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Posts posted by TheLynchTrain

  1. Bruce was always an egomaniac. Sometimes thats what a person needs to motivate themselves, and it worked for Bruce. Was it right? Is it right now? Of course not. But its hard to argue with a guy when he holds the records (even if it took a few terrible years at the end) and was as dominant as he was.


    But the truth is White had some great help.Clyde Simmons was a beast when he had Reggie helping him out. He finished with over a hundred career stats, and I'm pretty sure he had 18-19 in 1992. When Reggie left Philly, he was an above average defensive end, but when those two were together, damn that was nasty.


    And you can't forget the DT Jerome Brown....the guy could get at the QB for a DT. I'm pretty sure in 1989 (or maybe 90) all three of them had over 10 sacks. Crazy.


    So there is proof that White did have better help than Bruce, at least in Philly. The way he's saying that he "didnt have the help" IS a slight on Hansen. It also fails to mention the help of Paup and the rest of our rediculous LB core. Maybe he doesnt mean it, but there's still a better way to say it. Hansen was a great compliment... a guy like Schoebel should be if he had a dominant guy on the other side.


    One thing to note about Philly in those Reggie years...they never finished first in the NFC East. For all the mythical crap about the "Beast" this year, that was nothing compared to the NFC in the mid 80s to mid 90s. All those teams were good (Philly being the only one that didnt beat us in a SB), but they were still good. And we all know the proven fact that the AFC just wasn't as dominant as the NFC in those days....something we got quite lucky with in the SB years.


    So while Bruce didnt have the level of talent around him that Reggie did, Reggie still faced probably better competition.


    Which probably means that its a wash...they're both great, and let's leave it at that.

  2. Yes, correct. Based on how far you advance. I'm sure some players have team incentives built in also.


    According to Ross Tucker, each player gets $18,000 check for the playoffs. All 53 players, and no one gets more than the rest.


    Thats why Tucker wrote in that article that it just isn't worth it for some of the lazy/uninspired players... It just isnt enough money to be worth it to them (when they're making over $100,000 a week).


    I don't know if its by game or if that's the lump sum for the playoffs.


    Very sick, I know.



  3. Living in a apartment in DC, I can't get Direct TV. I know that DTV always says "No one can turn you down from DTV," but its true...can't get it in my apt. DTV guy came and said theres too many trees and no where to mount, and the apt says no satellites can go on balconies.


    I had DTV two years ago. It was awesome. Lived with 5 buddies, and we had every sports package imaginable. But the only reason we got it was because there were so many of us to defray the costs. I'm pretty sure the base rate we got with all the movie channels was $89.99 (I may be wrong, it was two years ago). They also charged us 5.99 PER EXTRA receiver. That also doesnt include the sports packages throughout the year. Also, DTV made us sign a year contract.


    Now with comcast, I get all the premium channels in my cable package, internet and cable for 100 a month. And there's no contract... I can cancel at any time. Theres also the plus of free ON Demand, which is awesome because I don't watch too much scheduled tv...I'd rather just watch on demand.


    But its too good to be true....I've had a 4 month long dispute with comcast...signed up for NHL center ice in October and I still havent gotten the package to work yet...yeah comcast keeps crediting my bill every month but with the terrible customer service, they just cant figure out the actual problem why the hockey channels arent working. I've never seen worse customer service than comcast, something I never saw with DTV.


    If somehow DTV could get On Demand, I would be the first to sign up.

  4. We do better without him


    I believe I saw a stat on here where we were undefeated when he isn't playing


    Yeah, because TBD is the ULTIMATE source to find stats like that. Use your head buddy, peters didnt play against new england the last game and we lost.

  5. Jason Peters and Roscoe Parrish to Lions for #20 pick, 3rd round pick, and Jon Kitna


    If we traded peters alone for those picks and Kitna, I would think we would be getting robbed. But Parrish? Why don't you give them Lee Evans too? The Lions have the top pick, why wouldnt you ask that?


    I think the peters situation is simple. Dont trade him unless you get two 1sts. Maybe budge on a high first and a 2nd. But if not, sign the guy.


    Anything less would be robbery. But maybe they could get the top pick for peters...I think that could possibly be the only fair deal here.


    Seriously doubt any of that will happen though.

  6. 1.) Continuity is great - but you get that by deciding on a coach you want long-term and keeping him long-term, not dragging out the process with a coach who has clearly shown himself not to be a solution.


    2.) It's not a coincidence that we started playing much worse after we lost talent, sure. Schobel would have helped a lot in the stretch there. But every team has injuries, and ours weren't worse than average. You gotta win despite injuries, not take a year off every time you lose a quality lineman.


    3.) Which circles? People like him, but I have heard few commentors say anything better than "his players respect him and work hard"


    4.) Yes. It would be expensive to fire him. It's also expensive to field a successful football team. I'll bet Jauron makes half as much as Kelsay over the rest of hteir contracts. If he cut Kelsay and put the money to a new coach, then we'd be well ahead of where we are now.


    5.) Trent did regress and JP played awfully. It's 100% Jauron's job and that of his staff to make sure that THIS DOESN'T HAPPEN.


    6.) If Ralph has a plan to bring in Cowher after next season, all is forgiven.


    7.) You said injuries already. Every team has injuries - it's how the game works.


    Actually, Kelsay makes as much as Jauron in one year...4 years 24 mil....gulp

  7. I am not against re-signing Crowell as I think Ellison needs to be a back-up at best, and Crowell probably won't get a huge contract offer because of his injury. But this story surely doesn't jive with a lot of what was printed earlier. Something is a little fishy.


    maybe the fact that it is not an independent source? Chris Brown is a good guy, but he works for Ralph Wilson. Just another hired gun in the Brandon spin machine.


    Chris Brown's reporting is the football version of Iranian state run television.

  8. We all know whats going to happen once again. Its like Clements and Winfield all over again.


    We let Winfield go because we said we were more concerned with signing Clements long term. Turns out that money was nothing compared to the money CBs were demanded a few years later. Then we let Clements go when we realized how much he was gonna cost.


    I see the same thing happening with Greer and McGee. The FO will say theyre letting Greer go so they can sign McGee next year. Then next year, they'll let McGee go so we can draft another DB in the 1st round.

  9. Dolphins used it with Welker and got two picks I believe out of it. Spikes was acquired (granted pre-hutchinson) by us with the transition tag.


    It's a good way to see who is truly interested and the NFL has been frowning on the 'poison pill' contract-wise...


    False. Welker was a restricted free agent. If he was transitioned, he would have received top 10 money. Didn't happen. The Pats* gave him a restricted free agent tender, and after last year, the Pats* gave him 5 yrs 18 mil. he was not transitioned...would have costed too much money for an unproven player at the time.

  10. I am sorry to have a differnt opion than you But the salry cap is the shared revenue that each team receives it is not the NFLs fault that the BIlls will not spend the entire cap on its players and if I was the NFL I would pull back any of the money allocated to these team that are not used and deduct the amount for the next season for teams that go over the salary cap.


    If the Buffalo Bills want to mainitain the lowest $ per ticket in one of the NFL most seated stadiums that his is perogative. He Ralph wilson wants a self imposed coaches salary cap that again is his pererogotive.


    However, Its the Free agents the good coaches that sell out every stadium and play well enough to get to the playoffs and additional playoff games hopefully at home which in turn genreates more income.


    This is not the MLB where the ticket sales pays the players saleries its the shared revenue that pays the saleries so teams should be trying to put the best product on the field to produce sell-outs in their stadiums, increase corporate sponsorship and other team genreated sales such as merchandise.


    The bills biggest problem is they cannot move their merchandise like the days of the superbowl runs because nobody knows if this player is going to be on the team oe not the best selling Jersey since the kelly days was drew bledsoe. If anyone is to blame for the woes of the Buffalo Bills its the Owner of the Buffalo Bills.


    I don;t think thats absolutely correct. Its not the money the team receives; I believe its the average revenue of the teams. And when teams like the Cowboys make fans pay a quarter mil for the RIGHT to have a ticket in a luxury box (not the actual ticket itself, which they also have to pay), that money goes directly to the Cowboys.


    BUT, it also counts AGAINST the salary cap. I remember reading (and posting on here) a few months ago how each box in Cowboys stadium adds another 80,000 dollars to the salary cap. 80,000 dollars! And theres about 150-200 of them!


    As someone above mentioned, yea its alright that the luxury boxes aren't included, and that's not Ralph's argument. Those owners have spent the money so that they can be in a position to make money. The real problem is that the money generated from the luxury boxes is COUNTED AGAINST the cap, even if its not included.


    If the NFL could come up with a compromise where the luxury boxes don;t count against the cap, the cap wouldn't go up at a rediculous rate, like the 40 mil its gone up since 2003. That is the real problem. Until its fixed, the Bills will become more and more like the Florida Marlins of football

  11. Is this really another thread that devolves into JP banter? JP more than any other player has had more threads about him on this board....



  12. It's not a matter of having a WR 6' or over (Moulds was 6'0" tall). It's a matter of having a bigger, more physical WR.


    And again, Royal and Jackson benefit from the guys across from them. And they're the same type of player as Evans.


    Ok. Evans is 6'10, but he's still 197 lbs. Josh Reed is 5'10 but he's 210 lbs. Reggie is 6 foot but he's 198...by that logic Evans is more bigger than him, and I would argue a lot more physical than him...and Harrison on the other side is 6 foot 185 while Gonzalez is 6 foot 193...theyve got average height but that doesnt make them bulky or physical.


    And Royal and DeSean are not the same type of player as Evans...Evans has 20 pounds on Royal and and inch or two and 35 pounds on Jackson. I think Evans is a lot more physical than these guys and a better blocker, although not as great as Reed in this capacity (but again, who is outside of Hines Ward).


    I don't think its necessarily about having bigger or physical receivers, although it would definitely help. I think it depends more on the QB thats throwing the ball, the system and plays that coordinator's calling to get the players involved, and how well the running game is going (to set up play action).


    Obviously anybody can have a good receiving game with those three things, but that is the point. Until we improve in these areas, Evans isn't going to put up elite numbers, regardless of who we have on the other side.

  13. Tim Hortons sucks! DnD all day baby!


    Marauder is obviously not from buffalo, because nobody would make a comment like that. Leodis looked like it was a challenge to even get words out, that was pretty funny.


    And Poz...man is he ever not serious? Even if he had a "down" year from our expectations, I can't see this guy not being great. He's too much of a committed player.

  14. Did anyone read this article? He's a classless idiot for suggesting that some Boston area idiots shovel out the Ralph and cover up the season ticket holders seats.


    Nice job of running your mouth about an opportunity for some area fans in an especially economically depressed area to make some money at Christmas-time. People who could really, really use the money. What an astute and morally upbeat article he wrote.


    Merry Christmas Farinella. You should be proud of yourself.


    I think you guys might be taking a bad joke from a crappy writer and a crappy paper a little to seriously. What he said was Pats* fans should go, take the money and shovel their own seats, while leaving the rest of the seats covered. No where in the article did he say they should "cover" bills ticket holder seats, just not shovel them.


    C'mon guys? Who really cares what this little guy has to say? I doubt the bills stadium staff wouldn't check to see if the shovelers aren't doing their jobs. More so, I doubt any Pats* fans are going to come down early to make 20-30 extra bucks. I mean, they're already paying for gas and a ticket to come to the game...they can't be in too bad financial shape.

  15. Its been repeated on here before: Lee Evans contract will pale in comparison to the top guys at the end of the year. After he signed his contract, Roy Williams got a 5 year 45 mil contract. More top guys (and guys that don't deserve it) will receive rediculous contracts this year and next. Remember Berrians 7 year 49 mil? Remember nate Burleson's 7 year 49 mil the year before that? 9 mil a year will be the standard for guys of that caliber in the future.


    I guarantee that by March of 2010 Lee Evans won't even be in the top 10 receiver money category. If he is, he'll be 9 or 10. Its the way of the NFL, and the bills had to keep their top guy, even if it looks like they're overpaying him now.

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