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Posts posted by NavarreFL_Bills_Fan

  1. Scenario #1. AZ needs a LT BADLY, to replace Gandy. We have one and need an elite WR to complimant Evans' deep threat...som, trade Peters and swap 1st's with AZ for Bolden...spend the $$, Bolden fits perfectly with a check down offense as he can create yardage after the catch.


    If you think its there's controversy trying to get RW to pay top dollar for a LT? Bring Boldin in....a guy who wants to get paid as well, and you'll just have another holdout and more controversy

  2. My wife is a Panthers fan so we watch them every so often. Julius Peppers is a great player with the skill and the motor. Problem is, the guy wants to get paid, and he wants to win. Both are reasons he probably doesn't come to the Bills.


    Even if we trade for his rights after the Panthers negotiate a deal, the bills are going to be paying top dollar for him....which I don't see RW doing.

  3. Gross 3 sacks allowed in 16 games

    Peters 11.5 sacks allowed in 13 games


    Which one is the outstanding player?



    Sacks are not committed in a vacuum...he's not completely off the hook, but he's better than the 11.5 sacks. Plus, Gross played on a decent team witha bad ass running game, and an experienced QB...you're comparing apples to oranges. Also, look at this years draft. They project 3 OTs within the top 10. There's a reason for that. They are hard to come by.


    Just the year before some said he was the best LT in football. He didn't drop off that far, that fast. The Bills need to start making it a habit of keeping their talent instead of letting it go somewhere else and producing (Fletcher, McGahee, Bannan, Leornard, Williams, etc...). If you had to name the top 4 players on the Bills, Peters is one of them.


    Ralph needs to quit being cheap and pay the guy.

  4. What would you guys think about this idea?


    Trade Peters for best offer whatever it may be..... hopefully a first and a late rounder if possible.


    Then to replace Peters use the money you would have given Peters to sign him up long term and instead give it to Jordan Gross. Think of it as a Peters for Gross a 1st rounder and a late rounder trade. Who wouldnt take that?


    Now I know that the following issues will come up


    1. Jordan Gross would have to avoid being franchised by Carolina

    2. Gross would have to WANT to come to Buffalo ($$ talks)

    3. The Bills would have to be clever.


    Its the offseason so I'm tryin.



    UGGHHH! Another trade Peters Post.....

  5. I noticed there are a lot of Bills fans located all over. I wanted to see who might live the farthest from Orchard Park NY. Also, just to make it interesting, I'd like to see who lives closest to OBD.


    To get it started, I'm in the military, but stationed in Fort Walton Beach, FL. That's approximately 1140 miles according to mapquest.

  6. For #10, how could you observe poor communication between Jauron and Schonert? You're clearly right about their inability to handle 3 - 4 defenses, but how do you see the poor communication? Was the 3 - 4 problem largely the result of NT on C matchups and our centers being outmatched? And speaking of that ...


    What did you see at center? It seemed to me that most of the Bills o-line probs would be eliminated by getting Peters into camp and getting a good center in. Would you agree? The blocking inwards problems of the tackles is interesting. I hadn't noticed that, but it's certainly interesting.


    From the fan's perspective, I would agree with 10. I think the lack of communications was evident with with the poor clock management, the bad challenges, and the questionable situational offensive calls. Also, you often saw the offense scrambling at the last second as a result of late offensive calls, late substitions, and lack of discipline.


    As for the dowfield blocking, the lineman should be pancaking guys and getting to the second level. Despite all the criticism of Peters, he's the one I remember seeing downfield blocking on most plays. If the lineman don't get to the second level, a stalemate goes to the defense, and the linebacker are free to make plays.

  7. I thought they let him go because they didn't want to pay a lot of money for a guy that makes lots of tackles after the RB has already gained 7 or 8 yards...



    The problem is, a linebackbacker is only good as his defensive line. Good DTs eat up blockers and allow LBs to attack. Even Urlacher needs Tommie Harris, Ray Lewis needs Haloti Ngata, and James Farrior needs Casey Hampton.


    London was a really good LB who was blamed, in part, for a defense that lost Pat Williams.

  8. So we all know what a joke Peters is, because we watch him every week. The rest of the league looks at the guy as a "Pro Bowl" starter. I propose we trade Peters for 2 draft picks. Use one for a tackle to replace him, and the other to fill C, TE, LB, or DE. The other option is to pick up a free agent tackle to replace him, and both for TE, C, LB, or DE. What do you think?



    I think you and others who suggest we trade Peters are crazy. I don't get many Bills fan's obsession with running people out of town each year.


    Last year Jake Long went #1 and 2 more tackles were taken within the top 15. This year, its possible 3 OTs are taken within the top 10. Each one of these guys is a gamble until proven on the field. The reason OTs are taken high is because it's hard to get a good one and they are very important to the team. We HAVE a real real good one on our team. It would be ludicrous to not try and keep him.

  9. Did anyone get a chance to see Rex Ryan's press conference on the NFL Network where he's introduced to the New York Media? What he said was pretty ballsy and will make for great material if he fails, but you gotta respect the determination he has for turning the Jets' fortunes around.


    Some of the highlights are here:



    Among some of the things he said (and I'm paraphrasing so I apologize if I'm not exact):


    - The Jets are coming and they're going to give you everything they've got...and you're not going to be able to handle it.

    - Made a comment about being a Super Bowl winning team in 2 years when asked by a reporter of "goals"

    - If anybody takes a run at one of his guys, his guys will take a run at TWO of yours.


    Compare that to Limp Dick's introductory presser with the classic "It's hard to win in the NFL" attitude and you can see why this team is mired in mediocrity 3 years later....



    I respect a little 'tude...now he and his team get to go out and back it up.

  10. Is it just me, or Dicky J just too nice? We need a ball buster who instills pride in HIS program. If he felt Kollar was good enough to hired and be the D-line coach in Buffalo, then maybe he should feel strong enough about trying to keep him.


    It's one thing to be pround that your guys are getting promoted to denfensive/offensive coordinators or head coaches. BUT, this looks like a lateral job move...which I equate a slap in the face to the Bills.


    It's like going from Dunder Mifflin as a sales associate to Staples to be a sales associate....Michael Scott would be pissed....for you Office fans that understand the analogy.

  11. Look at it this way.... We'll have the pick of the litter next year. Shanahan, Gruden, and Cowher will all be sitting there.



    LOL! Anyone who thinks RW will spend the money to sign any of those coaches and their staffs is eriously delusional.


    Fact is we have Dick Jauron and his staff because they're cheap by NFL coaching salary standards. ....and it was cheaper to keep them then to bring in another low end coach and staff.

  12. When will people stop looking at rankings and start actually watching the players play?


    Alex Mack and Michael Johnson DO NOT fit the style of player we need. Just because they are ranked at the top of their positions doesn't mean we should draft them. Christ.


    Who would you suggest?


    I agree that many of Mack's talents would not be utlized in such a basic offensive line scheme such as the Bills...line up and maul the guy in front of you. Mack seems to be good at many types of blocking, but definitely has great mobility.


    I also think talent is talent and we need more of it.

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