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Posts posted by NavarreFL_Bills_Fan

  1. If that was a Pro Bowl season, then I'd hate to see what a mediocre one is. Also Lynch tore it up the last game only vs the Jets, and even he said that the Bills were not running the ball well before. Here's some of those great games... 40 yds vs the Pats, 16 vs the Jets in Buffalo, 31 vs the Finns and 79 vs the Chiefs and has rushed for 100 yds only 3 times this season...3 and many of them weren't even close.


    Lynch has averaged 98 yards per game for the last 5 games...that comes despite:


    1. Turk calling numerous terrible games and not feeding Lynch the ball consistently

    2. Losman starting for 3 games and most of a fourth and giving the ball back to the opposing team 7 times



    I think the bottom line is Peters is an outstanding player, at a critical position. There are not many players of his caliber at the LT position, and if the Bills don't resign him, they'll be making a bad business decision.

  2. All the evidence you need to prove that his main drive isn't winning the Super Bowl or being a team player is this season. He holds out and isn't ready to play in the 1st game which hurts this team. He comes back out of shape, which he fully admits and gives up more sacks in the next five games than he did in two years. His actions prove that winning is not is main drive.


    Yes, there are many players in todays sports that feel this way and for them it's all about being a business. But until the fans call these guys on it and teams don't reward them for not giving everything to win, it will slip even more to where no one will play the game with their utmost effort and commitment.


    To reward Jason Peters with a Pro Bowl and his statement of "That's what I play for" is just ridiculous. Like I said he can be giddy as hell for getting in and call it a honor, but it's easy to see that what drives him is not bringing the Bills a championship. All the proof you need is everything he's done and said since July.


    While I think he is a gifted player and one of the best the Bills have. His actions and statements should disgust ALL Bills fans because he lets us and his team down this year.

    LOL...winning the superbowl?


    The guy has a point...he's on a bad team. He has achieved individual success...so sue him. He's proud of that.


    As for the holdout, maybe if the team locked him up long term this year, they would've gotten him at a better price. This is a business. The Bills need to make the best business decision for the team. I personnally think that is locking him up for a long term contract....what are they gonna do?... Save their money to over pay for more mediocre players like Kelsey, Walker, Dockery, Peerless Prices, Josh Reed. They've got an elite player on their team...make the correct business decision and sign him.

  3. "This is what you play the game for — to get to Hawaii"....Jason Peters


    NO! you play the game to get to the Super Bowl. But most players really don't care about that, it's all about ME, not the TEAM.


    So sad, but at least you heard it straight from the players mouth. He doesn't even seem to care that the Bills aren't going to the playoffs again. His butt will be on the beach in Hawaii thinking about his next holdout.


    yeah yeah, not a good quote....who cares? The team aint going anywhere. He's still a top end LT.


    The Bills need any good press/exposure they can get. Its nice to actually have someone other than a probowl punter on the team.

  4. There is a very distinct difference in retaining players and grossly over paying players to stay. We let players like Clements (thank god) walk in FA because he wanted an ABSURD amount of money and was not WORTH what he wanted. Look at the SF defense...are they really much better off after giving him what was the biggest contract in history for a defensive player?


    That doesnt make us cheap, that makes us smart.


    What about Pat Williams?


    The Bills let him walk...he was even willing to take less than what he could get in the open market. The Bills were cheap again, and Pat Williiams goes on to be a cornerstone for the Vikings.

  5. They need to pay the guy.


    They re/sign mediocre guys for above market value money (Kelsey, Josh Reed, Walker, Price, Dockery, etc...) and then haggle with their top end guys (Peters, Pat Williams, Winfield, Moulds).


    Its no wonder this team continues to stink.


    Left tackle is a franchise position. Yes, he has plenty of leverage this year...but guess what? The Bills chose to push negotiations out another year, and he happended to get to the pro bowl again....They got another cheap year out of him, but HE has more leverage due to his performance. They should have locked him up last year.


    Chances the Bills won't pay him the big money...they will sign some more low quality offensive lineman, and feed us the kool aid. That fits their MO, and helps explain why they haven't been to the playoffs on 9 years.

  6. man...everybody's shooting down my trade scenario...look, I'm not one to trade down myself...I would rather get the best player at the spot we are in...I was just giving an option to all thos ppl who want to take a center in round 1...I do not believe the Bills will take a center in the top 15 picks...especialy when theres like 5 really good centers coming out this year...maybe more if underclassmen come out aswell...the word "reach" is over-used and its crap...every single player taken in the draft is a reach...every single player taken in draft is good/great in college but who knows what they will do in NFL...the way I like to see the draft is to just take the best player in the "most needed position/needed position"on your team at the time of your pick...I do not comprehend the word "reach"(ie: Whitner), but I do comprehend the word "Bust"(ie: McCargo, Williams, Losman)...I just happen to feel that in round 2 Luigs or Caldwell will be there to take at pick #44..and to honest, I think Buffalo will be picking top 10 this year...the good thing about picking top 10 is every round(except round 1) you can find earlier round talent that slipped thru...picking at #40 is like a late 1st round pick, your 3rd round pick is like a late 2nd round talent and so on.


    I like the idea of trading down. We will get more value from the picks. I think instant gratification in the draft comes at a high cost. Look at the Pats. They consistently trade down or trade out of the first round and get more in the long term. Yet, they still get high quality players in the draft. Thye just happen to get more of them and increase their probablility of getting what they need.

    Also, think about the other successful teams in the NFL. They typically pick later in the draft, yet they still find PLAYMAKERs for their rosters.


    Trading up is typically a DUMB idea. The Bills have to get value from their drafts, not instant gratification.

  7. No reason to blow anything up...they have some stuff to build around:


    Edwards will be good

    Lynch, Jackson, and Evans are extremely dynamic

    Peters is a solid O-lineman


    On defense, they have Poz, McLovin, Whitner, McGee, and Mitchell....


    They just need to beef up the O/D line with some studs. This is the foundation. Look at how Parcells rebuilds. He builds the O/D lines and gets smart skill players.


    I equate the Bills current organization to a rusted out Crown Vic, but with a decent soundsystem, and some rims....they need to put their rims and soundsystem into a solid new car

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