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Posts posted by biglukes





    Calm down dude. I don't have a problem with anything.


    I'm addressing the numerous stories (with quotes) that state that Tebow's marginal QBing skills when weighed against the distraction that he presents, has caused teams to not have an interest in him.


    Tebow can do whatever he wants.


    But I'd betcha that Belichick is gonna have him on a short leash, as he does all his players.


    You need to relax a bit on this Tebow stuff. You get all worked up over nothing.

    Seriously, his raging hard on for all things Tebow is getting old. Any perceived slight is a call to arms to shame the non believers. That's exactly the biggest reason Tebow is so toxic. His insane, cult of a following who devoutly believe the golden boy can do no wrong.

  2. As much as people try to poo-poo Stevie putting up 1,000 yards 3 years in a row, (because its "so easy" to put up 1,000 as a WR, or so i have been told) he's one of 7 WRs to do that in the last 3 years. Here's the other 6:


    Megatron, Fitzgerald, A. Johnson, Colston, Marshall, R. White


    I don't think there's any argument that those guys are clear cut #1 WRs, yet we've got people still claiming Stevie's nothing more than a number 2. No matter how you cut it, he's in some elite company.

    But but but..... unproveable statements about his lack of breakaway speed and jumping ability and what not.



    So, who then lines-up outside on 3 Wr sets? With 4 receivers in the game, do they use Stevie and Woods inside and Graham and Goodwin outside? That could be lethal with C.J. in the backfield.

    If Stevie is in the slot for 3 WR sets, Woods and Graham will be on the outside.

  4. In the wake of a report that alleged Bill Belichick "hates" Tim Tebow as a player, the New England Patriots' coach on Thursday told ESPNBoston.com that it was "completely untrue."

    "I wouldn't get into the probability of us pursuing any free agent. Every single player has strengths and weaknesses but regardless of that, for anyone to have represented that is the way I feel about Tim Tebow is completely untrue, baseless and irresponsible," Belichick told ESPNBoston.com. "It is unfortunate that something so inaccurate was reported."




    BB is right, It really is pretty disgusting people keep bashing Tebow like this and undermining his chances to hook up with another team. The vitriol continually directed at Tebow is unusually vindictive and personal

    Yeah poor persecuted Tebow finally finding out that he isn't an NFL QB. He's such a martyr who's being blackballed from the league. I'm sure it has nothing to do with him being a horrie QB, his refusal to change positions, and the cavalcade of nutjobs that make up his fan base.


    He has no more of a right to a roster spot than any other mediocre free agent.

  5. Other than the 6 wideouts, who do we see making the roster at TE? Dickerson asked to be moved back from WR and I think his speed works for what we seem to be going for. Does that conflict with Gragg or do we keep them both? What do we do with Caussin and Smith? The only part I'm not sure of is how good of blockers Gragg and Dorin are.

    They don't really seem to have much use for a fullback so I could see it working out where we end up keeping 4 TE's and one of them functioning in more of an H back role.

  6. I am not drinking anything this year. rookie HC equals two losses. New offense equals three losses. New defense equals three losses. each rookie starter equals a loss (estimate by old skins HC George Allen). We will be lucky to win 6.

    The math doesn't add up. So Jim Harbaugh really didn't take over an 8-8 team and then go 13-3, then to the NFC championship his rookie coaching year? The actually went 3-13?



    The point is this; Levitre and Reinhart are gone and no replacements have been brought in. Add to that the difficulties that Glenn seems to be having with his pass blocking this year and you may, with an open mind, begin to understand why I started this discussion.


    As to your comment about Reinhart being given only a one year deal; how many free agents have gained more than one year this year? One year contracts seem to be the norm and should, in no way, indicate the value or worth of a player. There are free agent O-linemen still sitting out there waiting for the phone to ring. Reinhart signed a contract before the others. So, was he "sought after"? I'd say yes.

    Why did a replacement HAVE to be brought in from outside the organization? Why is it so out of the realm of possibility that Colin Brown or someone already on the team can fill the spot just fine? They like the group they have and could still add to it with one of the two guys who visited today.


    Reinhardt is not still out there on the market because he's decent and cheap.



    And this is the worst bit of logic at TBD. Sure have NO expectations of anyone and then you will be the first crying in December when they are out of the playoffs again for some 12 13 14 years. Geezus your wife ever have a kid? Did you have to go back to work? Yeah thought so

    So it's the word "voluntary" that you're struggling with right? It has to be. Nobody is under any contractual obligation to be there. If Lawson wants to spend this time with his newborn, good for him. He'll be here for mandatory minicamp, training camp, preseason, etc. He'll have plenty of time to catch up, and I'm sure these guys who haven't been here have been at least in the playbook. Stop comparing this to the real world.

  9. I don't understand some of the dynamics of today's society. Well I do but I also don't.


    There's been a lot of criticism of his throwing motion, etc.


    What would be the problem with him taking a year off from the NFL and just doing an intensive QB training? He worked for 2 weeks with Weinke and/or Testaverde this offseason? Big deal.


    The scout said that he didn't have enough self-awareness to realize and work on his weaknesses. So take a year off, work with Cutcliffe, work with Rob Johnson's Dad, work with Weinke again, work with Whitfield or Mastrole.


    Prove that you have the character and the perserverence and the determination. Hold onto your dreams and work towards them.


    It doesn't have to happen this year, especially when the world is tilted on its axis away from you.


    Let the distractions die down, work quietly out of the public eye this year and have your agent drum up interest next January.

    I think Tebow enjoys being in the public eye way too much to intentionally stay out of it for too long.

  10. No Lawson didn't, his woman did. He should be here





    At least you point out the real world and the NFL. But if I was just hired by a new employer, I think I would report to work my first day voluntary or not. It does not send a good sign not to show up. "Hey I got my $$$ and I ain't going in to work"

    They were both at the voluntary workouts. They just haven't been at OTA 's. So your "not showing up on the first day" point is moot.



    Yeah, nobody else in this world has to work for 6 weeks after they have a baby. Oh wait....

    Nobody else has the word "voluntary" attached to their work attendance either. It's his right under the CBA to not be in attendance if he chooses. Since we're comparing it to the real world (which the NFL is not), how is it much different than your company offering voluntary overtime to come in on Saturday, and you have other things you need to do. So you don't take it so you can attend to whatever you have to do.


    so is it wrong to be optimistic and support the team we love, and it's players, or just plain stupid? i'm confused, can you help me out here?

    According to some, the only right way is to hate everything about the team, find something wrong with everything, get excited about nothing, and then talk down to the people that do get excited and have a positive outlook.


    No, he was taking about both the Cowboys and Bills. The "I've come from a team" was the Cowboys while the "and played for a long time..." was the Bills. But the implication that the Bills weren't upset with with poor seasons is a crock. And Moorman might find out the Steelers aren't much better than 8-8 this coming season, despite how upset it might make them.

    And of course that's assuming he even makes the team, which isn't exactly anywhere near a guarantee.



    So you don't think he is an overpaid underachiever with serious issues?

    Can we all please stop trying to pretend that we know what "issues" Mario does or doesn't have? Other than his horrible ex fiancé and her d bag lawyer. All we have are what they're trying to paint each other as and text messages that we can't put in context. We have zero legitimate insight into his state of mind and to pretend otherwise is ridiculous.


    All I know is he got 10.5 sacks playing with a bum wrist and for a clueless defensive coordinator. But we're Buffalo, so being a fan means complaining about never getting good free agents, and then when we do, turning on them immediately because year one didn't live up to meteoric expectations.



    Lombardi had that installed I believe.


    It doesn't help the grass to grow but just helps prevent the field from becoming frozen hard.


    IF the Bills went to a grass field (which they would never do due to the enormous additional cost), it might help a bit.


    Do they still play the Section 16 Football games at the stadium?


    Even in Washington DC which is considerably more "grass friendly" than the Ralph, they have a very time with the playing surface in the autumn months.

    Correct, they still play the section 6 championship games at the Ralph

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