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Posts posted by SwampD

  1. Yes. I apologize for Trent completing his last 18 of 24 attempts.


    NOBODY predicted we'd have the better Oline going into the game. Nobody.


    If Evans makes the Pro Bowl it will have MOST to do with Edwards' ability to get him the ball in the best spots to do something with it. The Oline and Turk's schemes will be the biggest influence on Edwards' ability to do that as the season wears on.


    But stop with the 'Edwards apologist' BS already. It's way beyond old.


    Hint: Edwards will suck at times even when the weather is ideal.


    GO BILLS!!!

    I think that Trent made that line look better yesterday. His pocket awareness was great. There were times when if JP was in there, he would have felt the pressure and tried to run in either direction to get away. Trent just stepped up and let the pressure fold around behind him, gaining himself about a second/second and 1/2.

  2. 5) You can say that Trent was handed the game by his defense and special teams. To this I say....you are correct. You can say that Trent lacked some of his usual touch on some short passes. My answer? Right again. However, he chalked up yet another win in this early stage of his career. I am very impressed, and it is a pleasure to watch this kid develop.

    This is the only one I disagree with. He wasn't handed anything. And there were throws he made out in the flat that JP would have never made. Not to mention his deep ball to Evans(?) was absolutely pefrect.

  3. It's one week into the season - let's not get ahead of ourselves.

    Spoken like someone who is planning on us failing and doesn't want to be too dissappointed.


    Also Seattle at one point in the game was down to there 5th and 6th string wideouts, so even though we looked like a playoff team this week, we still have got a lot to prove.

    we still scored a lot of points on a supposed "Elite" defense.


    I'm pretty hopeful.

  4. Yep. Any Bills fan getting too excited .. all they need to do is look at our past 8 seasons to keep them grounded in reality.

    F reality. I want us to be good. I want people to know it. And I want us to keep winning. There is no reason why we should not feel great about today and the way the rest of the league turned out. I'm a realist and there is nothing that happened today that makes me think we won't end up in the playoffs as a powerhouse. If something happens next week to change my mind then so be it, but right now......SUPERBOWL!!!!!

  5. I'm floored by these rankings. I'd have to say top 5, if not number 1. being behind the Giants, Pats, Chiefs is embarrassing. Dude is clueless

    ESPN is a Baseball network. They had to put those baseball towns on that list just to pander to the only markets that give a crap about ESPN. I live down here, Giants fans are really lame.

  6. If you meant that as a jab, believe me I can care less that LA get a team because I live in SoCal.

    It was actually more a jab at all the bigger markets that either think they deserve a team more than Buffalo or have a team and think they have a better fan base but really don't. Don't even get me started on the so-called NY tailgait. :thumbsup:

  7. "Some"? "SOME"???!!!!!


    Christ, it's driven you to near apoplexy! :D


    You're like the molls in the old, campy Batman TV series, that get sucked into a life of crime by the weekly supervillians, in this case, Peters and Parker.


    Peters can get back to being a 'pro bowler', or pin-setter, or schoolbus driver right now, 'cause he's no longer an NFL football player!!!!!! :thumbsup:


    As Batman always said the the moll as the supervillain got dragged off to oblivion, "You poor, deluded child!"


    Have a nice life as a Walmart greeter, Peters!!!!! :w00t:

    GO BILLSSSS!!!!!!

    19 and 0 baby!!!!! (without Peters!!!!!) B-)

    Posluszny :w00t:

  8. It has been Ralph Wilson's official policy forever. Perhaps a walk down memory lane to 1976 will jog some memories - and that holdout had a higher pedigree than a Jason Peters. So like it or not, Ralph Wilson's management style is not conducive to threats from players, agents or other owners. If this were a true market, he'd probably changed by now or lost his team. But it's not. It's the NFL and he has 1 of 32 golden tickets.


    You don't have to like it. But screaming that Bills should do this or that is useless. You can always exercise your right in the market and pick another team or sport to root for.

    He personally created that golden ticket and gave people like Peters a place to earn big money.

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