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Geoff Hangartner

Wagon Circler

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Take that one further. There are very, very few (like count on one hand) on this entire board that have any idea what they are looking at with O-line play in the NFL. Certainly I don't. I like to think I do sometimes, and I try to learn as much as I can, but .....


when your C gets thrown back into the QBs lap on a recurring basis, that is probably not a good thing for the OL


but hey, that's just me

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Take that one further. There are very, very few (like count on one hand) on this entire board that have any idea what they are looking at with O-line play in the NFL. Certainly I don't. I like to think I do sometimes, and I try to learn as much as I can, but .....


when the offensive line gets pushed back on a running play instead of pushing forward...thats a sign they are not good at run blocking


its not hard to tell a good o-lineman from a bad one


Jerry Crafts - not good

Kent Hull - good

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Hangartner was a good player for Carolina, and they didn't want to loose him, but had no choice because of cap issues. He wasn't a starter on their line, but played well when saw the field. He is an above average guard in my opinion, but only an average center, since looses leverage when snapping at times, but definitely consider him an upgrade. Understand why they want a veteran at center this year, since playing no huddle, would be tough for a rookie to call the line plays and learn to play at this level in one camp. I think he will be playing guard next year, since they will most likely move wood to center next year once he learns all the line calls and gets some experience under his belt. At least that is what I am hoping, because think Wood is more suited to play center, and have seen how well Hangartner played at guard while with the Panthers.

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Anybody impressed with this guy?

Bills Media hype wizzes sure made a big deal out of it when we signed him.

Didn't show me much in pre-season. I guess all the screen pases were designed to utilize him.

As much trouble as we've had replacing Jim Kelly, we've had just as much trouble replacing Kent Hull, the greatest center in Bills history.

He sucks just as bad as all the other centers the bills have had since kent hull. He has gotten blown of the ball so many times in the preseason. If anything is going to hold this team back this year it's going to be the play of the offensive line.

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its not hard to tell a good o-lineman from a bad one


Jerry Crafts - not good

Kent Hull - good

He sucks just as bad as all the other centers the bills have had since kent hull. He has gotten blown of the ball so many times in the preseason. If anything is going to hold this team back this year it's going to be the play of the offensive line.

Gross oversimplification. All players have strengths and weaknesses.


Hangartner's strengths are his ability to diagnose a defense pre-snap and make quick and accurate line calls. On several occasions this preseason Trent Edwards has mentioned this skill. The Bills might be beaten physically at times but I feel like there will be very few mental errors by the offensive line with Hangartner directing traffic.


Think Jeff Saturday. He's another undersized center who doesn't get great push in the running game. But he's very cerebral and he's excellent in space.


Everyone here seems to love Eric Wood but he's got a long ways to go in terms of re-directing in space.


People made a huge deal about Levitre getting pushed into Edwards in the preseason but he's shown himself to be excellent blocking at the second level and again makes very few mental errors.


What this board (actually this entire country) needs is a bit deeper level of analysis. Simple analysis is great when critiquing things like coloring books, swimsuit competitions, and the quality of auto detailing.


Offensive linemen and offensive line play are not simple things to evaluate or describe.


All players have strengths and weaknesses. The hope always is that the strengths outweigh the weaknesses and that the player is on balance, an asset.


IMO Hangartner is an asset.

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Yeah Ragi owned his ass in that game. Scary because he was supposed to be the answer to handling the 3-4 nose tackles and it looks like he will need help from a guard to do that. I hope Wood is the future there, but don't know if he can play center.


Centers aren't supposed to handle NT's one on one. We got him because he's quick and nasty. The intent -or so I've read- is him to do a lot of pulling as he's shown expertise in this @ Carolina. We saw virtually nothing of this in pre-season. I think that was by design -show the Pats nothin'. I expect we'll all be experts about his contributions Tuesday morning.


One way or another..

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Centers aren't supposed to handle NT's one on one. We got him because he's quick and nasty. The intent -or so I've read- is him to do a lot of pulling as he's shown expertise in this @ Carolina. We saw virtually nothing of this in pre-season. I think that was by design -show the Pats nothin'. I expect we'll all be experts about his contributions Tuesday morning.


One way of another..


Yeah, what he said! :rolleyes:

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Read this fan report about how the line did against the Steelers, note #98 is Casey Hampton.



I think he's a solid acquisition, he's not spectacular but he knows blocking angles and for being a guy sided by two rookies I'd say he's doing a good job, hopefully there can keep improving.

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