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Speedy G

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Posts posted by Speedy G

  1. we are following in the footsteps of the giants superbowl defense and thats not a bad thing at all. Chix has said you have to win the division, and thats what kind of team we are building right now.

    Brady loses his cool when harassed it's a fact. wait till he meets mt. Rushmore and company.

    We get moats to do a Favre on hia a** and we sweep em this year.

    "whistling through the graveyard" AWESOME phrase!


    Mount Rushmore.... I like it :thumbsup:

  2. There are many variables as to why this team has turned a corner and it started with the hiring of Buddy Nix and Chan Gailey. They brought in a new attitude and a new culture into the Bills organization and I feel that most people have it wrong, Ralph is not cheap he just had the wrong people calling the shots in his front office and they made horrible personnel decisions. They spent money in the wrong places and didn't manage the talent and cap money to keep a nucleus of talent that could make a difference over the long haul. Ralph was getting older and he let more than the usual amount of control go to these people and when he brought in Buddy/Chan he chose a different type of front office an office that met with players and there families on a more personal level and brought a level of experience and resumes to back it up. It wasn't the sexiest of choices but you can't deny the upward trajectory and the better/smarter choices for this club and that's to be commended. I don't think it's appropriate to leave out Russ Brandon and the rest of pro player personnel they have done an outstanding job of turning this team around as well!


    This team has notoriously let it's nucleus dissolve and this FO took whatever was left from Jauron's team and through small steps in free agency (up until today) and through the draft, a nucleus that we could grow from. It's my opinion and I don't think anyone in Bills country would disagree with me that attitude plays so much into the success of a team. It seemed for many years from the top down that this team had no identity and no attitude, it was lethargic and I count Stevie Johnson as being a major factor in bringing attitude to this team. Even know there was negative attention being garnered to him he backed it up with some of the best production we've seen from a wideout wearing a Bills uniform and I firmly Billieve he will mature as signs are already showing during interviews that I've seen conducted with him. Of coarse we'll see but I'm not worried. I also Billieve that Shawne Merriman, although his play has been limited (and by the way I don't think his career is over) I, like many others believe he has been a major factor in bringing in a legitimacy and attitude to this organization. If nothing else he should be considered an asset based on his ability to get players to look at this organization as a viable spot to play football. This team is growing ORGANICALLY!!!


    I remember watching the Bill's under Buddy's and Chan's 1st season when we went 4-12 and although the record didn't show it, I hadn't felt better about our direction going as far back as when Wade was coaching the team. There was an attitude change! My friend James plays middle linebacker for the Ram's and he plays the 49ers twice a year and he told me when they were going over film this year they really couldn't identify with what they were doing different other than injecting a new, powerful attitude in Jim Harbaugh. Attitude isn't everything obviously, of course you need talent and coaching, but it certainly starts with attitude.


    I firmly Billieve that if this team stays healthy we absolutely have a shot at wreaking havoc on the NFL. Can't wait to see what we do in the draft. Today is a Great Day to be a Bills fan. GO BILLS!!!



    Great Post :) To anyone that's negative about this or says it's too much money, get over it! They are putting their Cap space to good use and trying to put this team on top... if you're not excited about what happened today, then you're not a true Bills fan...

  3. A franchise QB is needed but so is a pass rush, way back when, Bruce Smith was here before Kelly, and that made for some good balance. If they can get a decent pass rusher in free agency, then a potential franchise QB in the 1st would be good, if not, fix the Defense! either way they have to fix the defense, Marcel, Shep, and A.Williams are solid, but more working parts are needed!!!

  4. c'mon guys get real! a coach is only as good as the players he has. When the team was healthy, and could execute his offense, everyone called him Megamind. Now that the team is missing 8 starters, they're calling for his head. Let's face it, they simply dont have the depth yet. Next year is year 3 so let's see whan Nix does to bring depth in, or maybe Nix will hand over the reigns to Doug Whaley. One thing is for sure, george edwards is not the answer, he doesnt adjust well or use many blitzes, and with it being a passing league, that is required these days, either move Wanny up to DC or hire someone new. It's not Chan!!

  5. I'm happy to report that while I am a loyal Bills fan the outcome of the game with Denver matters little to me. I am not in the camp that I wish for the Bills to "lose out" the remaining games. I hope they win as that is what they are supposed to do. Rather, my mindset is all that is in question is draft position and who cares at this point. This team will either make serious changes in the offseason or not. This is what will be most important to me. If the Bills are serious about returning to winning ways they will select a new DC and go about drafing and finding free agents to shore up that side of the ball. They have an adequate offense. Yes, this clearly suggests improvements can be made but absent improvements on defense nothing else will matter.



    Well said, a new DC would be my first choice, maybe it's Wanstadts turn to motivate, or someone else with experience in stopping the run and getting to the passer. Any way you look at it, the Bills need more talent on the defense, a nasty DE and LB to put fear into opposing offenses. If only there was a way to keep starters healthy, the injury bug seems to hit the Bills on a regular basis over the last few years and because of that we've not really seen what this team is capable of... Here's to a healthy 2012...cheers!!!

  6. I believe Spiller has averaged a very respectable y.p.c. Sure, if he were given a game against a normal type defense - he might not get 5 yards every run, he might get like 3.5, or 4, but, I believe, if he were given a game as the premier runner, he'd end up breaking one or two long runs that would give him similar yards as Freddy has.

    We can't judge him on what he hasn't had a chance to do yet. I still think if he were our lead back he'd be having a good year and we'd all be satisfied with his production. He is in no way a bust, yet. He is an unknown, but he might be excellent still.


    Excellent point! He's still tryin' to find his niche, learning what are his bread and butter plays will take time, Chan would not have picked C.J. if he didn't have a long range plan in mind. For one thing, look at the example being set for him by Fred, wow! Learning under someone performing at that level can be incrediblee! Also, this offense is a work in process, growing and expanding every week based on what defenses are showing them, and once the coaching staff has seen all the ways defenses can stop them, the creative juices will get them focused on innovative tactical concepts to attack any style of defense. Let's hope this week is the start of something Amazing! Go Bills!!!

  7. Going up against the Cowboys, a team Chan took to the playoffs 2 years in a row, and the owner publicly regret firing Chan, there will be added incentive to WIN!(for Chan, to show them they made a huge mistake for letting him go, and for the Bills players who wholly support their coach and know that a WIN will keep them in the hunt for a playoff spot)! So Ya'll, we gonna circle the wagons down in big D, and bring home a big "W"...Go Bills!!!

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