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Endzone Animal

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Posts posted by Endzone Animal

  1. Wilson and Nix are doing a fantastic job. The Bills simply need to stay the course, work on the fundamentals like blocking and tackling, trust Modrak's scout team to recommend the right picks in the draft, make sure the players are going to play hard at all times and be good football people, avoid signing any proven stars that cost a ton of money, and watch the Bills slowly begin rebuilding into a team that will someday be something of some kind to somebody somewhere.

  2. Don't go dissing on Rene; she's the best character on the show this season, and her storyline with the russians is the only reason I'm even bothering to watch. The blonde bimbo at CTU? Just kill her off already. The assclown from the islamic republic and president idiotbitch? Please, write them both off the show. Meanwhile, Renee is one dark babe who just banged for the team, sawed off a hand, and stared into the barrel of a gun asking to be shot.


    As far as I'm concerned, she IS the show.

  3. the stands don't look full to me...

    and its on ESPN, which isn't available to people that don't have cable...

    the NFL is full of sh**


    I went to the game...absolute full house. Thinned out a bit after halftime, but jam-packed until then. Attendance was over 70,000. BTW, what rock are you living under that you don't get ESPN?

  4. I just realized that Chan Gailey was actually hired to not just be the head coach, but the entire coaching staff. He's THAT GUY!


    ...You guys got a job to do...my job is to get us the best guy...and we found that guy. This guy's met more of the criteria than I ever thought we could find. This guy's won everywhere he's been. Very few times do you get an offensive minded coach...a coordinator on defense...a special teams coach...and he's been successful everywhere he's been. I told you when we go draft a guy we're going to get a guy...he did it in junior high, he did it in high school, and he did it in college, there's a good chance he'll do it again. And he's done it everywhere he's been and there's a good chance he'll do it again. I've talked longer than I meant to. Let me introduce the 15th Head Coach; this guy is a guy to get us back to winning and get us back to where we want to go: Coach Chan Gailey. -Buddy Nix
  5. If it ain't the worst ever it sure ranks high among the all-timers. That was absolutely horrendous. Off the top of my head, and including all the ones mentioned here, none can compare to this brutal one by Favre.


    My pick for 2nd may be the 2003 playoff "pick 6" INT Hasslebeck threw against the Packers in OT. What made it especially epic was how Hasslebeck boldly pronounced "We'll take the ball, and we're going to score," after winning the coin toss.


    Still, this was worse...much worse.

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