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Posts posted by SwampD

  1. You should stop now. I'm not sure you could make yourself look any more ignorant but you should not take the chance.



    Too late.



    again see my post above and both videos in my link (theyll play consecutively). she was NOT the one that started this. the rest of the media did.


    just read the rest of your posts in this thread. congrats son, youre a douchebag.



    what a surprise. a poster attempts to flex his internet muscles by being as bigoted and ignorant as possible and when that poster gets called out on it, says he was somehow taken out of context. touche for proving many of my points.



    Doesn't anyone else care that this is the same "network" that sent a reporter into the locker room in a wedding dress to propose to Tom Brady and then jump in his arms? This was a publicity stunt and yes, she asked for it because that is what her producers wanted. I work in TV so I know that this is exactly the kind of thing they were hoping would happen.


    I'll leave the name calling alone because it doesn't add anything to the conversation that I thought we were having.

  2. in fear of libeling cavemen, i will not make any comparisons, though neanderthal does seem to come to mind. ... a burka. oh my god. so what you're suggesting is that good-looking reporters should disfigure themselves? ummm, but please, continue digging this deep hole of ignorance.



    What a surprise. A reporter took one comment out of many and blew it out of proportion, and proving my point as well. I used the burka because it was the absolute other extreme. How reporters carry themselves does make a difference, and to think that she doesn't know that the way she carries herself will elicit these responses is a little naive.

  3. I don't disagree with that. Okay, are you now saying verbal harassment is okay if the person is inappropriately dressed?


    It's never okay, but this mock indignation and shock about it is pathetic. That reporter puts her sexuality right out there for everyone to see, for the sole purpose of getting attention (if all she wanted was answers to questions about sports, then why not just wear a burka)? She then cannot get upset when she actually receives that attention (in a locker room of all places).

  4. I agree. Banning media from the locker room is pretty much akin to blaming the media for the players' bad actions. Bottom line is the players are paid a lot of money, are public figures, and are required to be accessible to the media, as JW says. It's not a stretch to also demand that the players (and coaches) comport themselves with a modicum of dignity and respect when providing said access.


    And to those who are stuck on the way Ms. Sainz dressed, do you also argue that rape victims "deserve" it?

    Oh, brother. I don't even need to answer that, but I'll just say that there is a huge difference, and I mean HUGE, between rape and some cat calls in a locker room (of which the reporter herself did not even hear).

  5. Here's a theory ... it was the first flippin' game of the year under an entirely new coaching regime.


    Most teams sucked in week 1; even most of the winning teams.

    I like this theory.


    Although,.. when there is only one play left in the game,.. and you need a touchdown to win,.. how in the world do you justify a checkdown pass.

  6. i haven't covered a women's sporting event in years. from what i recall, reporters asked to interview players in the hallway following a game. it's quite awkward to do so and i'm not sure what the solution of that is.


    female reporters do have the same access as male reporters.

    and let's get back to the topic at hand: this female reporter wasn't in the locker room. she was allegedly harassed outside it. so the idea of having a separate area for athletes wouldn't have worked in this situation, right? doesn't this instance, if true, ultimately come down to childish and rude behavior that wouldn't be called for no matter what sex the reporter was?





    two decades from now, nobody will know who you are. ... good for you.



    ...and you are?.. :nana:


    If she wore those cloths to where I work, she would be told to dress more appropriately. In two decades, she will not be remembered for her "sports journalism". She will be remembered for the few remaining pics of her with her chest hanging out left on the internet. I'm sure there is a sex tape to follow to really propel her "career".

  7. It's always refreshing to see a bunch of anonymous internet experts criticizing the choices of guys that have spent their entire live around football. You remind me of the screaming dads at little league games. Always hoping that your son will succeed where you failed so miserably.

    They're not succeeding either.

  8. Or if you want to show your kids what losers are like ...

    I couldn't agree more. I went to the last MNF game against Miami in the 80s, with my dad, before they decided that they were just getting too out of control. He didn't shelter me from it. We laughed at it together. Unless you haven't noticed (and you have), people are really stupid. You can either let it ruin your life and make you change what you do, or you can laugh at it and learn from it and let it have absolutely no bearing on your life at all. I choose the latter.

  9. Words like freedom & liberty actually mean nothing to you. I'm sure you'll try to deny it, but there was a time that your thoughts would be considered un-American. Now in our country, it's all about me, me, me. This attitude is what is taking our country down. It's not the economy, not taxes ... It's a me first, selfish, perverted view of liberty. Life is much better for everyone if you think of others before you consider your own desires. I still find it hard to believe that you admit that you're like this. I'd be embarrassed to admit something like that.

    Give me a break.



    I love the idiots. I love the drunks. I love the passion. I love all of it. I have a kid and I'm always respectful and I still love it all. And all stadiums are the same.


    If you want to raise your kids in a nice safe antiseptic bubble then keep them home. Or better yet, take them to see a high school football game and save a boatload of money and actually give them an experience they will probably appreciate a whole lot more.

  10. This entire argument is moot. If the Bills go for it, Trent checks down to the running back, throwing a pass 2 yards behind the line of scrimmage (which in this case is two yards deep in the end zone), who then gets tackled for a safety anyway. The only difference is that six seconds would have been run off instead of only one.


    Trent sucks. I still can't get over is eight yard pass with eight seconds left.

  11. TE is not responsible for all those holding penalties. TE is not responsible for the horrific running game with the 3-backs in place.


    Teams that win play to their strengths. The bills did not. They couldn't stop the Dolphins from running the ball down their throat and taking control of time of possession. The bills could not run the ball.


    Sure, Edwards did not play well, but the team did not lose because of him. What I was disappointed was Edwards not inspiring confidence amongst his teammates. Edwards should have been pumping them up on that last desperate drive, but saw a guy with a sorry face inside that helmet. I hope TE can forget this game and move forward.

    Trent is no friend to our running game.


    And I stand by my statement - Trent's shortcomings are the biggest issue this team has.

  12. I'm putting the loss on the whole team where it needs to be and anyone that thinks a QB can succeed alone and make plays without a good supporting cast is so full of BS its not even funny,


    Sorry Charlie... TE's not going anywhere... so dream on...we have a HC with at least half a brain...

    Dog, I appriciate your loyalty, but TE is really bad and his shortcomings are the biggest issue this team has. The only word I can come up with for his decision making is,.. "confusing".

  13. Because he doesn't have the one thing that all successful QBs need: a short memory. Hit him once, and he runs the rest of the game. Runs away from whatever protection is provided and then, to top it off, is too scared to throw the ball. The guy is a mental wreck, and needs to be given his walking papers.

    This. Up 'til yesterday, I still thought he could be salvaged. I don't think that anymore.

  14. The Fins were getting QB pressures on 4 and 3 man rushes.


    THAT is pathetic.

    If you mean that make-believe pressure in Trent's head that causes him to stop looking downfield and run to the outside instead of just stepping up and let the pocket fold around him and then make a play (and by play I mean a pass longer than 2 yards past the line of scrimmage), then yes. That pressure was there.

  15. When it's 8 against 5 every play of course the line is going to lose that battle. Those extra three defenders come from a complete lack of having to respect Trent's passing. Does any QB in the entire NFL throw more passes behind the line of scrimmage than him?


    I'll say it again, 8 seconds left, Trent throw an 8 yard pass,... nope, still doesn't make sense to me.

  16. Pretty sure he made good throws on those three plays where he had morte than 3 seconds to think. Face it, only a handful of people will say that he'd be another Peyton manning behind a better line, but this bunch of O-linemen and TEs are atrocious. High school level type of guys.

    I can't say this enough - 8 seconds left, Trent throw an 8 yard pass. No matter how many times I say it, it doesn't make any more sense. Has he never heard of a hail mary? He better learn soon because it's the only thing that is going to save his career.

  17. He's always gonna be a guy who needs better protection to not wet his pants. Anyone who expected him to somehow become a guy who can be better under the exact same horrid O-Line was deluding themselves.

    What was his excuse when he did have time (and he did have time on a few plays)? No amount of extra time is going to make him a good QB. He needs to give the WRs a chance to make a play and he is afraid to do that.

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