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Posts posted by Cookiemonster

  1. Bradford is a great QB but he is too small for the NFL.Now Tim Teibow could be a Buffalo kinda guy with the possible exception of the weather.

    Buffalo needs domed stadium. All of todays players are from warmer climates . Bottom line is all of todays football players are a bunch of limp di^&3d pu$$ies.

    Too small?


    "The victory for the 6'4", 218-pound Bradford marks the fifth time a Sooner has won the Heisman Trophy. He joins Billy Vessels (1952), Steve Owens (1969), Billy Sims (1978) and Jason White (2003). He is the 2nd sophomore (after fellow finalist, Tim Tebow, became the 1st last year) and the 30th quarterback to receive the award. The University of Oklahoma continues to rank 4th in number of Heisman winners behind Notre Dame, Ohio State and Southern California, who all have seven winners.


    Bradford, of Oklahoma City, OK, has completed 302 of his 442 passes this year, for 4,464 yards and 48 touchdowns while throwing only 6 interceptions".


    Maybe you are confusing him with somebody else, quote above, compliments of



  2. Trade up for Bradford, "if you have to"? Considering he's the Hypeman Trophy winner and could possibly end up w/ a national title to go along w/ it, I'd say it is a safe bet that the Bills would have to move up from the 11th spot to draft him.


    Which brings us to another point: since we have more pressing issues @ OLB and DE, why the heck would we not only draft a QB early, but trade up and lose valuable players/picks to do so? Seems like a major step backwards for a franchise that needs all the help it can get. If anything, they should trade down to acquire more picks, not lose the ones they have.

    I said, we evaluate him more thoroughly next year, and if he is not where, or who we thought he would be, then go after Bradford, and yes, we would have to Trade up to get him, as someone else will be sure to draft ahead of us in the 2010draft. We cannot draft a QB with our first (10/11 overall) pick this coming draft, way too many pressing needs, and the

    jury is still somewhat out on Trent, we need next year to find the definitive answer on him.

    I saw some stat like, every 9th pass he (Bradford) throws a touchdown.

    Not comparing Bradford to Big Ben at this point in both of their respective careers, just saying, to me he looks like the next

    closest facsimile.

  3. Forget Losman, nothing can save him now, and when he gets picked up by another team and starts to light it up with them, then all you Losman-lovers can tell the rest of us, that you told us so, but I wouldn't hold your breath for that.

    With that aside, I really think that the Bills are in pretty good shape from the QB perspective. Trent has shown enough promise in a little over a full NFL regular season, we can take next year to evaluate him more thorougly, bring in a Veteran

    FA to back him up, and possibly save the season if it starts spiraling, and if he isn't what most of us think that he will be at

    that time, then go after Sam Bradford, trade up if you have to to get him, that is assuming that he doesn't come out this

    year. He is a can't miss, next Rothlisberger type, and there will be others as well. We have had plenty of time to evaluate

    JP's skills, or lack thereof. In spite of the fact that some people say that Trent locks onto one reciever, he distributes the

    ball very nicely, and is highly accurate.

  4. I'm sure the decision is already made, if he were brought back ,we would already know.. Remember he has a confirmed contract and the Bills would go public if they intended do utilize it.. Just a few I's need to be dotted I suppose. jauron also DID NOT make himself available for end of year comments.


    Speculation is Marty Schotenheimer will be the new coach , if I'm wrong I won't post anymore this year..

    Really going out on a limb there, aren't you? Maybe you meant in 2009?

  5. Did he really over-rule Turk on this? I've heard this in a few places, but never got any confirmation.



    Book smarts vs street smarts. Jauron hasn't exactly shown much ability to think on his feet during the game. It's almost as if everything that happens is not in his book of "what to do when XYZ happens". B-)

    You hit it right on the head for me, no other way to explain it, he is clueless. He never has them truly prepared.

  6. I got a hoot when Dierdorf said that Shon-te was 'one of the hardest hitters in the league'. Do any of the announcers actually watch tape before uttering cliches about players they know nothing about?

    Dierdorf is a tool, he is aways making statements like that, this guy is the best this and that guy is the best that, he fails

    to remember that last week he said the same thing about another guy. :thumbsup:

  7. I love the Bills , I will get my tickets and watch . I may not be happy but I am a BILLS fan no matter what .

    I echo your sentiments, I do not live in Buffalo so thankfully I do not attend many games, but have been to many in the past, play-offs, regular season, pre-season, etc..I love the Bills also, and in no way am I giving up on them, but like I have

    stated in the past, the NFL is one step, and a small one at that, from the "WWF", it just seems to me, that the whole thing is

    somehow scripted, marquee match-ups magically appear (Dolphins/Jets),(Denver/San Diego), although they rarely provide

    the intended impact that the NFL was seeking. Scheduling (Toronto Miami Game), marketing, officiating, rules, interpretation of rules, all intended to confuse us, and control outcomes are all being manipulated by the NFL, I am not saying that they outright fix games, but I belive they try to coerce a desired outcome for the leauges overall benefit. If it works great, if not, they tried.

    Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain,(it is fitting that that is exactly what it reminded me of, when the referee

    goes into the replay booth behind the CURTAIN). The funny thing is, is that the are even more blatant with it now than ever before, the curtain has been pulled back, and we see the man (Goodell) behind it, but he is so powerful, he doesn't care that you see him manipulating everyting. They will suck all of the morons in, like Steeler Fans, and fantasy nuts, then slowly lower the boom on them, hell I guarantee that it won't be long before you have to pay to see your own team play. Take what you can from the NFL (whatever is free), and eschew the rest. It won't make the NFL collapse, after all they have zero competition, but I for one, am not going to continue to finance the machine.

  8. This was one of the most pathetic performances by a so-called football team I have seen in years. This team is soooo far away, so out of the caliber of the other teams in the division it is going to take a miracle and be another 5 years before they even have a chance. the players lack talent, the coaches are awfull, the front office (is there one?), the owner is a mean old b@st@rd with no will to win, just make $$$.


    I am so DONE with this loser of a franchise... throw out the memoribilia. No longer call me a fan. I am DONE being duped by Ralph Wilson. I am DONE being sucker punched by this collection of so called "high integrity" losers who can't block, can't tackle. There is no heart in this collection of dim wits. They are all soo off the mark they think Jauron is a good coach, and Ralph a good owner.


    I don't care where they draft, I don't care who is a free agent. I am DONE.

    GO DOLPHINS. Why? because I can't think of a worse thing to say to those at 1 Bills Drive!


    What a sorry state of affairs, what a pitiful end. Ralph I hope your stadium is empty next season. I wish you get all the Dockery's, Royal's, and Mitchell's of the league to join up for several well paid years of heartless play. I hope you do not get in the HOF, it would be a travesty if you did.


    And some day in the future I am going to find where you are buried in that high end suburb of Detroit, and make yellow snow on your head, so you will know what it feels like to get pi$$ed on the way you have done Buffalo Bills fans.

    I am not giving up on my Bills, but I will go to Detroit with you after Wilson's demise, I will provide the additional excrement. :thumbsup:

  9. I think the current NFL Playoff system is fine. If Division winners no longer have a guarantee of making the playoffs, why have Divisions? Horrible idea, IMO. Also, 8 teams is simply too many...it will water down the playoffs like the NHL and NBA do, currently.


    I agree with reducing the number of Pre-season games.


    BTW, as far as your approach to writing numbers [eg. two (2)], I have no complaints. Why would anyone complain about that?

    ok, I surrender, the overriding theme of replies is anti-playoff expansion, I guess, like everyone else, I just want to get there so badly, that I am resorting to anything that I can think of, to be honest, it woudn't have helped us none this year

    anyway. Were going to have to do it the hard way. But I wouldn't be suprised if that happened in the not to distant future.


    BTW Thanks for the support on the number thing.

  10. cogil must be a lawyer! :rolleyes:



    Sorry, hate this idea. Six teams per conference should be the absolute max. Adding two more mediocre teams doesn't improve the tournament. If 3 AFCE teams finish this year with 10 wins and someone misses the playoffs while the AFCW champ gets in with 8 wins, so what? The AFCE had a cupcake schedule this year.

    No, not a lawyer, but I do get involved in contractual sh%t, good guess, I am flattered. I guess!


    The NHL takes more than half their teams, I believe sixteen (16) out of thirty (30), got to be some

    mediocricy there.

  11. There's nothing wrong with the NFL playoffs the way they are. Your "solution" means winning your division/having the best record in the conference doesn't have much meaning.


    No thanks.

    You would still have home field advantage, throughout the play-offs if you are the best in your conference.

  12. Not sure if this has been discussed before or not and I do not hold out much hope for it becoming reality, but I would

    really like to see the play-offs expanded to eight (8) teams per conference. With the divisional format now in place,

    it makes it tougher, I belive to make the postseason. Shorten pre-season to two (2) games, expand the play-offs it by two (2) more wild card teams, and make everybody play that first weekend. You are not extending the season, and you would be sure to generate more revenue leauge wide. Some might argue that this will water down the play-offs, but it's already

    dilutet pretty good, the AFC West Champion might only be .500, and the AFC East won't be much better. That way if you are in a really strong division, if you have a decent record, you still have a decent shot to make it. Heck we might have even made it a couple of times over the last several seasons.

  13. I really haven't seen much of either Center that you guys mentioned. I've only heard of this Alex Mack fella, but if you're asking me for my opinion, I think unless he is an absolute steal at the position we draft at, I'd MUCH rather draft a defensive end or a linebacker.


    You mention that our defense was half decent (in another thread), but 2 positions we lack real depth (and many would argue if they were NFL caliber starters) at are defensive end and linebacker. I watch teams (with much envy) like the Ravens, Giants, Titans, Cowboys and Steelers, and those guys are in every game because they play smash mouth defense that keeps the offense in the game.


    Yes, I do understand we need a real center, but can't we find one through free agency or even in another round of the draft instead of drafting him in the 1st round? As much as I've defended the defense for not being the worst in the league (which they aren't), I can acknowledge they are far from being an elite defense and I think we lack depth in key positions.

    Trade for Raiola from the Lions, probably come somewhat cheap, wants out, then pick a bluechip defensive end.

  14. The call was stupid from the get go. Jets knew it was coming. Mangini was quoted in the Buffalo News this morning as saying "Bills ALWAYS do one of two things in that situation- run right or roll out pass left and we had both covered". That play was doomed to fail even before it was called and of course with JP back there, it was doomed to cost the Bills the game.

    Let's not kid ourslves, Mangini is just plain lucky to be playing the Bills with that tool as a quarterback, regardless if he

    knew our tendancies or not, they may have had both covered, but if it was a run play, I do not think that they would

    have stopped us, whether it was right, left, or up the middle. I personally would have called for a pitch out sweep to the

    left, we were running it pretty succsusfully most of the game to the left, and that probably would have taken enough time

    off, or the Jests would have had to call a timeout.

  15. Two feet = one ball? :wallbash:


    Actually, I guess that makes sense. If a guy makes a catch at the back of the endzone where he reaches over the back line and drags his feet, it's a TD. I guess we just aren't used to thinking of it from the perspective of the front of the EZ.

    At that point, the ball has already crossed the goal line, in the Pitt game, the ball never broke the plane of the goal line,

    and if it did, to me, there did not appear to be indisputable physical evidence to over turn it. If the call on the field was a touchdown, then it should stay that way, but the call on the field was not a touchdown. They do what they want. They are the NFL, remeber?

  16. I still dont understand why they didnt just run a sweep with pulling guards? I mean they run that play left & right all day long and got very positive yardage on it. Thats what they should have run. The last thing they should have ever done was put the ball in the air with a QB known for fumbling the ball away when he's hit.

    Even if he did get the throw off, it would have probably been high, tipped, and intercepted.Not to pile on JP, but we have

    seen this type of play from him ad nausea.

  17. They knew Losman was in at quarterback, correct? And still called the play anyway? That's on them, then.

    Concurrence :rolleyes: Stupid,just stupid, as a matter of fact, Greenie, from Mike & Mike, not that he is some expert on

    anything, said it was the supidest play call he has ever seeen. It didn't look like it was intended to ber a roll-out, Losman

    could f&ck up a one car funeral. :w00t:

  18. What's funny is that I bet in a year we're going to have the debate over whether it's too risky to have McKelvin returning kicks. He's going to be that good of a corner.


    (By the way, unlike Dierdorf, I'm not sold on the Corto hold call on McKelvin's return--seemed ticky-tack to me).

    Not sold? It was outright a phantom call, they replayed it on TV, and the commentators stated something like, "oh yeah,

    there it is, he brushed his facemask", if that was a push in the back, then the moon is made of cheese. OBTW, not sure

    who was the victim, I think it was Stroud that was clearly held on the Jets first offensive play from scrimmage, a 20 some

    yard completion. :rolleyes: They hate us.

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