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Endzone Animal

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Posts posted by Endzone Animal

  1. I'm one of the few who actually like Rex Ryan. I like his big, fat beer and pizza gut. I like his bravado and sense of humor. I like his football philosophy of toughness, attacking defense and strong running game. I am not a Jets fan by any stretch, but I do like Ryan. He's the anti-Jauron.

  2. I like Romney, but there is no way he escapes his Mormon faith. None. Zero.


    Look at this Time article from 2007 here.



    The MSM can barely stop from pissing on a conservative Christian woman with a gun. What the hell do you think they'd do to a guy whose faith discourages products with caffeine, used to promote polygamy and actively campaigns against gay marriage?


    Never. Ever.

    Hey, if a black Moslem from Kenya can be elected president surely a Massachusetts Mormon can, too. :thumbsup:

  3. I have been a Bills fan since the very beginnings in the 1960's. I have been through the AFL glory days, the Super Bowl years and all the lean years as well. Lately I have been reading this forum and it makes me sick. If you guys hate the organization so much, then it is time to find another team. All the ridiculing and ignorance does not speak well for those of you that insist on taking that attitude. I want the team to win as much as anyone. I am as frustrated as you are, but part of being a fan is sticking behind your team in good times and bad. These are the bad ones. If you want to leave then go ahead and find another team, but please stop polluting this site with your negativity. As for Chan Gailey, from what I have read, he is a good man and a good coach. He has had a winning record in every stint as a head coach except one year in Division II college football. He has coached in all facets of the game and been successful doing so. If I am a GM and look at coaching resumes, this guy is highly qualified and certainly the most well respected candidate among other coaches of those that were considered. He is a man of character and integrity. For my money, it was a good hire. Screw the national media. Since when do they know anything? Especially about Buffalo. If you are worried about what others think of the city and the franchise, then you will never be happy, because there will always be bigots that ridicule Buffalo, because they don't know any better. I have a suggestion. Enjoy the games. Even the ones we lose. Is it frustrating? Yes. Is it painful? Yes. Guess what, that's all part of living and breathing with your team. Go Bills!


    par·a·graph (pr-grf)


    1. A distinct division of written or printed matter that begins on a new, usually indented line, consists of one or more sentences, and typically deals with a single thought or topic or quotes one speaker's continuous words.

    2. A mark ( ¶ ) used to indicate where a new paragraph should begin or to serve as a reference mark.

    3. A brief article, notice, or announcement, as in a newspaper.

    tr.v. par·a·graphed, par·a·graph·ing, par·a·graphs

    To divide or arrange into paragraphs.

  4. I guess the primary reason why I don't have much respect for liberal activists is that they are so cartoonishly one dimensional. A Republican wins in MA and suddenly all those northeast sophisticated intellectuals who always voted Dem are now just blithering ignoramouses and rednecks because they voted GOP? I don't mean to sound smug, or appear elitest, but it simply is the truth that these people do not demonstrate very much unintelligence.


    Of course, there are plenty on the right edge that lack intelligence, too, but you need to go much further out to the periphery to find them, while the center left of the democrat party seems to all too often be infected with a failure to grasp basic reality.

  5. Ratings are one thing. Quality is another. Conan is the guy who has the respect of people who appreciate good comedy. Leno gets better ratings (at 11:35). It's hard to make that point without insulting and alienating a huge chunk of the viewership.


    When sponsors buy advertising, they do not ask the network if the viewers properly appreciate good comedy, they ask how many viewers will be seeing their commercials. Anyway, my point was merely that the "feel sorry for Conan" act has started to lose its humor and sounds more like whiny, sour grapes.

  6. I'm having a little trouble feeling sorry for the guy when he just pocketed a $45 million severance. At first I loved watching the bashing of NBC for dealing him dirty, and Leno's opportunism, but now it's getting old and he seems whiny. The hand is being overplayed.


    Letterman? He seems like the sour grapes baby, whose bashing of Leno is all about jealousy and bitterness from being passed over 17 years ago, and then getting pummeled in the ratings for years until Conan showed up. It's easy to give love to the guy you're beating, but not so much for the guy who thumped you every night for roughly 15 years.


    Oh, and let's face it: Letterman, Kimmel and all the rest who praise Conan while slamming Leno and NBC, would jump ship in a second if NBC came calling for them to take over the Tonight Show.

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