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Is It Time To Close The Coffin On 'Bend But Don't Break'?

Wing Man

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I understand the philosophy of not giving up the big play. Of course, we gave up two in less than 1:10 tonight. I want to know if you feel like the Bend But Don't Break defense is the second coming of the Prevent defense that prevents you from winning the game.


My feelings are mixed. Please tell me what you think.

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It seemed to work well for the first 55:00. But I agree that it is too much like a prevent that prevents you from winning. Why not go to something else late when it's obvious what TB and BB are doing and change it up then when they think you're going to go down with the ship with it? I guess it can be effective at times, but I've seen it kill us too many times. Dallas in 2007 anyone? We did the same thing there.


When we release the hounds and blitz more often, we can be brutal. Ask Seattle and San Diego or Dallas in 2007 for the first 3 quarters how it works!

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Face it, the Bills got lucky because Maybin helped our pathetic D-Line get an actual pass rush going.....in the first half, of course, before the GOOD coaches went in and made ADJUSTMENTS, and came out and had Brady take one-step drops and fire the ball out to the flat, and whatever else he did to completely stymie our pass rush. And without that, the Bills gave up yards and points JUST like they have the last six-seven years. Big shocker.


I swear, at Halftime, I turned to my buddy and said, THIS is always where we lose the game, right here. This other club is going to come out of their locker room with DIFFERENT looks, and we, well, we won't. Simple as that.

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