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Everything posted by mot_the_Hoople

  1. McCain just pulled one of the biggest political screw ups ever. I just can't see him recovering from this even if he gets rid of her. He still made this terrible decision and must now go down fighting with it
  2. I'm no left wing loonie. McCain, who I was once supporting, is the one that statred this experience thing and then he turns around and picks this person with much less experience than Obama. And someone with a million other problems. McCain is the one that looks inexperienced by chosing the mommy that like mooseburgers
  3. And president of harvard law review.On the senates foreign relations committee. Obama is a pretty sharp guy, you have to admit that
  4. I wonder is they were science books on the subject of evolution
  5. The only way this could get worse is if it was the father that knocked up the daughter as some are now suggesting on some web sites
  6. How can no one be qualified? I just don't get that Republican talking point
  7. The daughter moved away from the family home last year and lived with an aunt for part of the year. Mother didn't look pregnant. She didn't hurry home from Texas when her water broke. Strange things
  8. I agree that he seems like the smarter of the two candidates. I want to see McCain answer the question of why he chose this strange women as his running mate. Was she really the best person out there? From what I've seen on tv the McCain camp just can't answer those simple questions
  9. Obama seems qualified to me and so far to the rest of America with running the country. If the polls are to be believed most americans are cool with it. This person from Alaska doesn't have that. And she has a whole bunch of other problems. Maybe she will prove herself in the debates and in interviews to the public.
  10. Why do we know this? A limp dick internet rumor makes it rounds that the governor faked a baby birth and she is so alarmed by this stupid rumor that she offers up her pregnant daughter as proof that her daughter could not have been pregnant because she is still pregnant? Would not it have been easier to just have the doctor say who had the baby?
  11. But the final decisions come down to one person. Will she take good advice, or bad advice? It does matter. I think its funny that you are defending her by saying that it doesn't matter that she isn't up to the task. You make it sound like a monkey could be a good president
  12. I have CNN on here and the spokesperson for Palin just said that her daughter had made the choice to keep the baby. Choice? Are they pro-choice?
  13. Yes. Let all the information come out. Its been one weekend and this person is already dragging McCain's campaign down. I wonder what else there is on her? But no one has answered the question, why is she ready to be president? The executive experience argument is pretty weak.
  14. I've noticed a patter with you McCain defenders. You just want to change the subject to Obama. This person will be one heart beat away from the presidency if McCain win.
  15. Don't matter? FDR, JFK and Nixon did not finish their terms in office. I guess most Americans just don't think in historical terms. And John McCain is 72 years old
  16. Biden could be president tomorrow and that wouldn't be bad at all.
  17. Did you see she had to hire a lawyer? And he is vetting her now? Maybe McCain is senile
  18. and McCain is vetting her now? This really stinks http://thepage.time.com/2008/09/01/asked-and-not-answered/
  19. He'd workout for three weeks before he even played a down, then he'd get hurt
  20. Been waiting ever since we drafted him for him to have a break out season. But he is a good football player
  21. That's what I don't get. McCain appealed to me a lot because of experience. Obama early on seemed so wet behind the ears but has now been through a long campaign and did other things. This chick has just two years as governor of far out Alaska and that's it. I just don't think he picked the best person.
  22. I am so shocked that a smart man like McCain would make such a terrible pick for VP. I have to question the guys judgement. McCain has been saying Obama lacks experience and now he thinks this person is the best choice to run the country should he die? I'm floored by this. And she is under an ethics investigation to go along with her lack of experience. From what I have read, her sister was going through a nasty custody fight and the governor tried to destroy his career. Do we really want a person like this in the White House?
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