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Levitre AND Wood AND Bell

jimmy griffin

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You are an idiot, seriously I am not even sure you can read at this point. You continue to make an ass of yourself on every thread you are on and havent stopped getting blasted by all kinds of posters since...


I know exactly what a screen is and if you were capable of reading you would see that I what I said a screen was is exactly what you trying to "teach" me.


So since you are about as dumb as my neighbors dog that just came running in from the beach and straight into her glass sliding door, I will attempt to dumb this down and simplify it for you Corky...


The reason they worked this monday was because they were by DESIGN...aka, a REAL screen. Last year we were not running screens a lot of the times when Trent was checking down to the RB, therefore the RB did not have any blockers and therefore they were not nearly as effective last year as they were this past Monday night.


So my original post was that we had success this Monday with them was because for they were by design instead of a late check down to a RB like occured so much LAST season.


Everytime I think you cant get anymore dumber you prove me wrong.




Oh, so you spent two long posts and several hundred words saying that this year we run screen passes and last year we didn't. Gosh, I have to like your brevity.

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