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Posts posted by NavarreFL_Bills_Fan

  1. How many games have you watched? Seriously. The OC has NOTHING WHATSOEVER to do with the performance of the O-line. The reason why they went to the spread formation on OBVIOUS run plays is because those fat bastards up front can't beat their man 1 on 1 and get that yard on TWO TRIES!!!! :devil:


    No creativity is needed when you're in goal line situations and need to run it in the for 6. You just line up and push your man back a couple of yards. This isn't as hard as you think it is. Playoff teams do this with ease!



    I've watched every game this year...just about every play. My point is we need creativity and variety throughout the game...obvious situations like goal to go is different.


    I'm talking more about when the announcers said "looks like the Pats are stacking against the run"...guess what, we ran it. A couple plays later, they said, "looks like the Pat's are playng the pass"...Pats dropped eight into coverage and we passed it. Also, think back to when the Browns were dropping eight into coverage...it took the Bills almost a half of football to decide and pound it against the second worst run defense in the NFL.

  2. Bills Fans,


    This is my first post, so bear with me. After reading all the posts, articles, and critiques of TE, one thing seems to go vastly unmentioned:


    We are dealing with a ROOKIE offensive coordinator. Just like experience counts with quarterbacks, experience counts with coordinators. I think the list of miscues is long enough:


    1. Game prep--as TE mentions, the prep for one defense and see another

    2. Outthinking themselves--spread offense on 3rd and 1's

    3. Playing to opposing defense's strength--not getting into better calls when it matters....New England was obviously playing run, when we were running and playing pass when we were passing....so obvious that even the casual fan and announcers mentioned it. also, think Cleveland--shoulda been pounding it via beast mode against a weak run defense early and often.

    4. Lack of creativity--think teams jumping our runs when Josh Reed goes in motion

    5. Not getting it to our playmakers...Lee Evans with 0 catches comes to mind...move him around, put him in the wildcat or run a reverse...SOMETHING....instead he's the NFL's highest paid decoy.



    I just think too much negative credit is being pointed at TE. He is responsible for executing what is put in front of him, but the coaches are responsible for putting them advantageous situations. They are not doing that.

  3. Wow! It seems the Bills have a knack for letting their best players get away every year. I understand the concept of not breaking the bank, but c'mon. They have an opportunity to lock up a premier left tackle for the rest of his career. He's not going to be any cheaper in two weeks or even a month. If there is value in an offensive line position, it's the same position Jason Peters plays. Pay the man, and let's get the best player on the Bills roster to practice. Just because the Bills looked smooth in two series, during a preseason game, against a vanilla defense, does not mean they don't need him. If the Bills somehow find a way to screw this up, it would only illustrate that the franchise is content with mediocrity and simply surviving in the NFL.

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