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Posts posted by notwoz

  1. This thread sounded intriguing. So I went to the site. It's an article written by some guy who looks like he's 15 years old on a country music radio station web site. This child riffs on some speculation he found in a Peter King column and makes it the main point. Not what I call reliable. 

    Here is the quote that makes up the centerpiece of the little boy's column. Notice there is NO ATTRIBUTION. It's pure speculation. And the original quote is buried deep in Peter King's column ... but then maybe this little boy's understanding of the Buffalo market is better than what I give him credit for:
     "Icould see the NFL, if and when fans are allowed to come to games, advising anyone over 70 to not come. I could see alcohol being banned at games for the year. (Meaning, theoretically, fewer trips to crowded rest rooms through crowded concourses by patrons.)" 

    • Like (+1) 2
  2. 1 hour ago, chris heff said:

    Belichick is 51-65 without Brady.

    In 2008, Belichick coached a team led by Matt Cassel to a 10-5 record when Brady went down with a knee injury. That includes two wins over the Bills. During Brady’s four-game Deflategate suspension in 2016, Belichick got three wins out of a combination of Jimmy Garoppolo and Jacoby Brissett. 

    I wouldn't underestimate Belichick. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  3. "Mr. Trump, while criticizing mail voting, recently acknowledged that in March he voted absentee by mail in his adopted home state of Florida. In the 2018 midterm elections, Mr. Trump voted absentee by mail from New York.

    Mr. Trump is hardly the only administration official to vote by mail. Vice President Mike Pence voted absentee by mail for both the primary and general election in 2018. Alex Azar, the Health and Human Services secretary, also voted absentee in 2018 and Wilbur Ross, the commerce secretary, has voted absentee 15 times in the last 15 years, according to Florida’s voter file. Mr. Ross, like Mr. Trump, voted absentee for Florida’s primary last month."

    If voting by mail is good enough for the top bananarepublican and his toadies, it should be good enough for all of us.



  4. 1 hour ago, matter2003 said:

    As a software engineer I feel both happy and somewhat guilty that short of a global nuclear apocalypse(and maybe not even then) I won't have to worry about not having a job and still am being recruited on a daily basis as hard as ever.


    That being said it is crazy to realize just how many jobs are being lost right now with so many industries being shut down.

    Your comment reminds me of the lyrics to the Grateful Dead's "Uncle John's Band."

    "Cause when life looks like easy street, there is danger at your door"


    I hope you make it through unscathed. But you never know what's around the corner.

    • Like (+1) 3
  5. 15 hours ago, Inigo Montoya said:

    What a difference from the woeful years of the drought where Buffalo was a revolving door of management, coaches, and players.  The product on the field reflected that lack of continuity.  No one had a chance to get settled into a system and learn how to play within it.  New head coaches, new offensive and defensive coordinators, a parade of quarterbacks and a continuous turnover of the supporting cast on both sides of the ball created a constant state of flux for this franchise.  That's what happens when a franchise and team are lost and desperately searching for an answer.


    Look at the Bills now.  Beane, McDermott, and Frazier coming back for their fourth season together, Brian Daboll is back for his third season along with Josh Allen.  It looks like Bills are going to return all five starting offensive lineman next year and that should pay huge dividends for the entire offense.  Continuity on the O-Line may be the most important ingredient for great line play.  They should only get better playing in the same scheme, with the same O-Line coach, and with the same player on their left and right.


    The defense will be entering it's fourth year in the same scheme and it looks like we will be bringing back the majority of the defense that was the strength of the team and PFF's 4th ranked secondary in the League last year.  Milano and Edmunds will be a year older and wiser in the system and in the NFL game itself, and Big Ed Oliver should take another step forward this year in the same system, able to just react in the system instead of having to think about what his assignment is.


    There won't be any wasted time in training camp installing new verbiage or new systems, they will jump right back into where they left off last season and the entire team should be able to hit the ground running.  This is how a successful franchise operates.  The foundation of the team is already there, the scheme and personnel are already there, now they just have to incorporate a few new players into the fold, and even that process is smoother because all the players around them already know the system and can help them out.


    This isn't the chaotic Buffalo Bills of ten years ago, or even five years ago.  This is a Buffalo Bills franchise that has turned the corner and is now functioning at a high level across the entire organization; ownership, management, coaches, and players, all on the same sheet of music. It is the type of continuity that fosters success and the type of continuity that has been sorely lacking before Beane and McDermott arrived. It's the kind of continuity that teams contending for championships have.



    You are spot on. Success and continuity go hand-in-hand. Success doesn't mean always winning the Super Bowl every year. But it does mean fielding a team that is competitive, entertaining and always in contention.   

  6. There could be changes to how we can access Sunday Ticket after 2022, when broadcast rights come up for renewal.


    According to this story, "AT&T has signaled both publicly and privately is too expensive to profitably renew at $1.5 billion per year." That could open the door to any number of would-be (streaming and broadcast) suitors.


    However, the story also says: "But it also means the NFL knows it has all the leverage in these discussions, and will likely wring every drop of money it can from desperate media companies who simply can’t afford to lose the most popular thing on television." 




  7. 19 hours ago, Hapless Bills Fan said:


    "I'd like to play football," Burrow said at a news conference. "So whoever takes me -- I'm a ballplayer, I'm gonna play."


    Doesn't sound very concerned about "leverage" there. 


    During the buildup to next week's scouting combine in Indianapolis, questions regarding Burrow's willingness to play for the Bengals have been the topic of media speculation. Burrow's mother, Robin, told the Star-Telegram on Monday that she was unaware of how that narrative originated.


    "We have no idea where that comes from," Robin Burrow told the Texas newspaper. "It's a story out there that someone has created that doesn't have any substance -- from our perspective at least."


    Makes me kind of wonder if the press specifically asked him some questions about leverage so they could create their narrative.

    Or maybe despite what his mother and father have said, there's some fire under the media smoke ?‍♂️

    Is it possible ... even conceivable ...  that his mother is lying through her teeth? My guess is that the whole family is blinded by $ signs.

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