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Posts posted by TheLynchTrain

  1. Sam Adams seems like an obvious one. He had already won his SB (and appeared in another one with the Raiders) by the time he got to the Bills ...


    Ehh, I think that might be off base. I would think the category for guys like Ross is talking about is the guys that probably haven't made the playoffs before. Adams consistenly made the playoffs before he came to Buffalo, which would lead me to believe the that he wanted to keep getting back to it.


    But it is true that Adams was pretty pissed off his last year on the Bills about reduced playing time.

  2. Reggie Wayne is 6' and close to 200#.


    Just like he said, no receiver over 6 foot. But I do know if Buffalo had chosen a short wide receiver, especially if they had taken the tiny DeSean Jackson (no way he's even 5'9"), this board and Bills Nation would have gone nuts about the Bills incompetence. Maybe the Bills evaluators read the News too much...

  3. No McKelvin for God sakes!!!!!!!!! what a joke. Devon Bess? He had a decent game againt Buffalo but other then that, ive honestly heard nothing about him.....


    As for Hardy...Ive been harsh on him, but I still think he needs some time to develop.


    To be fair, this list might also be taking "bang for your buck" picks into account. Bess was an undrafted and 35 receivers were picked in the draft. He's caught at least a pass in every game this season, and in the past six games he's got at least 50 yards in every game except the San Fran Game...he still managed 3 catches for 25 yards in that game. He's only been given a legitimate chance to catch the ball since Camarillo went down, and he's stepped up.


    Its also good to note that he is 3rd in the NFL in rookie receiving (4th if you count Carlson). Thats pretty good for a guy that had 35 receivers taken in front of him. He was a beast at Hawaii and I was pretty pissed when the Dolphins picked him up. Of course, we had already drafted two guys and didnt have much room.


    So I think its fair to put him "on the verge" list if only for the fact that he was undrafted.

  4. Remember the first thing Schonert did when he came in? He supposedly ripped up the Fairchild's "genius" H-Back position and instituted the real fullback. This is what he said way back in August.

    “I grew up in Bill Walsh’s offense [at Stanford] and they always threw the ball to the fullback,” said Schonert, who was Walsh’s quarterback with the Cardinal. “When I was here the first time we had Sam Gash and he was a good thumper, but we’d run a play fake and he had good hands and we threw it in the flat to him a bunch of times. I think we can do that with Darian.”




    But it didn't go down that way. And then Barnes unceremoniously was cut. They brought in McIntyre. A lot of people thought it was good...we marched the company line that McIntyre was a better special teamer, had better hands. But in reality, McIntyre was a couple hundred thousand dollars cheaper.


    I can't remember too many special teams tackles McIntyre was in, or for that matter, how many times he was out on the field. We all remember how the Bills put their season hopes on his back during the play with the Jets, but I'll leave that for another discussion.


    So obviously, the Bills didn't utilize the fullback this year. They will probably argue it was a talent issue. Neither fullback was good enough to get on the field enough. There's also the fact that Jackson was too good to keep of the field.


    But the fact is, the Bills blew it on the fullback situation this year. Two pro bowl fullbacks, both of whom have made 4 pro bowls each, and were on the pro bowl roster last year, were cut by their teams and on the open market. You may have heard of them. Tony Richardson and Lorenzo Neal. Both of these guys have blocked for numerous thousand yard backs. Every year in the league, Richardson has got a back a 1000 yards. There's no surer bets than that in the NFL. Lorenzo Neal got backs 1000 yards every year until this year....although you can hardly blame him for the situation in Baltimore...I think they're doing quite alright without a thousand yarder, thats for sure. McClain definately looks pretty good because of the guy blocking in front of him. Obviously theyre both 37, and many teams probably thought they were washed up, but they sure proved them wrong. When I saw Richardson picked up by the Jets this year, my first thought was "Well, Thomas Jones is surely gonna go over 4 a carry this year." What did he end up with? 4.6!


    And how much were each of these great players making this year? A mil? Two mil? Try $830,000. Both of them. McIntyre is making $530,000. So we cheaped out over $300,000, when we spend $100 mil a year on salary? Its a drop in the bucket. Lee Evans is now making that money every quarter on the field.


    And the other point: Fred Jackson being on the field too much. How many times did we really see the two on the field together, even with the Bills saying such in August? Maybe once or twice a game? And besides, when our receiving core took a hit midseason, we really couldn't play 2 RBs and a top flight FB? That would have given defenses fits.


    With all the solutions people have been saying on this board, TE, DE, the line is overrated, I think one of them needs to be a top flight FB. As you see here, they can come pretty cheap. And not only do we need to get one, we need to use him!

  5. Can you please refrain from the continual Lions references? The Lions, if I heard correctly, have won just 1 game in the last 23, and are poised to finish this season 0-16. As any Lions' fan or player and I'm sure they'd love to get 7 wins in a season. We are far from being the Lions. I know you hate everything about the FO and Ralph, but to continually imply we're as bad as that organization is a stretch even for you.


    Well it seems that making the playoffs is really all that matters here. With that in mind, the Bills and the Lions have the longest playoff droughts in the league. The only difference I see between the two teams is that the Lions are in a bigger depressed market and have more money to spend. Moreover, the Ford family does not continually moan about how poor they are. At least Mayhew has a background in the league. And the fact that the Lions are probably going to get a new coach, a new fresh face.


    I dont see much difference between the two, as of today. In fact, we may be worse than the Lions! Uhoh...

  6. Think of it as a matter of choice. Chances are Madoff didn't hold a gun to the head of any of his investors to steal from them. They all hadd opportunity to investigate his history and investment strategy. Despite a lot of evidence to the contrary, many still fell victim to his charm & reputation. Since investors must bear some of the risk of the buyer beware rule of life, the laws are structured accordingly.


    Put another way, the laws treat criminals who threaten bodily harm or where property is taken in direct opposition from the holder much more seriously than simple fraud, no matter the $$ amounts involved.


    Exactly. People need to remember there is no shortcut to wealth. Why would you ever believe someone can promise you a 10 to 12 percent return on your investment, regardless of his past credentials. Anyone that promises something like that clearly figured that he was doing something illegal or had some sort of insider knowledge. The investors were pretty stupid IMO, and they included a group of very savvy billionaires.


    Again, i is really stupid to think somebody can get you a return like that, and frankly I don't feel sorry for them.


    The past few days the WSJ has been drumming up stories about millionaires who now have to cut back on dry cleaning and turn their thermostat down. Puh-lease. Join the rest of America. I'm sorry, but you've got to invest smarter, regardless if all your other "in" buddies are doing it....you're not going to jump off a bridge if they are too, right?

  7. I know trade scenarios are fun to talk about. I also admit that the Cowboys may be hesitant to trade someone they just picked up this season, but Roy Williams would be a great fit for Buffalo. Here's why:


    Buffalo needs a legitimate #2 receiver as we all know. Buffalo wants a large receiver and Williams is 6'3. Buffalo needs a possession receiver. Williams until landing in Dallas can find the end zone but also has been productive on 2nd and 3rd down situations. Williams also played in Detroit's cold weather, so the Buffalo weather shouldn't be much of an adjustment.


    Buffalo should trade their 2009 (2nd and 6th round picks) and Roscoe Parrish for Williams.


    Dallas would consider the trade for several reasons:


    First, Dallas without a first round pick doesn't pick until mid to late 2nd round. Jerry Jones is a gambler, and he loves having extra draft picks for trading up and down. A 2nd and 6th round pick gives Dallas draft options. Williams is talented, but he seems to not fit the Dallas circus with all the needs to get Owens, Witten, and Barber the ball. Lastly, Dallas can't truly depend on Adam "Pac Man" Jones to be a long-term fit as a PR. Roscoe Parrish is a solid PR, and he serves another need for Dallas to have extra depth as a 4-5 receiving option in their offense.


    I believe this trade is both realistic and fits both teams needs. Buffalo needs another offensive weapon to move toward becoming a better offense. Dallas needs draft picks and could use the extra depth to be a playoff threat again.




    there are about 25 things wrong with your post, which are all so obvious i probably wont need to say them

  8. For sure, it's why after so many years this team still doesn't have an identity.


    "We're going to have a lot more communication between the top people...one man's not going to be calling the shots." - Ralph Wilson


    A horse designed by a committee is a camel.


    A football team designed by a committee is the Bills.


    When Ralph says "one man's not going to be calling the shots," it really means "This is my baby, always has and always will, and I am calling the shot's!"


    Rediculous. Steve, good little tidbit you brought to the table there. If its true, that is ridiculous. Not only the fact that this woman is meddling just like her father, she wont step up to the table and keep the bills here after her father keels over. Or at least buy in with Jimbo. She sucks.


    As much as we all hate Jerry Jones on this board, can everyone agree that at least he played college ball, and at least he is open about the fact that he runs the team? Ralph rules the bills like a banana republic, talking about "delegating power," while constantly undermining and disenfranchising his underlings.


    Everyone knows who holds the real decision making power. But they won't say it. And its not good.

  9. Interesting....


    Chambers seemed to play well at LT when Peters was benched for the first game or so. When Peters finally gets in there, he's beaten routinely until he gets into game shape...then he plays up to his standards. If Peters whines about his contract again, someone oughta remind him that if he got himself into camp and into game shape for opening day, he could prove to everyone that he deserved a new contract.


    2008 was a lost year for Peters. He only hurt himself with that silly "no contact" holdout.


    That said....no, we don't actively seek a trade for Peters. But as bizell says, if someone offers up something outrageously good in our favor, then go for it.


    I'd like to agree with you about Peter's "lost year," but unfortunately the players and coaches did not agree with you. Him making a second pro bowl only hurts the bills at the negotiation table, and reinforces the fact to Peters that he would be coveted elsewhere, regardless of how undeserving he was this year.


    The thing is, Peters COULD be the best tackle in the league for the next 10 years. COULD is the word that needs to be emphasized here. He still has not been able to stay healthy for a whole season since he's moved to left tackle, and his getting beaten the last 10 games numerous times is a far cry from 2007. He still has had only one good year so far, maybe add another 5-6 games if you're being generous.


    And him missing the last game right after making the pro bowl sounds a little fishy to me. Is he really hurt, or is he just acting on his talk that "the reason why you play the game is to go to hawaii" (not the SB)? I don't know if you can question his work ethic, since he made it all the way from a UNFA TE to a pro bowl LT, but maybe somewhere along the way he got too full of himself and is on the glorious path to mike williams irrelevancy. Obviously, I go too far.


    The problem here is that by not giving him his contract last year he's going to demand even more money. Last year I remember his jackass agent asking for 11-12-15 mil a year...by far the highest paid lineman money. He'll probably ask for more.


    I said on this board a couple days ago that if the bills are really uncertain about Peters, and they are unwilling to mortgage their future of 11 mil a year on the guy, they should go out and get Jordan Gross. The Panthers aren't going to resign him because they have Peppers to deal with and they just spent a 1st rounder on a rising star Otah from Pitt. He's a real solid, athletic and versatile player whose started a lot of games, doesnt get injured, great attitude and just made a pro bowl (yea, I know we just established this doesnt mean much). I almost guarantee that he will go a few million less than Peters a year.


    I would only advise this if we can get VERY GOOD return for peters...like more than a high first rounder...hopefully 2 1sts, maybe a package of 1st and 3rd or 1st and 2nd. But I think this might be a good plan to go for IF and ONLY IF the bills are unwilling to pay peters and can get good value.

  10. I think Greer will easily get 30 mil on the open market, as crazy as that sounds. Teams way overpay for CBs. He has gotten better every year. I think that teams, after watching tape of him, will love his tackling skills, his fearlessness, and his knack for a big play once in awhile, and think to themselves, "Man, if this guy could play with a pass rush, he might be very good." He may not be a team's #1 shutdown CB but a team with one solid or one good corner could do a lot worse than Jabari.


    I agree...he might get even more. Remember, Cory Webster just signed a 5 year 43 MILLION DOLLAR contract...20 mil guaranteed. Obviously, Webster really turned it on during last years playoffs and has had a stellar year, but he just won the starting job, what, 12 games ago?


    All my Giant fan friends hated Webster until last year's playoffs, and then finally...he broke through. Obviously he's had a lot more team success and made some pretty nasty plays on the big stage...but when it comes down to it him and Greer weren't that different.


    But Greer has a boatload more starts than Webster and an extra year of experience, and while he won't get the rediculous contract, I think he'll get enough where we wont sign him.


    I think franchise tag is out of the question...last year it was 9.8 mil...no one is gonna pay that for Greer.


    Maybe we can hope that being injured the last couple of games makes team forget about him?



  11. You see the quote on Lawyer:


    “(Falcons S) Lawyer Milloy has had a Pro Bowl-caliber season. He’s very instinctive. He’s got a great knack for the ball. He’s playing great football.”


    Pretty interesting, DWI aside. Kind of interesting how our secondary would have looked if we had kept him and Jimmy L. Of course we probably wouldn't be able to keep Scott (who's spot Lawyer interestingly took in Atlanta) and Wendling (great Spec. Teamer). And I know a lot of you weren't too high on Jimmy, but I thought he was definitely great depth, and he's playing pretty well in Baltimore as a safety and punt returner. And of course, anybody can play well next to Ed Reed.


    I guess I was just looking for a little nostalgia with the Lawyer comment.

  12. I think it is absolutely simple. If DJ can beat the Pats*, he's going to be given a chance to stay. If not, he's gone. This will be DJ's six consecutive loss to the Pats*, so it will take a miracle if the bills pulled it off.


    But if he does, I almost guarantee Ralph will use it as an excuse to not get out of the contract. But hey, he'll probably keep him regardless, so why bother.

  13. Remember when we said that the Bills didn't choose the dolphins game, the league did? They only played who they were supposed to, not who they petitioned for.


    Read what Moseley has to say bout the Cowboys...http://myespn.go.com/blogs/nfceast/0-6-179/Cowboys-close-down-stadium--season-s-next.html


    Apparently Jones petitioned to play the Ravens in their last home game b/c it looked "winnable." Awesome, I'm happy to see him eat his own "crow," pun intended. Turns out it was the game that knocked them out of the playoffs. !@#$ the cowboys, they deserved everything they got.


    But the Bills? Obvioulsly Jerry Jones has more clout, and isn't as much of a whiner at the meetings as RW, look like they could have asked which game they would have preferred for Toronto. If Jerry did, why not Ralph? Another way this franchise has screwed us. Sounds like the Bills, just like the Cowboys, got what we deserved.

  14. If Gross was as good as you say, he would not be available as a free agent


    then you obviously don't watch football. Great players leave for free agency all the time. How many free agents have you seen walk out the door of Buffalo because they wanted more money than the team could offer or budget for.


    Carolina has Peppers as their number one priority, and by the way, he is a free agent. Is he not that good?

  15. Did more research on those two wins. One of them was the Washington game last year, which we should have lost if Joe Gibbs didnt have a brain fart. In fact, the Redskins were 5-6 at the time, and fell to 5-7 before winning the rest of the regular season. i don't even know if you can count that as a win over a winning team, because they didn't have a winning record.


    The other win was against the Jets when the went to the playoffs, but again, the Jets in 2006 during their playoff season. They were 7-5 and we took them to 7-6. Again, it took the team to win out the rest of the season to make the playoffs.


    So his only two wins against "winning" opponents was when one was 2 games below .500 and in turmoil over a teammate, and other against a division opponent that's one game of .500? It just gets better and better doesnt it.

  16. TMQ sums it all up for Bills fans:


    "Buffalo's Dick "Cheerio, Chaps" Jauron is now 56-74 as a head coach, has coached only one winning season in his career, and in three campaigns with the Bills has two victories over teams that finished with a winning record that year."




    Two? Thats it? He's coached the bills now for 46 games, and he has TWO victories over teams that finished with winning records? I bet if somebody computed all coaches stats, Jauron probably has the worst against winning teams, including coaches that are in their first and second year. That is one of the most embarrassing stats I've ever heard about a coach. Ever.

  17. "Pretty much saying F the fans" ???? Where do you get that from? You guys are reading just a bit too much into a short interview and some off the cuff comments. What do you want him to say? "Yeah the fans who hate me and have been calling me a moron for the last 10 months are right, I really don't deserve this, I am a jack ass, shucks, I am so very, very sorry I made the pro bowl, I will go home now and hang myself in the basement."


    What confuses me is all those who say he sux and is worthless, also think we can get boatloads of first round picks for him. How does that work?


    Right there, in this article: http://www.buffalonews.com/sports/billsnfl/story/526490.html


    "The fan voting, they only see the bad plays. I’m pretty sure they don’t even watch the tackle position. They just see when you get beat. So that’s what matters, when the players and the coaches vote you in.”


    The words "F the fans" was a little strong, I'll admit. But this is his shot back at the fans for criticizing him all year long.


    I've never said that Peters is a bad player...matter of fact in this discussion I called him one of the best O lineman in the league. I just think that Peters, in his mind, is done with Buffalo and he wants to move on. I provided a plan of how we could move on...get gross and trade peters. Carolina has a lot of people they have to pay (Peppers) and cant keep all their FAs. Gross would be a steal, would probably have a contract less than Peters, and we'd get real good value out of peters. Trading a 2 time probowler = a few 1sts.


    But if we wanna pay the guy the 11-12 mil he's asking, alright then. I just hope he doesnt get lazy or that 2007 was an aberration.

  18. So basically, you'd rather pay someone else's guy $13M a year so you don't have to pay the home grown equivalent talent the going rate. I guess that saves money somehow. <_<


    Well I don't think Gross is going to get 13 mil on the open market. He got franchised last year for 7.85 mil. I can't see the guy getting any more than 9 mil a year. Peters, on the other hand, is going to demand 11 to 13 to 15 mil.


    While Peters probably has more potential, Jordan Gross is a phenomenal athlete. And he has a good attitude, a team oriented attitude.


    So yes, I would get rid of our homegrown athlete, but for a guy that is just as good but will probably demand less money and actually be happy to be there.


    And I stated that I would only trade Peters if we can beat out the other teams (highly unlikely) and get great trade value from peters (not a better time than now). Otherwise keep him.


    Sis, I don't know how you couldn't argue we wouldnt be saving money if we stole a guy of the open market and traded our own guy for value. Did you not think this through?

  19. I could not agree with you more. We have probably one of the top young tackles in the entire league but bills fans want to run him out of town because he says fans do not pay attention to the lines. Who cares. The guy is still the best player on our team.


    I hear what you're saying, but I think if we made a run at Jordan Gross this would make the loss of Peter's alright. Gross is a five year starter and probably one of the most versitile lineman in the game. Other teams are going to go crazy over him, but I think the money he gets isn't going to border on the insanity that Peters and his agent are going to demand. If they wanted 11 mil a year last year, they'll probably want 13 to 15 mil now. Besides, we can garner some serious picks with Peters.


    But I wouldnt get rid of Peters unless we can get a Gross or a top lineman in FA and high picks from Peters.

  20. Here's an article:




    Here's what he said:

    “When you put the film on you’ll recognize me.” Peters said. “When you line up in front of me you’re going to recognize me. Bottom line: That’s what matters — the coaches and players. The fan voting, they only see the bad plays. I’m pretty sure they don’t even watch the tackle position. They just see when you get beat. So that’s what matters, when the players and the coaches vote you in.”


    Offensive much? And can anyone argue that he doesn't hate the fans in buffalo?

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