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Posts posted by biglukes


    Can you answer the poster's question or not?


    What is your reason for questioning his character? Do you have any evidence of anything he did that shows poor character? Or is it simply because of his religion?

    I wasn't talking about Tebow's character, his attention whorieness aside. When I said holier than thou I was talking about his "fans" who take it as a call to arms every time someone dare question Tebow. But since you brought it up, I don't give a crap what his religion is. I'm just sick of hearing about it as if he's the only religious person or good guy in the NFL. The Tebow zealots think that's enough for him to deserve a job in the NFL.

  2. ok so his qb play isnt worth arguing I am willing to give you that sort of. But this I will ask you and anyone that makes the statement you made

    about his caracter. So many people judge his caracter with no evidence to back it up. Holier than thou...Where do you come up with this? Because he

    stands up for the right of the unborn? Cultic followers? What is that all about? Im not a big fan of tolerating peoples lifestyles due to political correctness

    but you are the reason people take this too far. The only circus here is your absolute inability to judge ones caracter.

    You just proved my point exactly. Anyone who dares to question Saint Tebow is automatically a bad guy and a heathen to boot. Look at what you just wrote. He isn't out of the league because he's a Christian or against abortion. He sucks. Plain and simple. But because he says Jesus in interviews constantly, kneels on the field, is apparently a decent guy, and had success in college, he's above reproach to his insane fan base.


    Tebow shouldn't have even gotten those starts in Denver. He was 3rd on the depth chart because he was so bad in practice. But his loony bin fans put up billboards, chanted his name, and called for Orton's head and Fox caved.


    And everybody should stop with the "he didn't ask for the attention" line. It's crap. There's a Tebow book, and a Tebow documentary, and sports center went all Tebow all the time. Don't forget his super bowl commercial. He eats that up.


    No matter who would sign him, the first incomplete pass by the starting QB and the Tebow honks will start chanting for Timmah all over again.


    Revis is the most overrated player in the NFL. The Jets won very few games because of anything Revis ever did.

    He was the basis of their whole defense. Revis island eliminating half the field was the reason the Jets D was able to blitz like they did. Because of him they didnt need to drop extra guys back into coverage. I'd say he was a very big reason why they won some games. Certainly a lot bigger than any contribution Sanchez ever made.


    When tebow took over from orten broncos were 1-4 and headed no where. Next thing you know they're in the playoffs and upsetting steelers. Again, you can't take away the fact they were a better team with him. They went no further in playoffs with manning (who had benefit of starting the entire season). If the standard is manning - level performance he's a far better prospect than gabbert or henne.

    Tebow also went 1-4 in his last 5 games that year. And it took a miracle to get that one win. In that miracle playoff win, he still completed less than 50% of his passes.


    Jets are (8-2) against Buffalo since Sanchez became the starter. The other win we have was an OT win in Sanchez's rookie year.


    Fact is, Sanchez is better than every single QB we've had on our roster since Kelly left. Another fact is that Brady is better than ANY quarterback in Bills history.


    Some people like to hate teams and players who are better than their favorites.


    I just want the Bills to become a better team than our division rivals.

    Really? That's ridiculous. Fitzpatrick is better than Sanchez for starters. Take a look at their stats over the past 3 years and compare. Fitz has a way better completion percentage, more yards, more TD's, zero butt fumbles.





    As well, the reason why it's sold out is because Pats fans bought most of the tix. It will be half a home game for them. They can't get tix in Foxboro so the 6 hour drive to B-lo is worth it for them especially since the tix are so inexpensive.

    Again, it needs to be pointed out that Pat's fans have yet to be able to buy any tickets. Bills season ticket holders bought them all. They'll be plenty of them getting tickets later but they have not gotten any yet. So Pats fans have nothing to do with the sell out. And it won't even be close to "half a home game". There's always a good amount of those losers but its never been anywhere close to half the stadium.

  7. What nobody realizes is the tickets were bought by Patriots fans. It's usually worth their while to make the trip and its cheaper than seeing the Pats in Foxboro.

    They couldn't have been. Only season ticket holders have had access to buy single game tickets so far. Patriot fans will all get theirs on the secondary market.

  8. Never would have seen that coming.


    *reaches for earpiece*


    Wait, I'm getting word now that every single member of this board, the local media and anyone who has paid the slightest bit of attention saw that coming. I just wonder what took so long.

    Well, everyone except the guy who is giving himself an aneurism begging for Polian to get hired.



    I'm not sure who that orthodontic commercial is for, but it sounds like they grabbed three people from a Catholic Church Choir and asked them to sing "The Wise Choice" over and over.


    And to the OP's point, I tuned in to hear about OTA's today and they were talking about hockey. I waited twenty minutes and nothing about the football team. I realize we live close to canada, but I can't understand why they ignore basketball. I'd like to see a comparison of the TV ratings for playoff hockey vs. playoff basketball in the area. Does WNY really care that much more about hockey than hoops?




    I love it. That's exactly what I think when I hear that commercial. Don't lie to me. The last thing you want me to do is come in and waste your time. You're in business to sell cars, not give out free coffee and shake hands and if I'm looking to buy to a car, I want to get a good deal, not make friends with my salesperson.

    Ratings for hockey here destroy basketball. Buffalo is usually the #3 rated market during the Stanley Cup behind only the two cities that are playing. Basketball ratings are barely a blip on the radar.

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