie Johnson) to fall back on because this team will eat you alive every time. GO #48!!!!

    Sounds like maybe your second hobby should be your number one. How anybody can watch cars go in circles for hours I'll never know, but to each their own.

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