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Posts posted by SwampD

  1. Really. Honestly, I can't believe they fell for it. A lot of crap has been foisted on The Sheik for 3 years, but - boy oh boy- he's hitting like a ton of bricks out there. Truly. He's not getting a lot of coverage - which is appropriate at this point. The Bills have only won two games. But that son-of-a-gun is going to field tackle some receiver and send him out on a cart, and just watch the headlines roll. I'm not saying in any way, shape, manner or form that he's a headhunter. Don't misinterpret that statement. But that kid hits like tomorrow doesn't matter.

    Finally, someone else.

  2. All good thoughts. Let me comment on this one. Youboty is perfect in the nickel, much like our old #26, A. Winfield, was during his first few seasons. He can give us a lot more run support and come on those blitzes. (His sack was a thing of beauty and a near strip).


    As for McKelvin, he needs to get a feel for the game by returning kicks. I love McGee as a KR, but that's how McKelvin can be best eased into the pro game.

    I wondered about that at the time as well. I bet it was a decision based on the heat, to give McGee a rest.

  3. - I find it totally interesting how we will have posters popping up here and there saying "well that RB gashed us" only to go back and look at the actual numbers and see they were held to a very low number. As bills fans we have been beaten into submission so many times over the past years by crappy run defense that we actually expect it. I haven't felt good about this defense since the Ted Washington/Pat Williams days.

    I think they are right. I also think that the posters who say Lynch looked awful because he only had 59yds are wrong as well. I think it was just one of those really tightly played games between two really good teams. I think they may be one of the teams fightin' for a playoff spot by the end of this year. I'm glad we have the head to head.


    Oh yeah...Trent has not thrown an interception yet this season. <_<

  4. I definitely do not want him to be a homer, but for me a good announcer reflect the flow of the game with what they say.


    I think the game call missed several different points I felt were going on:


    1. Garrard seemed to be struggling out there IMHO right from the start. My sense was that this was because there was actually a lot of pressure up the gut from Stroud who likely had something to prove against his old team and given the interior OL injury problems. I think the game crew might have carried this story if there were undeniable evidence of it in sacks by Stroud. However, there was not and they failed to explore whether there were other signs

    a. the poor rush performance by Jax in the first half

    b. Stroud getting a piece of a sack which correctly was generally credited to Youbouty

    c. a pass later blocked by Stroud penetration which would not show up in the boxscore


    As the game wore on we finally saw a sack by Williams and overall I will need to go back and focus on the interior line play because my sense is that it really told the tale of why the Bills were effective initially.


    2. I think it would have fit the game flow for Tasker to be even more effusive about the onside kick. i think it would have fit a good storyline because it was potentially of great import as it forced the Bills D to be out there continually in the sweltering weather. I think that part of the Jax thinking to take this risk may have actually been because they knew how much trouble the interior OL was having and a good way for them to tire Stroud and co. out was to risk the onside. Ultimately I think Garrard needed the help.


    3. I think an aggressive storyline on these points though they would have necessitated a back and forth rather than a homer announcing style was that in the end, Garrard showed how talented he can be on a nice scramble to the outside and when an interior sack by Williams who survived the deluge was a key to turning the tide.


    he needs to worry less about being accused of being a homer and simply broadcast the game.


    In fact, if he is fair and balanced in the face of the next three games likely looking more like the first game in terms of flow and ultimate outcome that this game in terms of flow and the same outcome Tasker will be more jarringly off from reality if he does not let good Bills play drive his announcing.

    You are faulting him for not making comments based on your conjecture. He doesn't know what Stroud was feeling. He was making comments based on what he was watching. And I personally don't think that Gerrard struggled at all. The guy is a true stud andhe was not the reason the Jax lost(nor was their O-line). The Bills just played better and would have won with their starters on O.

  5. I like him as an announcer.


    A. He knows ST play better than anyone and his insights are to be taken seriously and are often good

    B. He still is connected to the community so understands what is going on here.

    C. He does make the mistakes in every game that every announcer makes of misidentifying players but because he is simply just as bad as his peers I mostly find these mistakes amusing and not bothersome for me.


    However, the one thing which I do find annoying is that he seems so afraid of being seen as a Bills homer he seems to go out his way to praise the opponent or their players. Jax looked like crap in the first half and it would not have been bad broadcasting to say this.


    Instead, Tasker seemed to go out of his way not be seen as a Bills homer and the failure to really note how Garrard was struggling ran counter to how the game felt and flowed.


    I have no problem with an announcer flip-flopping in who they sing the praises of as long as the performance on the field flip flops also. IMHO. a good announcer could have sung the Bills praises over Jax when they were dictating play in the first half and then been equally effusive about Jax when they dictated play in the 3rd quarter.


    Reality could easily have allowed for also singing Scobee's praises as he was Jax's offense for a while and also found failings with the Bills as the 10-3 lead did not equal their dominance and this left them open to problems.


    A good announcer then would have seen these problems come to fruition when the Jax O made half time adjustments to equal the Bills and the Scobee led ST pulled Garrard's fat our of the fire with the onside kick and long FG.


    It was in fact exploitation of Garrard leading to the McGee INT and the Youbouty sack that along with a beautiful long throw by Edwards and the TD did Jax in.


    By trying so hard to be evenhanded, Tasker really did not reflect the flow of the game.


    I do not need Tasker to be more evenhanded as a goal, i think he is a better announcer when he lets the flow of the game (either pro or con Bills) drive his coverage.

    You're just wrong. Tasker is good. Not once was I bothered by him today. You want him to be a homer and he is not. He's good...and he's 1 and 0 for the Bills this year. :wallbash:

  6. Good luck with that.

    All I'm sayin' is who cares if he gets over 100 as long as we win. In fact, I hope he only gets 75 again today. because that means that we are up so many points that he doesn't have to play in the fourth quarter again.


    Last week, that touchdown run, and even more, the run out of our own endzone, was all he needed to do to help secure the win. As long as he does what it take to win, who cares about the numbers. Stats are Fantasy Football...which I could care less about.

  7. Loved this guy as a player. Hate this guy as a color analyst especially when Buffalo plays. He overcompensates trying not to be a Bills homer an is overly critical and just plain annoying. The mute button will be on. :unsure:

    I completely disagree with this. I've heard this over and over and it's just not true. As Bills fans, I think we want him to be a homer and when he isn't and just tells the truth, it stings a little more. I like him.


    EDIT:And lets face it, the truth has really stung over the last eight years.

  8. Exactly what she said. Station I listened to on the way home pointed out the same thing. Certain possible death. :nana:

    It's kinda like when McCain's little a$$boy, Lindsey Graham, said,"It has been proven the Saddam may have had WMD" :nana:


    Anyway...as someone who was rescued by boat from my front porch last year, give me a blizzard ANYDAY.

  9. There's multiple reasons why. To cheer that someone got mangled isn't right and that is probably towards the top of the list. He's one of the biggest stars in the game that I love and I don't see it as a benefit to losing someone of his magnitude, the game regresses IMO. As a Bill's fan I want our team to be #1 but not by default. I want to beat the best to be the best, anything short of that becomes more hollow. If we are to win the division and have any kind of great success in the play-offs, we'll never get the proper credit and we all know how sensitive and insulted most of us are about the credibility that we recieve as a franchise, team and community. The masses can celebrate Brady's injury all they want but it really takes away from all who love and follow the NFL.

    I agree. But if the Bills go on to win the Superbowl this year, there is no way that there would be an * next to it that said - but Tom Brady was injured that season...unlike the *s next to their Superbowl wins.

  10. This is the funniest thing I have read on this board in a while, and you know what? I agree with you. I have never, and I mean never, gotten in a fight at a Bills game. Only time was close was in 1979 and a parking lot attendant starting mouthing off about something stupid.


    Anyway, I will watch the fights as well. I guess I miss alot of stuff, cause I rarely have an issue with anyone, and my kids, ages 9 and 7, have been to two games each, and want to go back every year. Nothing but fun for them. Yes, they see some drunks, we make fun of them, we say see look what an idiot you look like when you drink to much, and hopefully they learn form it!


    And yes, they hear some cussing. Usually the people doing the cussing when the kids are around are the same people who are the same drunks we are laughing at, and they associate cussing with being a drunken idiot. Not a bad thing in my mind.

    Thank God. I was starting to lose faith in my fellow bills fans. I think it's more a case of I'm willing to take the bad with the good. With a..."more passionate" fan base, you are going to get behavior such as this and I wouldn't trade that passion for anything.

  11. I hear: "You know what's special about the Ralph? The idiots fighting in the parking lot. I looove watching the idiots fight....."


    Are you kidding?



    Your a maroon! :rolleyes:

    Say what you want, but it's all stuff that adds to the live game experience. I'm not kidding and I'm not a moron, and what I said was that if they fight I'm gonna watch. I don't go looking for it but if you think it doesn't add to the experience then go to Giants Stadium. They've got people playing catch and cookouts as well. The Ralph is a better time.

  12. On the way back to the car we saw two men, probably in their late 30's or early 40's fighting. One had his shirt off (and he should NOT have). I wonder what these guys do during the week... doctor? lawyer? accountant? Someone's boss? Just because there are 70,000+ people there, don't think someone is not going to see you or you won't get arrested! DUMB! I go to football games because their is a GAME going on. Why don't these drunken idiots just go to a bar and get wasted? Or would that make them feel like a loser getting drunk in a bar on a Sunday? Honestly, being wasted (to the point of stumbling and passing out in your seat) is no better than passing out on a bar stool or in a gutter somewhere.

    Am I the only one that enjoys these sideshows. It is what separates the live game from watching it on TV. For the most part, fighters usually only fight fighters, so who cares if two idiots pound on each other. I'm gonna watch. Whenever the Bills play in Giants Stadium(1 or 2 times a year) I go to the game and it's like watching a golf game. All that other stuff at the Ralph is what makes the experience special and is why I make a trip every year for at least one game...that and the fires in the parking lot.

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