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Everything posted by spartacus

  1. but she refuses to tell how she "feels" about global warming and other social hot buttons
  2. stopping droplets is great except the virus travels as an aerosol - which is not covered by your charts above the mask strips the virus from the droplets and passes them to the world as an aeresol
  3. unfortunately, those large mask holes serve to separate the virus particles form the droplets (that would have dropped to the ground) and spread them in the air as aerosol particles this is in addition to the remaining virus particles alrerady in that aerosol state if you can breathe thru your mask, the virus particles are passing as well
  4. no matter what the media tell you physics provide that large holes (.5 micron) do not stop smaller aerosols and viral particles (<.14 micron) The CDC data of actual activity support this https://www.redstate.com/tladuke/2020/10/12/new-cdc-report-shows-wearing-masks-didnt-help-for-july./ please provide the conclusive research that proves that the "virus is not shed as free virus" this is just more mumbo jumbo to support the main stream mask agenda
  5. way to deflect the data is from the CDC masks do not stop the virus
  6. the blitzes were very vanilla all the defenders congested in space and blocked easily its seemed everything was very vanilla like the outcome was pre-ordained and the Bills planned as such including players bailing on the whole sham
  7. irrefutable - just because you say so the facts say otherwise https://www.redstate.com/tladuke/2020/10/12/new-cdc-report-shows-wearing-masks-didnt-help-for-july./
  8. irrefutable , except for the physics that mandates large holes in masks can't stop microscopic virus particles masks do more harm than good by aeroslizing virus particles into the air as forced thru the mask without masks, any virus attached to drolets would have dropped harmlessly to the ground
  9. we have run 1 pseudo draw in 5 games with as much as we pass, draws should work well
  10. the only way that happens is that the Dems change the voting structure to allow more fraud already regions are being allowed to vote and count votes a week or more after the election multiple ballots are being mailed to people long dead always changing the rules because they can't win under the current rules
  11. for something that 99.7% of those infected will recover sounds like a plan
  12. masks are pointless - other than to virtue signal that you will blindly follow stupid directions even more so, as there has been no conclusive validation that asymptomic "cases" can spread the virus -due to insufficient viral load
  13. maybe a better answer is to stop using the Court as an activist platform BOTH parties could then nominate the best candidates to enforce the Constitution as written again - stop changing the rules because you can't get your way
  14. better question is where is the evidence that asymptomatic people can actually transmit the virus the research done by the WHO researcher clearly showed based on actual cases that it was unlikely for virus to be transmitted by those without symptoms although the WHO issued a retraction, the researcher stood by her conclusion. this is consistent with the need to have a very high viral load to make someone sick, let alone have enough virus particles to transit to others without the above, masks serve no purpose whatsoever
  15. always the Democratic plan is to change the rules to their benefit with no heed for having those rules come back to bite them in the ass thank you Harry Reid more fun thought if Trump wins and holds enough votes in Senate without Cruz, Cruz could be the next Trump nominee to replace a retiring conservative
  16. it also includes all of people who died at the hand of Cuomo The current recovery rate is actually much better without the above Older people have a reasonable chance with the proper treatment (that would be anything other than waiting until they got really sick, then killing them with a ventilator)
  17. classifying the justices by party affiliation is misleading & wrong the mandate of the court is determine if the laws and actions being litigated comply with Contitution the justices are split along lines of those that follow that mandate and those who impose their personal feelings into pushing an agenda The Dems have been unable to get preferred legislation passed thru Congress (abortion), so they have made an endrun by filling the Court with activist judges to push their agenda- who are forced to perform mental gymnastics to fit the agenda items into a perverted Constituional interpretation.
  18. he was right about "great changes unseen in a century" Trump is upsetting the corruption that has plagued both Rs and Ds for a century draining the swamp
  19. elections would become meaningless - just like other banana republics there would be elections - but the vote count would surprisingly be always D any protests to the courts would also surprisingly always be favor of the D
  20. 4 years ago - everyone shared your response after 4 years of the resistance, fabricated Russia investigation, bogus impeachment trial, and stated intent to never concede in retrospect, removing Scalia looks more like another orchestrated op
  21. absolutely it is how he died that raises the strong possibliltiy of hank-panky in replacing a strong conservative with a liberal under Obama https://z3news.com/w/ten-disturbing-facts-justice-scalias-death/
  22. The Senate's decision to not consider Garland before the election is tied directly to the mysterious surrounding of how that open seat was created in the first place
  23. if the medical community was so concerned about people's health, they would be pushing for ways to improve one's immune system to fight off any flu or virus. vitamin C, D, zinc healthy food and diet supporting the above instead you get a steady diet of fear porn People would not need to go to hospital if they were being treated properly and were not so fear ridden about doomsday scenarios that are not real
  24. these numbers are no worse than the flu or common cold, if we actually tracked those items like we are obsessing over covid treat those that reach the hospital and all is well
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