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Posts posted by atlbillsfan1975

  1. I like Hangartner, but the reason he started is because the #1 guy was injured. Hangartner did get starts, but he was a second-stringer who got a chance and ran with it.

    Thats how a lot of guys become starters. Very few rookies come in and start right away. So what your saying is he got a shot and did a good job. Sounds exactly like th ekin dof guy the Bills need. Not like Duke Preston who came in and did sub par at best.

  2. Ricky Jean-Francois out of LSU. Kid is 6'3 281. Was defensive MVP of 2008 National Championship game. Is a guy that could go anywhere from 2-4th.As shown flashes of dominance, especially while playing next to Dorsey.Did have some off field problems academically and was banged up a little at the begining of the year. Other wise would surely be a first day pick. He would look great playing next to Stroud.

  3. Listened to a very intersting interview with Brenson Bruckner last week. Brenson played with him in Carolina and basically said that Peppers was not as good as the hype. He felt as if Peppers was a great athlete but not a great football player. And that Peppers did not really make anyone around him better. He also brought up the fact that two years ago Peppers had 2 sacks. Just food for thought. Take it for what its worth.

  4. LG, LB and TE are glaring holes right now. Two of those can be taken care of through the draft with the first and second round picks but they are still an iffy fix. Part of the problem is that FA was very weak this year and there are guys floating around that will probably be available after the draft for a weak fix at the LG spot at least.


    If Schobel returns fully healed and if Ellis' problems were injury related last year then DE may not be as big of a need as some think.

    I think you are exactly right about Ellis. But i think we will know the coaches/team thinks about him on day one. But LG and OLB are high priority.

  5. Because Mcgee is in his last year. If we draft someone in the 2nd, it will be an insurance policy for McGee leaving, and if Florence doesn't work out.

    Thats great for playoff teams to do. But when you have areas that currently have no depth/starters at. You got to stop always thinking of the future. For this team it is right here right now. I am a huge proponent of thinking of the future usually. However in this case this team needs to win NOW. Address your pressing areas. Oline and OLB. If this kid is around in the third. I would not be too upset. BUt even then i will probably think they should have gotten another Olineman or DE.

  6. I like it a lot. I think if you go D front seven in first, either LB or DE. Second must be a Oline man that should be able to step right in and start, like Robinson. And then come back in the third with the second piece to the D front seven. If he is correct about the talent drop at linebacker, then the Bills should go LB in the first. Also the bills have a D.E in Ellis that they drafted last year in the third. It usually takes a player drafted after the second round a year or two to develope. Thats why they last into the third. If Ellis is ready then go TE in third. But only if you think he is good enough to see the field this year.

  7. Waters to me is the kind of guy you should try to get with a fourth and maybe another player thrown in. But i just dont see K.C doing that deal for him. Haveing said all that yes i would like him. But like you said i aint holding my breathe. I think the Bills are done till the draft. Then they may make some signings after the draft once they see any 'needs' left.

  8. Lossman is a poor mans Mike Vick, as far as talent goes. Vick has a huge powerfull arm, J.P has a big arm that is capable of throwing the ball hard and far. Vick was probably the fastest guy on the field his first couple years, and was very athletic. J.P is quick and can run and also a good athlete.

    Now the negative. Neither one of them ever learned how to read defenses. How to check down. Or how to put touch on the ball. They either threw it 100 miles an hour or a lame duck.

    Not saying J.P is ANYTHING at all like Vick off the field. They could not be any different. Watching the two for years, they both seemed very similar in play to me.

  9. Heres my question afcfan. Why are you wasting your vast talents of fortune telling here with us morons? I mean Miss Cleo lost her gig. You should be all over that. Not concerning yourself with what will happen to the Bills and T.O.

    The fact is no one knows whats gonna happen this year. Just like last year. When on the opening drive Brady went down for the year. And the Dolphins won the AFC east. Or how about the fact that the Cards, i mean the Arizona stinking Cardinals, ended up in the Super Bowl. So yeah maybe some people around here on a Bills website have a little optimism. We like to distract ourselves for a few minutes from our everyday grinds. And yes we like to be blind loyalists. BUT I WILL TAKE THAT OVER A HYPOCRITICAL WINDBAG LIKE YOURSELF ANYDAY.

    God Bless. And i cant believe i wasted that much time on you good sir.

  10. Dr Tooth. Maybe he was not worth a 'schitt' last year. Thats why he did not play. But he was not drafted to play last year. He was drafted as a 'project'. Like most 7th rounders. I am sure someone here could find the percentage of 7th rounders that last in the league longer then 2 years. The question isn't how was he last year but how has he been developing. By your rational Tom Brady shouldn't have been 'schitt' because he didn't play at all is first season. He was inactive for the first 14 games in 2000 the year he was drafted. But he turned out ok right?

  11. OMG. Really???. Becaus ehe threw some bombs? A broke clock is right twice a day. What about last year when all he had to do against the Jets was run out the clock? He could have fallen down and kept the clock running. Instead he decides to late to scramble. Gets the ball knocked out. And the rest of the story we all know. Sorry that isn't coaching. Thats an idiotic play. Every guy makes mistakes but not ones like that.

  12. Guys J.P stinks. Last year when he was auditioning for another team,he finally proved it to me. He had some of the biggest bonehead plays ever seen. He single handedly lost the Jets game. I mean him no ill will going forward. I was just thinking last night it will be so nice this year not to have to talk about J.P. I cheered for him while he was here, heck i defended the guy for the first three years. But he was god awful. And if you couldn't see that, i am sorry. Good luck to him. I hope he gets paid. The CFL or UFL would work maybe. He has great talent but is a mental midget on the field.

  13. The only thing it is now is a $55M albatross.


    Even if the dude you get doesn't bust / is a gamer, you f--- your cap for the next 7 years. And for a cash-to-cap team like the Bills, it's untenable.

    Yeah exactly. You are FUBARD. Until the NFL adopts a system like the NBA for rookies. Less and less teams will want to stay at the number one pick.

  14. IIRC, Peter's was considered as high as a third round pick by draftnics and analysts the year he came out. His UFA status came about because there was uncertainty over which position he could play, his low Wonderlic and the fact he would need time to develop. I don't think Bell had any of those factors tied to him...

    You are right. Bell is probably atleast a little smarter then Peters. But Bell needed more time to develope strength. Which it sounds like he is doing. He was very athletic comming out of college like Peters and had good footwork.

  15. Donahue was right on point with Mike Williams?

    And McNally retired in April of 2007. Kuegler has worked with Peters for two seasons. His first probowl year and last year. Yes McNally did play a big part but so has the current regime.

  16. Well players and coaches inside the team think he is turning into a good player. Kyle Williams actually pointed him out in an interview earlier in the month.

    And be your rational i dont think the Bills have had any gaurds play for them that have pancaked Seymour. So guess he cant be any worse then them.

  17. Time to toss a bone towards ATL's OC - Mularkey.


    His head coach gig didn't work out with BUF, but I shake my head at folks that call him a quitter when he left.


    Wilson & Co. stripped him of his staff save a few. Same as in general business when such happens, he saw that his knees were capped and left graciously. Knowing that he was rendered impotent and was in the crosshairs.

    Mularkey and VanGorder have been excelent here in Atl. VanGorder especially. To do what he did with that talent last year on D was amazing. It was all smoke and mirrors, held together by bubble gum and duct tape.

    Mularky seems like he might be another guy that is fit to be a Cord not a head coach. but if they Falcons come out again and have a great year, he will most likely get another shot.

  18. So, what you are saying is that there is only one way to go... :thumbsup:

    What i am syaing is that he could have and should have done it the other way around.

    I spoke with one NFL scout last year, who btw came from INDY, and was there when they drafated Peyton. He had Ryan graded out as the same as Peyton. Now i did not believe him. But after the first game heck the first throw of Ryans career, i started becoming a believer.

    Right now the Falcons have two proven pieces for success in the NFL. A starting LT and a great QB. Dolphins have a starting LT and an unknown at QB. What would you rather have going into the next couple of years of your franchise????

  19. Has Skip ever even played any sport at any level? Seriously? The guy has made a living 'stiring the pot'. Just like he did here. I mean think about it. When has he ever broke a story? When have you ever seen his name linked to anything important. He is just a 'shock jock'.

  20. It worked for the Dolphins last year. Oh wait... :thumbsup:

    No instead the Dolphins passed on Matt Ryan. Who in his first year looks damn good. Like he could be a franchise QB for years. Then the Falcons traded back up and got a starting LT in Baker. I am so sick of people thinking Parcells is a genius. Fact is he missed the boat on Ryan. Plain and simple. Ask any owner or GM and they would tell you the same thing. Would you rather have a draft like the Falcons did last year or one like the Dolphins did? You still have no clue if Henne is a starter in this league. Where as the Falcons look to have their starting QB and LT for years to come.

  21. Its not what he has done to show me. Its if the Bills coaches think he is ready. These are the same guys who saw it in Peters. I have no clue if he is ready. Nor did any of us know who the heck Peters was when they signed him to Undrafted Free Agency contract in 2005.

    As far as taking that risk. I am saying it might not be a choice. If Peters' deal can get worked out, then it might be one you are forced into.

    As far as this season goes Walker did a good job starting for Peters last year, if i remember correctly. My whole point here is that if Peters isn't here for one reaosn or the other. The team may have some options

  22. If they are there at 11 hopefully your phones are lighting up with guys that want to trade up. Then you would be able to fall back and pick up an extra second rounder this year and maybe one next year. What the Bills really need is more Picks. And it is very arguable that at the positions they need players at who exactly is the best. DE very different opinions from talent 'experts' Same with LB once you get past Curry and interior Oline. You could get three need starters. Instead of taking a guy that you dont need.

    We all think the Bills need to win now. And we all think the Bills need more then one player to accomplish that. So tradeing down would help you accomplish your goals. As Herm said 'you play to win the game'.

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