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Endzone Animal

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Posts posted by Endzone Animal

  1. Every single day, several times a day, I think about how badly I hate the Patriots*. I will be out for a walk, and see a fresh, steaming pile of dog****, and then it all comes back.


    I hate Teddy "Bruised Knees" Bruschi, Tom "Ladyboy" Brady, every one of those sniveling trashbags, with the exception of Sam Aiken.


    I dont like Kraft foods, I dont even like arts and crafts anymore.


    I really hate Bob Kraft. I hate Viacom and the Federal Reserve. A special Hell is reserved for people like him. I hope he is forever violated by worms of molten metal.


    How badly do some people need to get a life?

  2. I've lately been enjoying an occasional Smithwicks at a local pub. It's a very bold, deep amber with very light carbonation that goes down smooth. As far as Warsteiner goes, I'd have to disagree on the sour analysis. I think it's a very mild, very smooth and very nice lager.

  3. You would know!!


    When it comes to Stella though, IMO, it's a great beer, but it has to be served properly. Bottle or one of the many places that jockey it really can't perfect it. It's unique if you ask me, and has to be served that way, but I am just a simple Bills fan and don't know any better.


    Sorry if I came across snobby. Beer tastes are relative and everyone has different preferences. If you like Stella I have no problem with that.

  4. Honestly, as far as Cream Ale's go Genny's is one of the better ones. Of course, you have to like a sweeter, creamier tasting beer to find that appealing, but I would happily take one over a Stella or crap like Amstel Light any day. Genny and Genny light, however, are dog****.

  5. while i sit here i'm drinking some macallan 12 year old scotch, which i learned about here! but usually i jusr drink molson, I've never been fond of dark beers.


    Macallan is an excellent scotch, though at $50+ per bottle it's hard to drink recreationally. A little known fact to share: Chivas, at roughly $22 per bottle, is blended with MaCallan, and is easily the best scotch in its price bracket. Don't let the fact that it's blended scare you into thinking it's just another Cutty Sark, either.


    Anyway, just my tip o'the day.

  6. Have a variety of alcohol beverages that I enjoy drinking at home. Right now I happen to have a glass of Cabernet Savignon in my hand. When it's beer I am first and foremost a Guinness man, but also enjoy assorted bocks, stouts, and creams. I happen to have some Sam Adams Blacks and Irish Reds chilling in the fridge right now, and they're delicious, too. Not at all a fan of the IPA's, though. To me they taste like formaldehyde, but to each his own.

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