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Posts posted by biglukes


    He's not in the league because he doesn't want to be a backup and because everyone wants a young, cheap prospect as their backup not a 41 year old vet. He's obviously not a long term solution, but neither is Fitz. I'm sure he's as good as or better than most backup caliber QBs in he league, Fitz included. Players of his ability don't just forget how to play overnight.

    They may not forget how to play but they certainly can lose the ability to do it.

  2. Are you serious? Fitzpatrick gets a pass being a horrible QB who cant throw fish flakes in a fish tank but is a good guy. But Johnson who gets frustrated because he's open and can't throw himself the ball is a diva? This thread needs to be closed and re-opened called "Who wouldnt get frustrated like SJ when Ryan Shitzpatrick throws them the ball".. This is amazing how much people give him excuses. HE IS TERRIBLE..

    And here is where we make the turn into yet another Fitz bashing thread.

  3. it's become obvious the teamsmanship has collapsed. Since the divaesque attitudes are being picked up by savvy fans. there is only one solution.


    Chan needs to take the guys out for a movie and cheeseburgers Saturday night in Browntown. If this gets to the point where Chandler is jumping onto the stands after a TD during a road game, then the problem could become irreversible.

    Jump into the stands in Cleveland and there is a good chance the jumper becomes dogfood for a 300 lb man in a bulldog mask. Sounds risky.



    A Jewish friend of mine raised an interesting observation about the Jesus/Mary Magdalin thing once upon a time

    First, two of the widely accepted tenets about Jesus are that he was a Jew and he was crucified sometime in his 30s.

    Next, Jews are different from most cultures in that lineage is passed down thru the mother instead of the father.


    So that means if Jesus was Jewish, he had a Jewish mother.

    If Jesus had a Jewish mother and wasn't married by age 30, the Jewish mother would have nagged him to death long before that business with Judas and Pontius Pilate

    I just cracked up at that last line. Well done sir.


    That is total crap. Everything I have ever heard from a player and coach of the Bills, which is a lot, is that his teammates absolutely love him, as do the coaches. He practices as hard as anyone. In fact, when they renegotiated his contract it was pointed out that the Bills never even brought up the endzone celebration stuff or any of his antics because the team loves him.

    Well said. I was just about to post about what a giant load of crap that was too.

  6. Now when Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa said AEG's sale "will not affect plans for an NFL team to return to Los Angeles in the near future and will not affect my support for moving ahead with Farmers Field and the Convention Center site," one would have to assume that the only teams that could RETURN to Los Angeles would be the Chargers, Rams, or Raiders - yes?

    The Chargers are struggling mightily to sell tickets. They were barely able to get enough tickets sold for the home opener and have 11,000 seats left to sell before 4:00 tomorrow to avoid a blackout for Sunday.

  7. Thanks. After you said this, I just listened to it in the audio vault and indeed he says no more than one regular season game per season. This is huge...............I have the feeling they will not take any preseason, but we're kind of used to that by now.

    The most interesting thing, to me anyways, about that story in Sunday's paper touting the possibility of more games in Toronto was that it was written by Mark Gaughan. I've normally found him to be pretty reliable, so it sounds like somebody gave him some bad intel and he jumped the gun by printing it.

  8. My point was just to show something positive at the end of the season you don't hear people sayin well brees set his record against sub .500 teams and in blowout games...its the NFL they all mean the same at the end...


    I thought instead of blowing up on how bad our offense sucks I show a high point..The pats have only 5 TDs and have played titians and cardinals...hell the titans only have 2 tds total ! Im just glad we are able to find points in the redzone and complete our drives...


    I'll go back in my bubble and believe we do have high points on this team how dare I not be negative... :wallbash:

    If a thread is about anything but bashing Fitz, rest assured it will eventually end up as as one as well.

  9. But we still suck, right?



    Worst team in the NFL.


    Did everyone forget about the 1st week and that the Bills racked up half of their TD's in garbage time? Amazing sometimes how quickly things have been forgotten. The Bills have a HUGE issue at the QB position if they plan on going any better than 8-8. Amazing.

    So we should forget any positives and only focus on the negatives? It's a thread about where we rank in the league in certain statistical categories. We don't need to turn it into the 7,000th Fitz sucks thread.

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