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Posts posted by Cookiemonster

  1. My guess is that Dick is old school and thinks that if the other team has playoff implications on the line, you owe it to the other teams they're competing against to try your hardest to win. You don't play like it's pre season. I know Tom Landry said that in a similar situation once. A few weeks ago a reporter asked Mike Holmgren if since the Seahawks were out of it would he play subs and give guys a look. He said no, you play who you would be playing anyway. Those guys have worked hard and deserve to play and the team has to try to win.


    Dick must believe that JP gives us the best chance to win.

    Good Point, Dick is stupid.

  2. I remember a Sunday afternoon years ago of hearing my Dad and older brother in the living room hooting and hollering like I don't know what, it was unusual for my Dad because he was a soft spoken person and it was strange to hear him carrying on this way. So I ran into the living room to see what all the commotion was about. On the television there were men in uniforms on a field and they seemed to be battling against each other. I didn't understand the game of football yet but whenever one particular player would get to hold the ball he seemed to be head and shoulders above the rest. Nobody could catch him and whenever he ran with the ball, my Dad and older brother would holler so loud our dog would start barking. I came to know the fella running the ball, I seen him on the television leaping through airports just as unstoppable as he was on the football field. OJ Simpson soon became an early childhood hero of mine and one of the first reasons I became interested in the Buffalo Bills.


    OJ Simpson, my hero, imagine that :rolleyes:

    You summed it up perfectly, and although reactions would vary somewhat from household to household, any Bills fan who

    can remember these days, would have fond memories of the excitement that he brought to this organization, whether we

    honor him for ever with a spot on the wall, is beside the point, he did what he did, and it can't be ignored, or simply wiped


  3. Did you say likeable? How cute. Perhaps there's a team store nearby where you can buy a lovable and cuddly little dolphin stuffed animal.


    I'm sure you were around during the the 70s but you were either stoned (and I understand that completely. One had to do what one had to do to deaden the pain from watching the Miami games). That or you were too young to fully appreciate the depths of pain and despair.


    As for the Jets, it's about the team not their fans. If that's the basis for likeability, why Miami then? None of the teams is worth a sh*t from that perspective.


    GO BILLS!!!

    I was at a lot of the games at the OB back in the 70's, and boy that was some stretch, Kelly beating them on that

    sneak, was probably our shining moment, and personnaly the most gratifying game for me. I went to one, where

    the Bills msissed an extra point some time during the game, and think that they lost 31-30 or something like that.

    Memolries of that time are too painful for me to go Phins, sorry it's the Jests for me.

  4. it's also very possible to throw a pick and have it returned...

    Correct, and they might be concerned about that if they were not playing for their lives. That was not the time

    to go in to a conservative cocoon, but honestly, that is where Jaron feels most comfortable. I had the very

    same thought as you when the final seconds were ticking off of the first half, we should have at least tried

    to get 3. I made a post around the second game of the season, stating that I think Jaron is feeling more confident

    in his players, and that he would finally start to shed some of those conservative tendancies, and he did, for a while

    anyway, but we encounter some difficulties, and jumps right back in to that, he is cluelss. If you heave the ball 50-60

    yards down field, the chances of them returning an interception for a touchdown are pretty remote, and unless they took

    it all the way back, they would not have had time to get a field goal off. Did we lose the game beacuse of this? No, but

    al of these little things add up.

  5. Not to stick up for O.J., we all know he is a sc%m B#g, but,

    would you honor a person who lived a previous life as a vicious criminal, but went on to discover a cure for cancer!

    A bad analogy, I realize.


    Sure you, would for his accomplishments after he straightened out.

    So why would we not honor (maybe that is too strong of a word) O.J. for his accomplishments prior to his transgressions,

    I do think that kids are smart enough to be able to differentiate the two different O.J.'s Leave him on.

  6. Of all the mistakes I have seen in a football game this was perhaps the stupidest one. Maybe I can go easier on the guy if someone can explain that it is a legit mistake. Seriously, how does an experienced NFL center - who has not come into the game cold and is in his position - i.e. not an emergency substitute - do this?


    Is there any rational explanation?

    Sorry, I did not see the game, I had it relayed, agonizingly to me over the phone, (play by play) from my brother in, heaven forbid, south florida, oh the indiginties. If he did what you are describing, and I have no reason to doubt you,then I totally agree with you, and there is nol logical explanation. We have all seen bad snaps shotgun or otherwise, quartebacks line up under the wrong lineman,etc..,but I don't think I have ever seen that before, by itself,easy to shrug off, but taken

    with the rest of the foul body of work from him and the rest of the group, it is repugnant. My brother must have missed

    that, as this is the first that I have heard of it.

  7. Also, TE has done this with an O-line consisting of Dockery, Walker, and a pro bowler in Peters...and our pass blocking during TE bad run has been quite good. JP never had that quality of pass protection...so, is it really fair to credit Trent with a lot of the stuff you are crediting him with when he has the distinct advantage of better RB's, blocking and coaching?

    I might be giving him credit, but I'm not crowning him yet either, as I said before, he is really young, but in my opinion,

    has shown quite a bit of poise, and future upside, whether or not JP was afforded the advantage of a better line or backs,

    is a mute point, and may not have been fair, but it is what it is, besides like I said before, and I am going back to last year, even as far as preseason, when both were playing regularly, to me, there has been a marked improvement in the overall efficiency of our offense when Trent is directing it.

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