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Real reasons for the no huddle


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10. Turk tired of offensive lineman calling him a pansy over Trent's headset

9. Marshawn's laughing after big hits disrupts rhythm

8. Butler and Walker BO

7. Wood has bad gas

6. Roscoe can't be seen

5. Trent's a pick pocket

4. Ralph was appalled by the huddle form

3. Coach Dick says the circle formation reminds him of a clock -- he's afraid of clocks

2. Evans is afraid of contact that the huddle may bring

1. and the number one reason.....No huddle = no opportunity for TO to B word at Trent on the field

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10. Turk tired of offensive lineman calling him a pansy over Trent's headset

9. Marshawn's laughing after big hits disrupts rhythm

8. Butler and Walker BO

7. Wood has bad gas

6. Roscoe can't be seen

5. Trent's a pick pocket

4. Ralph was appalled by the huddle form

3. Coach Dick says the circle formation reminds him of a clock -- he's afraid of clocks

2. Evans is afraid of contact that the huddle may bring

1. and the number one reason.....No huddle = no opportunity for TO to B word at Trent on the field

We need to keep our defense conditioned.

Communication is difficult enough without a huddle.

Our Offense Lineman can Maintain their low center of gravity easier.

It will be more difficult for Dick to call (waste) a timeout.

We can let Trent manage the game, and keep Dick away from any real difficult decisions.

Maybe less commercials, they can never get them all in now, can they?

Less panning of the cameras over to has beens in the stands, won't be time for that sh--.

Less panning of the cameras over to the opposing coach, especially at New England Games.

New England's video guy will really be humping now. More plays of ours to film. That should keep him busy.

No time for panning of the Cheerleaders on the sideline.............Hey wait a minute here now.


I could go on.

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10. Turk tired of offensive lineman calling him a pansy over Trent's headset

9. Marshawn's laughing after big hits disrupts rhythm

8. Butler and Walker BO

7. Wood has bad gas

6. Roscoe can't be seen

5. Trent's a pick pocket

4. Ralph was appalled by the huddle form

3. Coach Dick says the circle formation reminds him of a clock -- he's afraid of clocks

2. Evans is afraid of contact that the huddle may bring

1. and the number one reason.....No huddle = no opportunity for TO to B word at Trent on the field



Classic! :unsure:

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