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Posts posted by Cookiemonster

  1. I dont think I have ever heard of a team NOT getting 1 single penalty against them, other then the one that was declined.

    Look, let's all face reality, how many times have we been told that the NFL is a Business, and we are to believe that there is

    no monkey business? The way they manipulate (fix) games is so subtle, officiating, scheduling, marketing, fines, etc., etc.

    that it is hard to pick up on. We here about tough decisions within in individual teams, and again the reference to, "it's a busines", well it's not just a business for the individual teams, but the whole NFL. It is in their best interest to see that

    certain big market teams flourish, and make it to the playoffs, at least. But you see the subtle way can only take you so

    far, then it becomes more obvious to everyone what is going on, as the leauge becomes more bolder and powerful, they

    know that they can get away with it. Just look at other industries, like Steel, for example, many top executives who previously worked for a rival, get together, sometimes under the auspicies of trade meetings, they set policy, and all of the

    others follow suit. You could probably term it collusion, but they get away with it too.

    The NFL is just too powerful, period, and they are ruining the game, despite the fact that many would say that it is flourishing, it will catch up to them eventually. Their excessive greed will eventually be their downfall. I think, that if you are smart, the best thing that we can do as fans, would be to take what we want, that is what is still free anymore, and

    eschew the rest. No more buying packages to assure that you will see all of your fantasy results, I don't buy jerseys, why?

    The guy is likely to be gone anyway in a couple of years, an they are way overpriced, the only way that I go to a game, is

    if one of my buddies has an extra, company paid for, ticket, we need to do anything we can to knock them off of their high horse, and little things do add up, and matter.Call me paranoid, a conspiracy theoriost, whatever, but it is what it is.

  2. Dick has a different, simpler card.


    It says:


    Always kick for 1, it's safer.


    Always kick a field goal on 4th down, even when inside the opponents 1 yard line on a nice day.


    Don't rush too many guys on defense, you might get beat deep even by noodle armed Chad Pennington.


    With a first down on your own 1 yard line, pass on 3 consectutive plays. Wait a minute, who added that to the card?


    Ah, somebody finally gets my point, Dick is tooooo conservative.

  3. I realize, at this point, that this would have had no bearing on the final outcome, but

    why in the world did we not go for the 2-point conversion after the touchdown to start the

    second half? Am I missing something, or is it just Jauron's conservatism rearing it's ugly

    head, once again? I would almost bet that the little card that they carry around said go

    for 2. :P

  4. After looking at various things, I am beginning to believe our blocking scheme is the root of our problems in the run game. When Derrick Dockery was with the Redskins, he was considered a road grader, and runs behind his side of the football were in the top 5 in the NFL for average gain. Oakland had a pretty decent running game when running the ball behind Langston Walker. Minnesota even could run the ball effectively with Fowler as the center. So to me, the problem must be our scheme. Dockery does not go from one of the best run blocking guards in the NFL to a guy who can't block overnight. Fowler while not the greatest center in the world, isn't horrible either, although he gets shoved into the backfield a little too much for my liking. What do you think the problem is? I can't imagine players who were successful at run blocking on other teams, including a guy who was one of the best at it in Dockery, can all of a sudden not know how to run block anymore...


    It appears the guys are tentative when blocking and are waiting for the DLinemen to come to them rather than trying to force the issue and blow them off the ball...


    Anyone else have any comments on this?


    Maybe the scheme is an issue, but I would also consider the fact that other teams really do not respect our passing game,

    so they load up the box, and rely on man to man coverage. I think that Trent and the recivers are getting more comfortable, and starting to produce more on a consistent basis, and that will do more than anyting to open up the run.

    I realize that it is usually the other way around, but we are going to have to use the passing game to set up our running game, and Trent is just the man to do this. Using Evans more on quick slants, and short quick strikes, as well as Reed and Roscoe, and they have been doing it, at least a couple of times this year we have opened our first offensive series with

    middle range passes to Evans that have turned in to fairly long gains, we need to keep doing this.

    until teams start respecting our passing game, our run blocking will not be as effective.

  5. I love that the majority of our remaining games are in the northeast and will cut down on traveling. Denver will be a hike but then look at the Jets and Pats who have TWO more west coast games to play. This could be a huge advantage down the stretch.


    Of course our team needs to prove they can play in the cold.


    Yeah, I agree with your assessment, I really love the whole way the schedule set up this year. I think that

    playing the Jets at home first, will also benefit us greatly, we will hopefully be 6-1 by that time, and I really belive that we will beat the JETS at the Ralph. That would put us at 7-1 maybe 6-2, and hopefully in firm control of the division.

    Possibly making the game at the Meadowlands, I don't wan to say meaningless, but maybe not as critical. Then

    to finish the season at home against the Pats will be the icing on the cake, just in case we do need it.


    I like our chances.

  6. Yep.


    It's a theme that has been rehashed here countless times and it's no less true now: there are boorish fans of EACH AND EVERY TEAM! That doesn't mean that each and every fan of said team is boorish. And as for not being knowledgeable, I can only hope to lack knowledge to the degree of my Mother, a retired senior executive of Social Security, and my brother, an award winning journalist of nearly 20 years. Not to mention my wife, who keeps me in line (that takes some work) and also manages a pharmacy, a task that she spends 'bout 60-70 hours per week doing.


    Let me correct that, I mean Football Knowledge, and I stand pat with everything else that I stated

    about the Stiller fans. Wow, a senior executive with Social Security, now that is impressive.

  7. I brought a steelers fan to that game in 04/05. I am part of the problem. Not the solution.


    Before we game, we had a lot of laughs. After the game, I wanted her to find her own way home.


    I have said this before on other posts, and I will say it again, Steeler Fans are the worst in the NFL.

    bar none. I live in that area, and have been to, and have watched many Steeler games, and have

    been to quite a few Steelers/Bills games, including one divisional, and one wild card playoff game

    in Pittsburgh, as well as numerous in Buffalo. I have also been to many other NFL games in

    other cities, as well.


    They are great until the Stillers either start losing, or

    have a big lead, then they turn into total tools. Yeah they support their team very loyally, but what fans

    don't? They think the Stillers should be winning every minute of every game, or they start immediatley booing,

    circa Baltimore Pittsburgh recent Monday Night Game. 1rst quarter, no less. Oh, and yeah, they are also the least knowledgable.

  8. Getting away from the original post theme here, just following suit.

    I recall from the Arizona/Jets game, that most of those early Jets points

    came off of turnovers in Arizona territory. I do not think that the Jets are that prolific on

    offense. Wth that being said, the Bills would have scored a lot more, even with Losman,

    if they just could have gotten their defense of the field a little more. I am not worried

    about the Jets, and for that matter anybody else. This loss in my opinion was an abborition.

    We will bounce back quickly.

  9. Growing up wearing a Joe Ferguson jersey to grade school as early as 2nd grade, sitting with 20,000 other fans when we got the sh-- knocked out of us in 84 and 85, and living through Kay stevenson, Hank Bullough, and one Ronnie Harmon drop after another, I'd say this qualifies me as a non band wagoner, and one who can give this opinion:


    I'd definitely say this team does not have a bandwagon per say, at least not withing the confines of the Buffalo Nation, or anywhere in western NY, but given the years of let downs, superbowl misses, home run throw-ups(I was at that game), skates in the crease, and the rediculous image that our fine city is under 10 feet of snow year 'round, its not going to be uncommon that good fans, long time fans, and die hard till Ralph's last breath fans will get unsettled when we get our @ss kicked like that.


    This board is the place to ask questions about confidence in this team, discuss strategies, talk about player performance perceptions, and bash Miami dolphags fans and their franchise in general. One thing is true about us Bills fans; We may be unsettled about a 4-1 start because the team has not accomplished anything yet that they have set out to do this year, and even if this team gets knocked down, beaten, embarrassed, or kicked aside by the national media, we all get back up year after year, dust ourselves off, look our adversaries in the eye, and say "bring it on"


    Go BILLS!!!!


    Amen brother, couldn't have stated any better! :doh:

  10. Hochuli's losing it. He's trying to over-explain the calls now.


    Yeah, I really do not get the whole explaining thing anyway, I mean they are the ref's, and they make the call

    by intepreting the rules, and they should just just call the penalty, and shut the h%ll up. The same two explanations

    from one ref to another are never quite the same anyway, and it just pours more fuel on the fire. I can understand

    an explanation on a review, but it should be limited to just that, and standardize your explanations. This stuff about

    someone giving someone else the business at the bottom of the scrum, and ad libs similiar to this make for great

    theatre, but are they neccesary.And nother thing, there are way to many rules now, and it appears to me, or at least

    I think that it comes off as them, to quote somebody dear to us, as being "over officias jerks". :nana:

  11. One of things I felt we look great in through 4 games is 3rd down defense. I decided to look it up and we're number 1 in the nfl with 19.2%. Last year it was something like 45%. Remember how frustrating it was last season (and beyond) when the D would set up 3rd and longs only to give up the big play for a 1st? The defense is getting off the field and it really puts into perspective how far our defense has come since last year.



    That's a great stat, but it all starts with 1rst and 2nd downs, and that is what is setting them up, there were lots

    of times over the last couple of years were the opponent would face third and long, and we would give up the first,

    we were not getting any pressure, and opponents knew that they could take their time and spot the open

    reciever, they do not have that same luxury this year. It just seems like we have them in third and long

    a lot more this year, but the differnce is we are making them pay now.


    Go Bills!

  12. The Steelers have the worst fans in the NFL, bar none, and I live close to "The Burgh"

    They think that they should be winning every minute of every game, and have been spoiled by

    their success. It is very tough to be a Bills fan in this city. but it wouldn't be any better for any

    other fan either. They start a lttle sluggish, and their fans are all over them. I will go on record as

    saying, that they are also the least intelligent from a football perspective.


    Man are they fairweather.

  13. Did anyone see the McGahee screen in the first half? He caught the ball 3 yards behind the line of scrimmage, had 3 defenders in front of him, and decided to step out of bounds one yard before the line of scrimmage instead of fight for something. That was terrible. With the way our OLINE has been playing, Marshawn sees these type of plays develop on every series, and ends up with positive yards 8 out of 10 times. So happy about this switch!



    You know, I am glad you axed me that, I did notice that very thing on that very play, and thought the very same thing,

    that Marshawn would have lowered his shoulder and blasted someone, I do think that he was several yards beyond

    the line of scrimmage though. What a chump.


    I also noticed, right before the announcers commented, that he looked a lot bigger and slower.

    I guess I am a real prognosticator.


    Go Bills!

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