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Latrell Sprewell -


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As has been pointed out, the site is a satire. However, Sprewell DID make the "I have to feed my family" comment. That part is truth (from a week or two ago). The 3 year, 21 million dollar contract extention offer was real as well.


Lots of people in Minnesota are PISSED at him for his comments (and rightfully so). Apparantly there was one fan heckling him about it at the Target Center the other night (he wasn't playing well), and he blamed the fan for his problems. :)


So in short -- the article probably isn't too far off.



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This was the best part of the story:


"That’s not going to cut it. And I’m not going to sit here and continue to give my children food while this front office takes money out of my pocket. If [owner Glen] Taylor wants to see my family fed, he better cough up some money. Otherwise, you’re going to see these kids in one of those Sally Struthers commercials soon."



Sally Struthers commercials :blink: heheheheheh

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This thread just proves how many TBDers simply DO NOT READ before they post.





I admit that I came real close to the knee-jerk reaction myself, being a knee jerk kinda person. :blink: I almost fell for it.


Great April 1st site.

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