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Posts posted by SwampD

  1. The criticism of Clayton here is pretty weak -- the mentality of an underling, as they say (i.e., small town folks lashing out at big city media). He's simply reporting something that we didn't actually know to be true - that this could last, and that nothing has happened in the last month. Many knowledgeable posters here surmised that backchannel negotiations were ongoing. If what he reported is true, then that's not the case.

    You make a good point, but I don't really think the small market/big market thing has anything to do with it.

  2. The longer this goes on, the more I hate Jason Peters. He signed a contract. End of story. When I sign a contract to do work for someone, if I do a really good job, one that I could have probably gotten twice as much for, I don't say,"You know what?...this work is really good and I really should have charged you more...so I'm going to keep it until you pay me more." That is REDICULIOUS. I suck it up, and on my next job, I know my work will be worth more and that is what I ask for. In fact, if my work is what I think is substandard for what I've been paid, I would probably consider some sort of discount on the next job just to make good(of course my work is never substandard :D )


    And I don't want to hear that he can't just go down to the local Football Shoppe and sell his skills somewhere else. That argument is crap. I serve a very niche market as well and I still manage to do the right thing.


    Again, the longer this goes on, the more I hate Jason Peters.

  3. Nothing........wow

    You wrote this right when people have to show up for work and at least pretend to do something when the workday starts. Got that out of the way...now...football. I'm very excited about this year and this team. I think they are going to be good, with or without Peters. Man...this week is already lasting forever.

  4. So he was off by 5 years. :devil:

    A little more than that. It wasn't until the Wolford deal in '97 that most folks were made aware of the importance of the LT. At least from a paycheck point of view. And even then it wasn't talked about all that much until more recently(sorry if ten years is recent to me, maybe I'm old). Whatever it was, it wasn't since time immemorial as Max thinks.

  5. Thanks for a fantastic read...i think everyone on this board should read it. I think Russ Brandon should aswell.

    I hope JP is back soon, and becomes a Bill for life.

    It was a really good read. I hope Max reads it. Then he would know that if NFL teams weren't even differentiating between the LT and other linemen until '93, then the general public wasn't talking about it until well after that.

  6. if you knew anything about football you would know that the LT position generally blocks the defenses best pass rusher


    if you disagree with the importance of it thats one thing but to say its only been talked about for a couple of years is pure ignorance

    Hey Max, why so angry? And the LT blocks the best pass rusher because the defense usually puts the best pass rusher on the QB's blind side, which in the case of a lefty QB is over the RT. But knowing so much about football, you already knew that.

  7. the importance of a LT isnt anything new, its been that way since passing became the norm and has been mentioned as the most important position on the line since I can remember and Ive been watching football for over 20 years...Anthony Munoz has been retired for how long now and Im pretty sure it was mentioned more then a few times when he played how important the LT position was and he played with a lefthanded QB


    a few years ago, are you kiddin me

    There's no way it has been talked about for twenty years. At least not to the level it is these days. And why would the LT be important to a lefty QB? :devil:

  8. We've read and heard a lot over the past month or so of the importance of the Left Tackle. Some have even said that it is the second most important position in football. That seems a little silly to me, but if I remember correctly, it wasn't even until a few years ago that people started talking of the [so called] importance of the left tackle. And now it seems as if it is all I hear about. Maybe it makes people feel like they know something about the game of football when they say things like,"you have to protect the quarterback's blind side." I don't know.


    I always thought that an Offensive line is best when it plays as a unit. I would think that it would only be important to have a great LT,as compared to the rest of the line, if that line as a whole kinda sucked. The reasoning being;if the QB's going to get hit anyway it would be best if it wasn't from the blind side. Every week we see highlights where QB's get hit straight on from the right side, and you say to yourself "how did he not see that guy." I'm just wondering if all this LT talk is more just a function of it being the current darling topic(possibly created by the agents of LT's) than of the actual importance of the position. Don't get me wrong, it's not that I don't think the LT isn't an important position, just not that much more than any other on the line.


    I don't know what the next most important position in football is, but if I had to choose only one, I'm pretty sure I would take an All-Pro center over an All-Pro LT any day.

  9. You are looking at the stats standing on your head. More points given up and more yards given up mean a lower overall defensive ranking.

    Yes...um(head bowed down)...I just got that. sorry...doin 2 things at once and didn't realize that nfl.com is really stupid for ranking them upside-down.(walking backwards, slowly out the door...head still down)

  10. I've heard many here say not to worry, that Evans will be signed to a long term extension of his current contract which is in its last year. Well the season starts this Sunday and he's still not signed. This after the Bills spent money like drunken sailors on above average to below average players in '07. What gives here? The Bills supposedly made themselves a sweetheart deal with Toronto, moved home games out of Wilson Stadium and fans like me feel like they are not 100% committed to winning. Allow me to also bring Peters into the conversation. This is another player that I would call a "star" player. I think he's on the level of an offensive version of a young Bruce Smith. Yet the Bills can't seem to get the ball rolling and are holding firm in their beliefs that all players on their roster should be dealt with as equals. I know that the agent and Peters have also been at fault, but I still think the Bills are not sending a very good message with their lack of reaching out. The fact is that Peters has outplayed his current contract by a whole lot. The Bills have a boatload of newly found money and are acting as if they would rather save money by letting a player leave via free agency or sit on the sidelines, than pay a top dollar contract for any player regardless of how good they are or what they've done for this team. Ralph isn't poor. He has the money, his team is supposedly on the cusp of of the next great era of Bills football, yet he's acting like a small minded skinflint with their best players on the team. I just don't get it. I'm disheartened by the lack of any movement on either front. I should be filled with hope for the long term future success of the Buffalo Bills, but this is not the case heading into this season. I know that we're all excited about the new season, I just wanted to share my concerns about this organization here and see if anyone else felt the same way.

    If you ask me, not signing lee evans yet might actually help him in the long run. I personally don't think he's that great that we have to make sure that we keep him. Don't get me wrong, he's good, I just don't think he's irreplacable. If he has a great year he might even make more than he would have if he signs now.


    In another scenerio, say we sign him this week to a four year deal...then he has a lights-out, Pro Bowl year..then thinks his contract isn't good and decides to hold out with three years left on his contract. Hey, it's happened before.


    All that aside, I see a Bills team right now that looks better on both sides of the ball than they did last year. I'm excited for the season to start. Aaahh, "Hope Springs Eternal"

  11. I know I am in the minority on this - but I absolutely hate the situation where a dedicated long snapper takes up a roster spot (and contributes no where else). I know "it's a special skill", "the exchange is so critical", "games are won and lost" blah blah blah. I think you should be able to teach some contributing lineman how to do it - identify a couple - work with them all year and tell them to work on it all offseason.

    I would bet that most if not all "on the bubble" NFL linemen already do that to make themselves more valuable. And I don't look at it as wasting a roster spot. By making sure that the exchange is good when punting or kicking, the long snapper contributes way more to the amount of yards and points our team gets in a game than some third string O-lineman(who may be a better blocker) that gets in for four plays a game.

  12. if they think chambers can start at RT and bell is a future stud, i could see our FO trading peters for 2 firsts.


    a top tier tight end and a stud lineman taken in the first will improve our team if our line isn't that far off without peters.


    as important as the oline is, it is not like the dline where you need a total stud to be the focal point, you need a squad of guys all on the same page playing with toughness and smarts. i'd rather have peters than not, but he's not the only guy on earth who can do his job.

    Here we go again. Go get'm Mickey

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