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Endzone Animal

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Posts posted by Endzone Animal

  1. Paraphrasing Nix:


    "I got cowshat in my mouth, and am speakin' extry folksy today for y'all 'cause soundin' more down home countrified makes it seem like I'm tellin' it like it really is."





    "I'm not quite as countrified as Buddy, but I'm gittin' there and you can bet by the time we start lining up on Sundays I'll be so twanged out you won't know if I'm talkin' or spittin' tobaccee."


    "You can't be just tough and not disciplined. Also, you can't be disciplined and not tough. You see, beauty is in the eye of the beholder and so is square dancin'. I know one thing, you just got to know the fine line between a big drawl and spittin' out Redman."


    "I'm gonna be the offensive coordinator. I don't want no messes, and that way I can do what I believe without any problems. You see, we aren't just gonna win, we're gonna win on the cheap. Wastin' money ain't gonna win you any games."

  2. "Blockin, Tacklin, Kickin, Throwin, and Catchin, that's what wins football games" - Chan Gailey.

    This thing is playing out like a really bad episode of "Hee Haw".

    What next Buck Owens / DC and Roy Clark / OC.

    Cowher is somewhere laughing his ass off saying "I thought they knew I was joking when I mentioned Chan".



  3. Gameday 2010:


    2 minutes remaining. The Bills, trailing by two, have a critical decision to make on 4th and 8, trailing by 2, at the NE 41. Gailey stares across the field, sees Belichik, shats the bed, takes a 5 yard penalty for delay of game to get into better punting range, and punts. Pats run out the clock. Under fire from the media, Gailey says it was the right call, just poor execution.

  4. Rene coldly and sociopathically sawing off that Russian guy's hand in a vice...blood spurting all over the place...WTF! She had me so turned on before that, too, with the hot and sultry act. Maybe the greatest scene in the show's history.


    I cannot tolerate the hot, blond bimbo at CTU. Worst actress ever, and her storyline is brutally boring. The "peace process" crap, the "affair" with the reporter, Jack's family going to California, the revamped CTU with the cocky new staff, the tired Russian/Islamic angle...meh to it all. In fact, the entire show seems so played, so unconvincing, I can barely drum up any interest.


    As far as I'm concerned, this season is Rene, Rene, Rene...she and Jack are the entire the show, and the rest is just filler. She is the best female character they've had since Nina, and I just pray that they don't kill her off.

  5. Schopp loves the choice of Chan Gailey, and is excited they picked a coach with lots of experience. Again, just proves that Buffalo will swallow whatever crap Ralph feeds them and blindly like it.


    What a pathetic inferiority complex this town has.

  6. They could do worse. I'm not thrilled about the possibility, but its no less underwhelming to me than Frazier or most of these other guys. The only one I'd definitely put higher on the list is Jason Garrett, but I think he'll reject the job. On the bright side, he'd be a far better choice than Dick Jauron ever was.

    Not sure what makes him any better than Jauron, but I am impressed by how low you've fallen.


    Seriously, have you people no pride left? Are you beaten down that far? No shame left at all? Come on! Snap out of it! Stop acting as if you feel lucky to have whatever garbage you are fed by miser Ralph!


    Honestly, I really do have pity on those of you who think so little of yourselves that this crap is good enough.

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