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Posts posted by NavarreFL_Bills_Fan

  1. don't care anymore....


    Maybe I'll care next year....it wouldn't be so bad, but I think the whole organization is sub-par. I've been there for 18 years, but I'm tired of watching terrible football....not only do I watch bad football, I am missing good football on other teams....too bad its taken me so long to make this decision.

  2. McGahee wasn't a reach, he was a waste. We had a 1400 yard RB on the team - why the heck did we need to bring in another one?


    he was a reach too. Nobody knew what they had in him b/c of his injury. If they Bills didn't take him, he easily would have lasted until a later round. Also, look at the draft and look at all the others available at that spot. Plenty of talent that would have helped the Bills iin other areas.

  3. Just wondered what you think will happen on Sunday???


    A. Bills win, Jauron retains his job


    B. Bills win, Jauron fired


    C. Bills lose, Jauron retains his job


    D. Bills lose, Jauron fired


    E. Bills lose because Jauron forgot to call timeout on the final drive, the fans riot and kill Dick Jauron in the parking lot.



    A. The Bills break the losing streak and spoil the Patsies chances. Jauron stays for now.


    I have actually been an advocate of keeping Jauron for now, but still don't see an end in sight to the mediocrity. I think the Bills problems run deeper than just the HC. Also, if Ralph decides to change coaches, I don't see him doing much better considering we'll NEVER get a high profile guy like Cowher. Also, any coaching change is only a topical solution. They still need better talent evalutation, better committment to winning, and better general-football-business management.

  4. I'd like to compare our first-round success rate to other franchises. What's good? 50%


    By the way, this just goes to show you that the people who think drafting person X in the first round next year will suddenly make us good are dreaming.



    It's all about probability. You are supposed to have a higher probability of getting a great player in the first round than in later rounds.


    Unfortunately, that assumes you make choices that follows conventional scouting reports and talent other talent evaluations. For some reason, the Bills have gone against that common logic (except the past 2 yrs)....and the results don't exactly defend the methodology.


    ...JP was always considered a 2-4 rounder by most opinions...said he has problems processing defenses.... :angry:

    ...McCargo was considered 2-4 rd talent

    ...McGahee was simply a reach b/c of the injury

    ...Mike Williams, the probability just din't work out

    ...Whitner was considered late first rd talent, but many predicting the Bills would take Ngata because of their needs :lol:

  5. Exactly because the rest of our defense's talents are on par with the Ravens. :angry:


    Do some of you people honestly think that every player in the NFL plays on an island and are automatically good or bad based on their statistics? You hoenstly don't think a Donte Whitner would play circles around a Jim Leonhard next to Ed Reed and behind Ray Lewis and co.?



    No. I agree.....BUT, the point is that you can go for value at positions like that, and draft STUDs at DT, and DE (or LBs in 3-4s)...look at the patriots, they didn't draft DB's early until they had their D-lines set....same for the ravens....

  6. ...we get the same or better production from Simpson, Wilson or a second or third round draft pick?


    The reason I ask this is because I'd like Alex Mack C AND a defensive mauler be it DE or LB drafted in the first round. If Jauron goes then all ties to Whitner are gone in my book. Whitner has never lived up to the hype but I think that there could be teams out there who might bite on getting him based on the continued hype that follows him for some unknown reason.


    I want the Bills to keep Greer and have him along with McKelvin, McGee, Corner for a solid CB situation. The Bills need a center and a defensive playmaker much more than keeping the disappointing Whitner. Every time I see him, I think about how stupid it was not to draft Ngata.



    We could've gotten the same production from Jim Leonard (64 tackles, 1 sack, 1 INT this yr)...plus a guy with great football intincts....did we just let him go?

  7. ...and then he won't get paid!! :blush: If the Bills want to stick it to him, they could just do the same thing that did last year...get ready to play with who's there. Peters will work a new deal only if it works for both sides...he gets fair money and the Bills lock him up for an additional 4-5 years. Otherwise, he has no choice but to play out the current contract (disgruntledly) and then move on.


    I love the way fans think the Bills have all this leverage to stick it too players. The Bills have limited talent. I can count the Bills' upper echelon players on one hand....Peters, Lynch, and Evans. If they want to keep some upper tier talent (which they rarely do) at a key position, they will show him the money.


    If the Bills somehow think the team will take average-to-below average talent, apply some average to below average coaching, and somehow make it to the playoffs, they are seriously deluded.


    Signing him won't be cheap, but I think it is in the best interest of the Bills to spend some big money on Jason Peters.

  8. Stay, but he gets just as much credit as everyone else for this year's failures. He needs to take his lumps too.


    He is a rookie and still has room to grow and get better. I also don't want to see the team have to install a new system and use that as an excuse next year. Continuity is important and I think will help where we have lack of talent.

  9. best defensive front 7 guy available. If that's Rey Maualuga from USC I'm happy with it. I think he is athletic enough to play on the inside or outside. And if we had him I'd hope we'd rush linebackers more often than we currently do.


    George Selvie is another DE to consider.



    I really like Rey Maualuga too, but think he'll be gone. If he is, I think they need to get an O lineman or a DT or DE. They've gotta work on that foundation. It is amazing how much better the LBs will look with a good push up front. Its amazing how much better the run game looks with top end O-lineman leading the way.

  10. Sad guys...Only two thoughtful and well articulated points out of 12 responses.


    Saying someone is soft and stupid or that your comments are so superior that they can't be listed doesn't give any insight other than reflect the character of the respondent.


    Yes...I knew Detroit played in a dome, but research Williams stats in cold weather games and you'll see what I mean. And, yes I know Williams has had a down year. Keep in mind that it is the situation he has been in in Detroit's offense and in Dallas' off and on offense, not the talent or ability. Just look at the last three years he has had and his age with a lesser quarterback and line than Buffalo.


    Thanks to those who gave quality thoughts such as dickie do-right and Poeticlaw. For those who didn't, please write a post or response that "contributes" to the purpose of this forum. Thanks!



    The discussion is pointless because:


    1. This is pure speculation..might as well contemplate whether we can trade Roscoe and picks for Peyton Manning

    2. Dallas is flipped upside down big time on the Williams trade...they need time for a return on their investment

    3. Last thing I would expect for the Bills to do is to bring in abig name wide reciever when they are still seeing they have in in Hardy and Johnson

    4. Ralph is too cheap

    5. People over estimate Roscoes worth....he's a luxury player....someone you can afford to have on the roster when you are solid at your other offensive skill positions... More reason its maddening the Bills drafted him with their top pick a couple years ago.

  11. Since our clueless owner sees everything as fine and dandy in this organization, the only option he has left is to spend in FA this year. Brandon has GOT to be telling him that anything short of 2 BLUE CHIP FAs is going to be tough on ticket sales.


    Obviously Ralph has never been known to spend (unless it is on second tier players that could not start on most teams) but I don't see any other choice he has. Hey Ralph, do you think a real GM who has a football background would have some of the over-paid starters on this team??


    Fisrt off, they need to lock Peters and Jackson up.


    Next they need to get an experienced backup QB and find a quality DT and DE.

  12. Dont give me that crap. Everyone here knew what to expect from Losman. Yet the Bills coaching staff failed to put the players in a position to win. A good coach would never give Losman a chance to lose a game at the end like Dick did with that fumble play.



    They shouldn't have even let him play. He is a turnover machine in a system that cannot handle turnovers. I would have preferred Fred Jackson running the widlcat to Losman. At least that would have given us a chance.

  13. Trade Peters is they can find a good deal.


    It is way for Buffalo to say it will not be held hostage to agents of players like Peters and Willis who want to be paid for potential not what they have accomplished.



    Yeah, that apporach has really worked out for us. You've gotta take a chance and pay for what you think will be a great player. Otherwise, you'll keep churning middle of the road players.


    I disagree that the situation says the Bills being held hostage. Franchises cut players all the time in order to avoid their salaries. Franchises can pay for talent or they can let it walk. I think in this situation they should pay for a player that can be a cornerstone for a while.

  14. - He would easily command a 1st round pick......from a business sense we would be trading a player that was not even drafted for a 1st round chance at a very good player.......


    - He is already crying about his contract.....it is almost a certainty that he is going to hold out


    - Honesty Kirk Chambers has made it almost transparent when Peters is not on the field







    - You never trade franchise left tackles

    - You never trade franchise left tackles

    - You never trade franchise left tackles





    If the Bills had never acquired Peters and had only an average LT, I would think they would need to burn a high first rounder on a franchise LT. A highdraft pick would come with a high pricetag...ie Joe Thomas. A high draft pick would also be rolling the dice on whether he would pan out...ie Mike Williams. Fortunately, we have a dominant player (regardless of what many Bills fans think) on the team and there for the taking. Sign the man. Lock him up for a while to protect our QB for the future. It would be one less thing we have to worry about. AND, oh by the way, he can always be cut it he doesn't perform.

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